Sup Forums calls for aid!!

Sup Forums calls for aid!!

The likes are catching up.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't care

>pol calls for aid

Fuck off faggot cuck


ouTube has crossed the lines in the level of edgy cringy shit. This #proudtobe is the most recent attempt by the left to push their cringy fag propaganda on the public. People are finally realizing how messed up this shit is and are not putting up with it anymore. We all need to dislike the video and the playlist to show that we aren't gonna put up with this shit anymore.

No, fucking do it yourself you elitist cunts.


No, the only cringe is you. You sound like a retard with an IQ of 12.

Kill yourselves.

And Sup Forums Will answer!

Just kidding, don't care, fuck off.

Fucking lmao at all the dislikes and comments, 10/10, I feel proud that the majority of people detest these mentally ill creatures

Or a Republican. Ba Dum Tss

Those comments

the likes are starting to outweigh the dislikes, this thread needs more bumps.

>the majority of people detest these mentally ill creatures

im so curious what is the the goal of this "fag propaganda"?

you have my dislikes

to rustle your jimmies, which they have accomplished.

f-fapping to traps isn't gay because they have a feminine penis. right?


Youtube is deleting the comments, we should bring attention to their attack on free speech



nope my jimmies remained un-rustled because who gives a fuck what they do with their lives as long as their not hurting anyone, why do you care so much?

Indeed. Comparative screencaps + post on major site like plebbit who love this kinda shiet.


>youtube a business website
>thinks free speech applies to their website

retardo meter - full retard.

Holy shit this was brilliant.

they don't have to but the fact if we make them release a statement about it it'll effect the amount of money they generate.

Fucking kill me. Honestly no one fucking cares about your stupid bull shit. You wana wear a wig and call yourself a woman? Fine. Have at it. I don't care. No one really dose. You can't change reality with words. I'm not a fucking Apricot. And no matter how much I want that to be true, it will never be. Because I'm not a fucking Apricot and I never will be. EVER.


fuck Sup Forums

you need to stop smoking that pipe dream friendo

threads on Sup Forums have been deleted too tho


doesn't justify it m8.

>raid last night on this vid
>"no one fucking cares"

fucking stormfag go make poison koolaid for you and your family.

ofc it doesnt but i expected YT to delete stuff but not Sup Forums

>gets fucking owned
B-but that's not the same thing


White cis male

okay well let's stick to the subject at hand instead of changing it, YouTube is deleting comments against the SJW movement. Why do you think that is?

what the fuck is a stormfag?

Fuck off liberal

Check your privilege



this is a stormfagaka stormfront, aka Nazi, aka Sup Forums

>Catching up.
Not even, man. We were only ahead by 20,000 last night. Now we've got a 40,000 lead on them.

Sup Forums is nazi?

>911 post

Those arms

this is news to you??



Raiding is pointless at thsi point, google is deleting comments and falsifying likes/removing dislikes. Last night it was up at 160,00, refesh, its at 100,000 dislikes. They removed over 100,000 dislikes.
The problem is you fucking idiots are spending your time shit talking fags, when everyone and their dog has no issue with fags. Should focused on the trannies and gernderfluid fuckfags.

i for one hate agree with you Op,I hate faggots but seeing as your a faggot i wont help

i'm summerfag so yeah

Because they're cucks. They've been fooled into thinking that siding with these people is the right thing to do, just like the majority of the population

Go back to tumblr

You didn't even watch the fucking video did you? It's about "trannies and gender fluid fuckfags" you goddamn idiot

I have no issue with gays, bisexual or transvestites. They exist and they're fine as long as they're not pushing their agenda on me. The problem I have is with the fucking snowflakes who want to make up fake genders and then force it on you. Fuck your preferred pronouns. Stop blaming your inadequacies on others. Your parents fucked you over by telling you you were special when you weren't and now you're trying to be special by making up stupid shit that everyone sees through from a mile away.

Youtube the massively successful company?


Are you trying to make a point? If you're trying to say that a major corporation can't have warped morals, you must not be very bright

And the comments are nothing but anti gay shit.
My point was, anti-gay shit is akin to racist shit now, and no one takes it seriously.It motivates companies to censor.
The tranny genderfluid shit is rightfully disregarded by the public, and a comment section full of anti-snowflake logic might just clue google into reality.

You should care, or is it you want more gender studies classes in college and grade school you fucking shills.

No one gives a flying fuck
Go back to your safe space, Sup Forums fag
