Hey Sup Forums!!

Hey Sup Forums!!

Muslim living in Britain AMA!

(part II from Sup Forums if you recognise the pic)

I am open to any Q's but type way too damn slowly so please bear with me. Most original and/or interesting Q's will be answered first.


Is killing fun?

bumping for abuse of OP

How can you actually believe any of the off the wall tales in that book? I'm being honest. It's 2016. I don't understand how anyone still has a religion.

What are your thoughts on groups like Britain First and the English Defence League?

Do you think they have legitimate concerns?

OP here

I've never done it so I wouldn't know but it certainly doesn't look fun.


Everyone believes in something that has no sound reasoning behind it

Where will you allahu akbar?

Are you'r partents Muslim, too?

And why do you consider yourself Muslim?


But something that has been disproven over and over like the biggest religions?

Why do you want muhhamadick in your akbarbutt so halal?

May Allah guide Sup Forums in the holy month of Ramadan. Insha Allah they will have all their question s answered. Allah know best.

So do you,

1; Hate and generalize all Jews
2; "le only ze evil Zionist ones" meme
Or 3; have an IQ over 70

>1; Hate and generalize all Jews
So Sup Forums is muslim ?

OP here

I genuinely think it's a core part of our ethical practise in society today and realising how important it is to our lifestyles and influences is what brings us closer to it.

I'll be honest with you, these groups are the fringe minority. The result of pseudo academics of a majority of the higher class in order to split people. Sounds crazy but just question an EDL/BNP supporter you'll find they have similar concerns to most, they're just being manipulated.

I'm assuming you mean praise God since "Allahu Akbar" means God is great, in which case, I will do it when it is appropriate to do so.

My parents are strictly Muslim. The reason I am Muslim is not because of that though, I had a really confusing punk rock attitude and lost my faith during my young teen years but I gained it through reflection and understanding, true understanding of what my religion is and why I believe in it.

Would you kill Amos Yee if it wouldn't be for Ramadan?

How is ISIS not islam ?

do you feel anything like the kind/extent of rage for non-muslims as Sup Forums would like the world to believe? i remember living in an area with shitloads of muslims in the 90's. they were all really happy, confident, caring people and i enjoyed hanging out with them all. fast forward to last year and they seem massively more nervous. i really think the fucking cretins on Sup Forums is causing a precarious amount of anxiety and desperation from muslims. what's your take on the whole thing?

How can you truly believe in things such as Muhammad flew to the moon on a winged horse and bizarre shit of that nature? Have you ever questioned your faith?

No, mostly white.
But hate/generalize them for the same reason which is jelousy.

Jews = more successful
Thus, we have to blame them for our problems.

Less intelligent people function this way.

Also, how can someone say that ISIS is not islam, while they're doing exactly what the quran wants them to do (talking about verses like these ). Basicaly.. those people saying ISIS isn't islam are actualy fake muslims.

ps; i don't have a religion

Are you a slow writer because of illiteracy?

How can you stand using machine created by western infidel devil to browse hate filled website? Why not purge them instead of wasting time not waging jihad?

Ever do this?

I'd argue, that Religion in General, isn't rly a part of ethical practise in society. Just because society does share some values with Religion, doesn't mean that they are Dependant on each other. Especially, if we consider that Religion does preach a Lot of values that society disregards.

Did u grow up in britain,? If not> where are u from?

why can't you see that there is no country in the world better off with islam than with christianity for example

OP here

I don't hate any Jews. I believe it's a problem that could be solved without hate as both religions focus on the beautiful principle that God is good and there is only one God. That to me is a good reason not to hate a Jewish person because of their faith.
I'm no scholar but I do know this. Islam focuses a lot on community and unity between human beings. The Qu'ran says:

"As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with God: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did." (6:159)

And this shows both that ISIS is not a representative of Islam (as they are not of the majority in the Muslim community) and that Muslims are told to stick with one another. As for Sup Forums, I don't know what to tell ya brother.

