I'm texting her right now. What do I say?

I'm texting her right now. What do I say?

> sdghkklllijhgfsxcvbb

who fucking cares?

Meh, you got a hotter sister?

Actually she does. I tried getting in with her years ago. Never worked out

Tell her she has great eyes and that you wonder if they match her nipples.

I'd love to take you out for a candlelit dinner at McDonalds. After that, we'll head back to my place for some bedroom gymnastics.

Tell her you have this weird growth on your penis and that you're too embarrassed to go to the doctor and she's the only one you trust to check it out.

"I posted your pic on Sup Forums and someone has probably came on it already. You're welcome."

Check my shit

Checked and kek'd


If someone did please post the results

John, Michael, Rachel, and Erin all go to the movie theater. John must sit next to Rachel no matter what. There must be one seat between Rachel and Erin. If Michael sits on the aisle seat, will you sit on my face?

"Did you ever have anal ?"

Roses are red, violets are fine, you be the 6, I'll be the 9

Fuck. Kill. Marry: me, Hitler, and me again. Go!

Her on homecoming night


Got nudes?

She 15

Damn dude

and... got nudes?

Top kek



from luxembourg? saved.


Why are you texting jail bait unless you're underage

Why not. Nothing wrong about it