For those of you complaining about the cost of education I'm here to let you know that college is actually free

For those of you complaining about the cost of education I'm here to let you know that college is actually free.

You can get a scholarship based on a strong academic record, which can be achieved by studying hard and applying yourself. This is because you prove that you are dedicated to your education, have a strong work ethic, and you will be a benefit to society.

You can go to college for free by being a standout athlete in a wide variety of sports. This can achieved by training hard. This is because you will bring in money/prestige for the school by performing in competitions for that institution.

Should neither of those work you can always join the military, do your time, and then go to college for free. This is because you provide a service and commitment to the government.

If you are unwilling to do any of these three things then why the fuck should the government/other people be required to pay for your education?

Veteran here. Post 9/11 doesnt work like you think. Ive had to pay numerous times (obviously not all my tuition) because the GI doesnt cover everything. BUT YEAH TRY

I'm also a veteran and I know 5 or 6 people in college right now using it.

What are you talking about?

>went to community college to save costs
>went to commuter university to save costs
>applied for grants, scholarships
>work a job that pays for my books, and a lot of tuition
>apply for financial aid instead of taking loans

The cost is hardly anything to me doing the above things.

Dude, when I was in high school I maintained a 4.0 GPA in ALL AP and IB classes. I started my own volunteer program that I kept running for 2 years teaching inner city elementary schoolers violin. I kept a job working 15-20 hours a week. But when the time for college came that didn't mean shit because on the ACT I could only manage to score a 30. I took it a total of 9 times but because I have problems with standardized tests, you're telling me that my hard work for 4 years meant shit? I'm sorry but I'm calling bullshit. I do agree on the athlete and army points you make. But holy fuck, academics are such about ur ability to take a test well. Like national merit, the SAT, the ACT, you can immediately tell how high a schools ACT scores are by looking at how expensive the cars are in the parking lot.

I'm confused. Are you unable to pay or unable to get accepted?

The sad truth.

You're just trying to rationalize being a failure.

You're telling me you were unable to qualify for a single college anywhere in your state?

Oh no I was able to get into every state school that I applied too, but none of them gave me any money because my act wasn't high enough. Even my own state school just gave me 4K out of their 24k tuition, lmao getting in is about the hard work yeah, but paying for college is all about your one time test scores

The first too are too competitive to even be useful. The only one on your list which is an acceptable solution is the military, because any dick can put in his 4 years and grab a G.I. bill. Actually 2 years, you can start using it while active after a certain point of time, although you won't be able to do much else than 1 or 2 online courses.

The big issue isn't free education, It's affordable education. Many of these Universities are public State funded schools which our tax dollars go to. Instead of offering affordable education to the citizens who support it with their tax dollars, they have turned into for-profit businesses, charging exuberant fees so that their presidents and board can get a fat paycheck.

>mfw you live in a first world country and you need to risk dying for an education

Cmon USA

I got a 33 on the act 4.3 gpa top 10% and got zero scholarship money cuz my family is wealthy. Everything is needs based not merit based

>The first too are too competitive to even be useful.

They're competitive for a reason and that is because there is no incentive for other people to finance the education of someone who is mediocre.

>It's affordable education.

See The issue is people want to go to college without working hard during high school and are unwilling to join the military.

They expect a handout when they are completely undeserving of one and they think they are too "good" for a less prestigious school or a community college.

> if you're extraordinary
> people will pay you to study at their university
> fuck the remaining 99%
> oh and also, if you don't get shot crippled or emotionally destroyed

>implying people go hungry here

lol what? I graduated with a 2.1 and never did any extra curriculars, pulled like a 1800 on my SAT (maybe, this was almost a decade ago) and I didn't pay a dime for college due to grants from the gubment. I'm not even black.

I did even worse than you and got into a business school.
I chose it for its affordability.
1410 on sat, ranked 400/480 students and 2.1 gpa
i graduated community college with a 1.7 and it didnt matter.

Dem bootstraps, hmm? Better to work oneself to death, that is true glory. Not development of the self, finding enjoyment in life; no, fuck you, got mine, and now you shall suffer the same fate simply because I had to. Make those hands bleed!

"Handouts" my ass, kids have to be kids too. Disgusting.

Great plan for people who aren't going to college right out of high school, or god forbid, in their thirties

Enjoying my post 9/11 gi bill right now OP.

Didnt get good grades in highschool because I didnt have any parents. Had to take care of myself first, food, shelter, ect.