OP your just scared from death isn't it ?
you had your edgy phase now your rly wondering what will happen when you bite the dust
so you turn to religion thinking is your savoir for the answers that cannot be answered
god exist but only the weak turn to some kind of organized religion or "pack" they can belong to .
like a school of small fishes hoping they arent the next who get eaten by shark
ppl like you make me sick is kinda fun so many of you get controlled so easy

Why are you a muslim and not a christian? Or any of the other thousands of religions you don't believe in? How is yours any different? For all the other religions, you fully understand that it's all nonsense - Zeus raining lightning bolts down, etc., but yours is somehow the true word of God? How lucky you are to have chanced into the one religion that happens to be correct.


i used to make AMA's on reddit saying i was a muslim US soldier fighting against Islam before they started demanding proof.

so many upvotes by the SJW crowd, it was good times.

hey OP, you should fuck off there for your liberal thinking hugbox.

if you could push a button which would kill all non-muslims instantly...?

But the quran also says to cast terror among infidels. So yeah.. what's your point with these verses ?


Stop perpetuating the stupidity of religion. Just be a human. These 1000's of years old stories need to be left to history. As humans we can all get along its ONLY religion that causes All the problems.

Not OP, but this is just a bad argument.
Rationale backs a person's believe just like it backs a scientific hypothesis. The issue is religious ones are non-falsifiable, meanwhile scientific ones are.

If there is rationale to believe in a religion I would, even if there are millions of other religions. As like there are millions of scientific theories trying to explain phenomena, I choose the one with the best rationale.

Lol nice cop out bro. Also incredibly not true.

the islam is broken into a fuckload of sects though, let's be honest.

also: How can you live with the fact that you break the rules of your own religion every day?


its the ideology that make all the problems . nazis and communists where atheists

do you expect to be killed op? where the shit do you think the whole muslims vs everyone hell to go? can't we all just be friends? D:
>inb4 kill yourself

no religions have a half-way decent rationale. They're all ridiculous

Nazis where Christian, even though I really dislike associating the two since it is a false portrayal. Hitler used Christianity as a mere political tool.

Commies where mostly atheists, so bingo on that.

Hitler was catholic you moron.

Why are you not answering the questions you have no arguments for OP?

Nazis were pagan user


Yes I did grow up in Britain, I'm from East London ( probably explains the illiteracy lool). As to your point, I agree, not all laws are compliant with religions (mostly due to the rise of Secularism after the English civil war and Renaissance) but they still make a part of the population that means society is in a way unable to disregard it completely. So many people are religious it's almost carelessness for a government or society to not listen to any of them or their viewpoints on issues.

Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger right?

I wish I was that funny.

looool I don't want to sound crass, but you could say I found my happiness with my religion, a sense of identity and connection that I had never felt before. It made me see the world in a new way and look at the beauty and complexity of the world around me. For me, that was what religion did. And anyway, you could always take Pascal's wager.

I reckon most religions that have survived to today have an elemental idea to them that cannot be disproven. Honestly I'm not a scholar or a douchebag so I'm not going to try and shit on other religions, I can just tell you I believe in mine as it is the one that gave me the most truest sense of identity and worth. That's all I can tell ya.

Context is key.

I can live with it in hope that I've done more good than bad my friend.

If i ever see any of your filthy cult and i know i can get away with it i would kill , any sex or age , you and your cult are scum

>Hitler was catholic you moron.
nice meme user

Scientific hypotheses only become theories when they fit all available evidence, have withstood all peer review, have made working, specific predictions that can be repeated endlessly, and are falsifiable. For these reasons, you can be justified in belief in scientific theories. Religions, all religions, at BEST only fit the first criteria - and I can think of an endless number of things that can fit any piece of evidence. The problem with believing in things for bad reasons is - using the same reasoning, you can believe in literally anything, no matter how false. I was pointing out that there is likely nothing that has lead him to Islam that could not also lead to every other religion, including satirical ones such as Pastafarianism.

