Thread cont. Dubs decides

Thread cont. Dubs decides


nudes? :D

screw off m8

Привет. В наличии склад, а потом уже не будет опубликован в журнале, но не в том же году, когда ты.

Listen bitch cunt, show me your tits or I'm going to skin that monkey of yours.

S-so you're n-not g-going to tell your bf about me right? I'm not scared of him, I just don't like to hurt people to badly.

kill yourself

Pls try and get me nudes this time Sup Forumsros

It's good that he's a software engineer. He'll have money for child support after he knocks you up and leaves for other white womenz

Привет на ну я ничего, кроме этой неделе. Я могу. Я в восторге от тебя есть, на которой я в этом случае. В наличии и под заказ, либо на работу, но не в..

kek, so close, rolling for this

Are you into scat play?

"White genocide"
>accompanied by this photo

I know about Steve at the party, boobs or I tell him

You know if you ever have a kid w/ him it won't look like you at all, right? Disgusting.

I just want to eat your boyfriends ass. Is that too much to ask for?

OP you missed some subs from old thread

Have your parents disowned you yet, or have they not found out you're marrying a chimp?


OP ignore this unfunny shit. Fuck off faggot if you can't contribute to the thread you unfunny fuck.

>inb4 I'm kidding, actually i love black dick, it tastes so fucking good, remember how i told you my dad raped me? Because of that i love calling huge black guys daddy when they cum in my ass, seriously i just say that word for jokes, my man always tells me to "take this Niggar dick"





Soo... Do you have any child pornography?



Why the fuck is this bitch still replying?

pls send nudes, thanks


why do you lower yourself down to niggers? Why not come and fuck around with me, human to human, instead of human to ape


ok, so we both know the nigger can't see us now. just show me that fucking pussy while i stroke my tiny dick

Earlier on she was telling him she won't back down, kek. Plus she's triggered

First I start sensually kissing you. I move my hands to your ass and start fondeling it. You moan slightly. I start kissing your neck, you moan even louder. I get on my knees and turn you around so your ass is in my face. I start licking your butthole. You love it, you moan so loudly. I open my mouth, awaiting your present. Your poo slides into my mouth perfectly. I stand up with the poo sticking out of my mouth. We both much it into our mouths as we kiss. We get married 3 months later.


worth a try

أنا أحب الديك الأسود

Viva Willyrex

future husband? more like future single mom!

Your parents must be proud of their daughter banging an ape.


She took the bait too easily I don't know how legit she is. Or she really is just that fucking stupid


Just tell your fucking monkey to give me back my bike !



will we be friends again if I show you my dingeridoo? it is a very shy creature, but I think it likes you





That very well may be true, but the real question is, Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?


come on OP, please this.

Kek <

Rolling for this shit

You make me so angry with your fucking bullshit, you and that nigger will fucking burn to death by the end of tomorrow, besides that I wanna take his dick while fucking your mouth, do it I'll rape u






You should message me when the kaffer knocks you up and leaves, i'd love to fuck an interracial baby

how did you first get into beastiality?

let me start over.... your husband to be is dealing iwth grass while u are trying to get noticed online..

if u were single..i'd treat u with respect.. now u deserve only to be riddiculled, u silly bitch.

i hope my daughter wont turn to a whore like u..

your parents did a 'great' job bringing u up..

>you are trash, friend.

>hope that gorgeous bf of yours notices.. ..

>if he doesnt i give u 20 days to stop flirting online..or im telling him.





Op let's see it


Tell your stealing monkey to give me back my bike...that's the only thing I want !

proceed to show dingeridoo, OP

Christ OP, this


Send her this

If you dont want to read all that, basically it says that we as humans predict that as tine passes we will have more capable computers that are able to run detailed simulations of reality, and that our descendants will use that technology to run said simulations so powerful that the sentient artificial intelligence contained therein feel concious of their world, and pretty much theorises that we are statistically bound to be living in a simulation created by our future generations to see what life was like. It also makes analogies to current day religions and goes so far as to demask god in christianity as nothing more than the person, or group of people (multiple gods) facilitating that simulation of reality.



Where is this one OP?


I should present your illegal boyfriend to the policemen

Seconded plus this :^)

Have you ever snorted coke off a priest's hairy chest?


degrade her annon


For real though ur boyfriend stole my bike and i really want it back. Please i will leave you alone i just want my bie back

أنا سوف تجد لك

keke this OP

op you missed a dubs...


roll for this

OP ignore this unfunny shit. Fuck off faggot if you can't contribute to the thread you unfunny fuck.




i'm objectively pretty attractive. 6'1'', fit, facial aesthetics, and have a large number of friends. BUT, my little dicklet is laughable. 5 inches long, and a mere 4 inches of girth. to be honest, it hasn't seemed to matter that much with girlfriends. i am enthusiastic in the sack, can muster serious stamina, and know my way around a cunt.
YET there is nothing more i love doing than going to some barslut or tinder whore's place and revealing my pathetic pissclit. i'm sure they expected the whole package with me, so the look of defeat is palpable. it is an amazing sort of bathos that plunges them into a chasm that only a mind addled by hunger for BIGCOCK can appreciate.
i then fuck them poorly for a hasty 5 minutes, achieve my climax, and make my leave, knowing i've done right in this world.


At least you're the lucky one...I always wanted to meet the love of my life in the zoo !
