Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

>tfw smoking 0 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to start smoking?

Are you the same OP every time?

Quit for 12 years between 1995 -2007.

Then got divorced.

I've managed to quit eating stale pasta a while ago

Yes, one year ago. The secret is to not smoke anymore.

I posted this on Saturday or Sunday why?

After one year with current gf she said the smell started to bother her. I quit that month, it's been over a year since then. Think about cancer sticks every fucking day.

Allen Carr: The Easy Way to Stop Smoking

Just fucking read it!

60-70 smokes/Day here.

Managed to stop 8 months with nicotine bandages.

Started again.

I smoke pi cigarettes per day. That's 3.1415926535897932.

How long do you people smoke for? I smoked 25-30 a day for 6 years and I quit months ago and didn't think about smoking after the first few weeks of quitting and I also get drunk almost everyday

I haven't smoked in almost 6 weeks.
Only did it for the money. Fuck health.

Though it does feel good not to get
a heart attack when mountain biking

People told me i would gain weight(i'm skinny)...

I didn't. And i missed the taste. So.

I could swear I saw the same picture + quote at least 4 times the last 10 days.
However, started smoking daily with 16, smoked between 5-20 packs a day, when drunk up to 40, round 21 i started smoking weed, since then i smoke 4-5 joints a day mixed with tobacco and besides that 0-10 cigarettes, when drunk still a pack.

Longest quitting time were 3 weeks because i had a cold and it still tasted disgusting afterwards

Had like 30 a day for 8 years. Tfw started smoking at 15

Or walking on stairs? ;)

I have an addiction to posting this.
I'm not even a smoker

>5-20 packs/Day.
400 cigerets/Day?


I quit about 8 years ago.
My ex-gf would talk shit about me after we broke up, so I responded by quitting smoking. She always hated the fact that I smoked, so I stopped as a way of saying "I could have quit at any time we were dating, you just weren't important enough to do so."

Constructive hate!

Stairs have never been a problem.
But when doing hard work, I usually felt
like dying, and took 10min brakes.
Now I just need a minute to compose


Packs cost almost 13$ now and I don't have that much to blow on cigs everyday anymore

been smoking for 3 years now and i can be 2-3 months without a fucking cig

Oh shit Iktf bro a few days ago I was helping move some cement slabs and I was out of breathe way before everyone else

>tfw felt like an old man