What rationale is decent is subjective to the person. There are a lot of arguments out there, if none work for you then I assume your choice of being irreligious is correct for you. You do not sent the bar for what rationale is decent. (At least not objectively).

OP here

I'm not perpetuating my beliefs at all, I'm giving my reasoning for them. And I wholeheartedly disagree with your statement.

Killing is bad.

I must say. I wouldn't go to the effort of burning a bible or anything, so that pic takes some level of dislike that I just don't have.

Idiot me forgot to register but I don't really know what to vote. I'd like to see what happens if we leave though lol.

I appreciate the discussion but let's try and ask a few more original questions here lads.

yet I'm sure you have done things that would send you straight to hell, following the Quran.

How can you live with the fact that the Quran contradicts itself on multiple occasions?

untrue. Also, how do you reconcile Bacha Bazi?

What do you think about Shariah Law for the world?

Do you agree with jizya?

Are you using taqiyya in this thread?

Emotion can count to some people as a rationale, the area is subjective. Emotions can be exclusive to an object, in this case the object maybe a specific religion. So the reasoning for one religion in this case is unlikely to work for another since the rationale can be subjectively derived.

>Scientific hypotheses only become theories when they fit all available evidence.

That is not true, string theory for example. It is a hypothesis turned theory. It only fits mathematical models, nothing observable which can be tested.

I dislike string theory.

Are you planning on blowing something up soon, or a massacre?

You do realize Muslims ask for forgiveness, and assume God is just. Meaning you are not God, and the sweeping conclusion that the OP is going straight to hell is flawed based on Islamic views?

String theory is a perfect example of misuse of the word theory.

Why do you like to blow up americans

Not OP.

>How do you reconcile Bacha Bazi?
Reconcile what about it exactly? You do realize history is highly anecdotal. Muslims probably carry a different pretense of the situation.

>What do you think about Shariah Law for the world?
Lul. You mean Islamic shariah, shariah by itself means law.

>Are you using taqiyya in this thread?
Is OP shi'a?

OP, what is your madhhab?

Do you realize Muhammad was a charlatan that just wantes a means to gather an army and garner power?

All religions are bogus but Islam appears to be in line with Mormonism in how obviously made up it was.

Islam is a cancer in the modern world

Yeah, I used to write for a layman science journal in high school. We did a poll on what terms confused most of our readers, theory was the number one term. What was even worse is some of our readers thought science deals with proving things.

Sorry I am not a mathematician. ;-;

>Do you realize Muhammad was a charlatan that just wantes a means to gather an army and garner power?

This argument was also directed at Christianity once, Lewis's trilemma "Lunatic, Liar, or Lord", deals with it quite nicely. Assuming you ignore the Lord part being a result of 1, and 2 being false. (The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.)

OP, do you consider yourself English first or Muslim first?


I don't know of these contradictions but please try to understand that the Qur'an was written in a language that only crudely translates into English at times so any contradictions may just be translation. Again, I'm no scholar but this is what I know to the best of my knowledge.

My schedule is pretty packed up for the next few months but I'm not really planning anything along those lines.

I would like to give a nice hug/high5 to any decent human being who wants one. (U18s get hi5s only).

Hanifa probably. I'm Sunni.

Are you attending university? Or planning to? Career goals?

OP here

I'm planning on going uni but I probably screwed up my exams and didn't get the grades. Either way I want a career in writing of some kind. Maybe an author.

How many sacrificial white infidels will you use to satisfy the needs of the chosen today?

We offer you our nations daughters to rape and dispose of at your discretion.

Are you male or female ?
What's you'r opinion on supressed females in islamic countries?

How strong is your faith user? What are your thoughts after reading "God Is Not Great" by that evil bisexual pinko faggot Christopher Hitchens?

What's your opinion on Britain first bnp and the English defence league

Hitchens is dead. Islam lives on.

Islam wins!