Interview in 2 hours

Interview in 2 hours
Wut do

Smoke some pot

Shit on a table

Is it even possible to fuck up a Domino's job? Every employee I've seen working at that place seems like the lowest common denominator.

Youre not me, youll get hired. everyone but me gets hired.

if you're nervous drink 2 beers before you go

Sit down. Get job. Work for minimum wage for 4 years. Quit. Steal a bunch of shit. Cry. Spend 6 years learning c++ and start up a HFT fund. Realise nothing matters and life sux. Make a cool 10 mil at 30. Retire at 100 mill a few years later. Done. Die. Rot in the ground.

literaly anything its dominos just dont be fucking dumb and you got a job

Being edgy about it because this a rare transition from NEET to NOT
Also first interview ever

all you need is a pulse

i work at a pizza place and we sell pizza to domino's employees all the time because they hate their own food

The dominos here knows its shit though. Never had a better cheeseburger pizza in my life.

Shower, shave, brush teeth, fix hair, use phone to practice interview questions while recording to work on answering quickly, and confidently.

Impress them. Get job. Get money. Get shit your want. Get laid.

Just walk in and say you can do it all from dough to door.

You gotta remember the application is just putting your foot in the door, calling them about following up the application is the next step.

when he asks why you want this job you say:


Oh wait, it's just a dominoes.
Whatever, just be sober, wear OK clothes, don't stink like shit and tell them you can show up on time and do whatever random bullshit, then just get high and make pizza

Thats some good advice

Fucking lol'd

>walk in the door
>yell "pizza, pizza"
>slap the manager in the face and call him a silly cunt
>tell him you know the city like the tip of your dick
>impress him by telling him your car can go 0-60 in one second
>slip a 20 in his pants pocket and flick his penor while winking at him and proclaiming to the whole store how sausage is your favorite
>ask him if they make cheese pizza, and when he says yes tell him you love 8 year olds as well
>the first chick you see working tell her to show you her tits or shes fired, tell the manager that this shows you have leadership qualities

I'm interviewing for in store. I have yet to get a vroom vroom.

Anyways that was funny as fuck

Tell them you have a secret sauce, when they ask about it, explain in detail how you masturbate and how good your cum tastes

skip it

And say " they always cum back for more"

I'm a manager at Domino's.

Don't smell bad, look like you don't have a 50 IQ, say you're willing to learn shit. You get bombarded with info in the first week then its easy shit.

Bam, you're fucking in.

My region recently started drug testing, and they do in fact do it to every single new hire, so be ready for that.

Any other questions?

You're hired!