Oh well, don't matter, I'm going to one of the best colleges in the country now in DC.

No respect for people who had things handed to them for free.

Oh, and my post 9/11 GI bill was not free.

It cost me 8 years of my youth, my ability to relate to Americans and have friends, among other things.

> pict unrelated

You don't even have to be extraordinary. There are grants and you can work while going to college. Problem is all people want to do is be lazy, smoke pot, and party throughout high school/college.

Btw there are a fuckton of jobs in the military where you won't even come close to being in combat.

I don't think you realize how hard it is to get an athletic scholarship

Or be a poorfag with relatively decent intelligence.

> came from a single parent drug addicted schizo
> was dirt poor all through school up until junior year
> Only scored a 23 on ACT the only time i've taken it
> My degree/field is shit but still(instrumental music performance/teacher)
> 3 years so far of school completely free due to grants, scholarships, and that one test score that really wasnt all that good
> idk why college seems easy for me. Probably because im not doing something real like Doctoral related shit.

Why don't you just move to some place where education is free? Germany for example. They could use the help.

But oh, I forgot, your whole school system is ridiculous and your high school graduates aren't anywhere near the required level.

This. It's a system based on luck, tbh. Born wealthy and healthy? No accidents? Good on ya, here's some money.

What's that, hoodrat? You fought through depression because of your mom dying of cancer, yet graduated anyway against all odds? Well, GPA sucks bro.

Classic Sup Forums I'm so smart XD I can do everything so easy people don't understand music on my level etc.
Fak off.

and now tell me how to accomplish both? I mean if you gonna train so hard for athletics, which will take presumably all your free time, how are you going to study something else?

There are starving people in the US. You're an idiot if you believe what you said

Yeah the moronic beefheads give us a bad wrap

I'm piano performance. Music school is as hard as you want to make it tbh. I'm trying to get into doctoral programs so I pretty much spent all of my bachelor's giving extra recitals and doing individual studies with the chair and the dean.

Shit's a lot of work.

>kids have to be kids

Translation: want free shit without working for it.

>aren't going to college right out of high school
>in their thirties

Well that was their choice wasn't it?

If that is the case they can attend community college, or god forbid, join the military.

I'm sure there are, but I'm also sure they are nowhere near large enough to sustain a sizable segment of the population.
You're acting like everybody has the possibility to use those opportunities, yet after a few 100 or thousand people the will probably start to dry up.
Chances are, the first ones served are the descendants of people with money or knowledge about how to work the system and not the poor worker kid.


I know you think everybody has choices, or easy choices. But a lot of times you're in between a rock and a hard place. And not everybody gets accepted into the military.

or wants to join
> Sure, youll get free education. You'll only have to give up everything you believe in and be prepared for mild psychological torture.
Are American Armies still dominated by the screaming drill sergeant?

Actually American military is run by blacks, gays, feminists, and SJWs now thanks to black jesus in the white house.

One of the main reasons I got the fuck out.

I spent just about all of my school years sleeping in class, literally. Show up, no books, pencils, etc. Just put my head down and slept. I dropped out at 15 after taking online highschool for half a semester. Started working at 16, ran a few businesses and got into sales. Am now 21 in three more months, working 50 - 60 hours a week as a floor manager of one of the most profitable car dealerships in the area, taking college online for business, finance, and marketing, paying out of pocket. It hasn't cost me that much, only about 30k. That's less than a lot of people pay for a financed car. The best part is, I don't need anything more than my GED to make 120k - 200k a year. I just want to go to college to go. Stop bitching about money, and make money. Shit's not hard.

What kind of a business can you run between 16 and 21?

Lawncare, Plowing driveways, Scrap/Junk removal, picking up dogshit

Easy money


4.0 GPA is straight Bs in many schools when taking honors AP or IB. Not very impressive. Maybe a tech college is more your speed.

solid point.

The fact you're responding with this much vitriol shows me I was right on the money, and you use the bootstraps ideology to project your own bitterness. Good job, pass on the pain to the next generation, why not.

You know why you didn't get a better response? Because I don't know wtf your point is.

What are you saying that everyone should have everything without working for it?

Do you understand how societies work? Things aren't free. People are rewarded for hard work and dedication because it is beneficial in some way to other people.

If you want to smoke pot and study art then go ahead but you're nothing more than a drain on society so why the fuck should anyone be required to prop you up to the level of those who are actually striving to achieve something?