Hey Sup Forums when I was young I was curious and wanted to know if women took shits...

Hey Sup Forums when I was young I was curious and wanted to know if women took shits. So being 7 or 8 at the time I Googled women pooping and I've been addicted to scat porn ever since any similar experiences?

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kys you disgusting faggot

Ever since i saw a gif of a girl pooping while dancing about 4 years ago i have only been fapping to japanese scat

4 years ago?

>not diapers

Same here. I regularly order poop from a girl in my country. Next week its the fourth time. Im thinking about meeting her sometimes

Not OP

that is one ugly bitch...

Don't worry I love diaper stuff too.

Sorry to tell you but its been my grandpa's shit you have been sniffing and cumming on all these years

Is it pooalexia? She makes poop filled Twinkies. She gets the cream out and fills them with her poop. They are fucking delicious


I love poo Alexa's videos I've ordered a few diapers from her and her videos are great op here BTW

Nono its a amateur i met online she also sends pics and her poop for only 15€


Have you ever tried to pay an escort and see her doing it in front of you ?

How can you like scat?? Serious question.

My mom left her poop in the toilet once and I fished it out and kept it under my bed for a few months. I'd sniff it every day. It was like heroin

It's a mix of smell feel and eroticness of it.

You fuckers are nasty

Once it cost and extra 50 for a couple of nuggets.

This. Please scatmen tell us why you find this fascinating? Do you guys play with it or eat it or what? Does it not make you puke, at least at beginnings?

Please I really wanna know


I startet just by pooping into stolen panties. Then i found soe underwear (panties,bras) in a field and put a bra on wizh poop in every cup. Now i even smear it on my lower body and cock. I think about finding a girl to play with her shit

You just gotta try it. But some scat Twinkies you will understand. I cum almost instantly if I'm eating and I bite into a piece of corn or a nut of some sort.


no kids, no animals, no ridiculous amounts of pain, no puke, no men, no shit. these are the commandments by which any sensible person get their fuk.

Personally I enjoy playing with, masterbating with it, smearing it on myself and others. I never disliked the smell since I don't have a diet of diabetes so it doesn't have much of a rancid smell.

You guys will stay virgins forever, kill yourselves

In other words, you've found yourself strangely enticed to scat for as far back as you can remember, and you cooked up some half baked story to make some rationale of it?

I guess you could put it that way

One time I pooped in a bucket for about a month I then boiled it down into a concentrated version almost like a powder than made a a couple dozen brownies I put peanuts in them and ate most of them but some i the to friends and family it was such a turn on seeing them eat my boiled down poop

Everyone here is a virgin newfag

>Everyone here is a newfag virgin

Fixed it for you

It just happened so fast and then it became my secret and that got me more turned on. Dad's poop was never solid enough to keep so I'd just dip my hand in it.

My first boner was during facehugger attack scene, second one during Spiders II - Breeding ground. That really added some notable remarks in my erotic fantasies. But scat, come on dude wtf. All your five senses scream that it is wrong substance to play with.

You sick fucker


muh fetish

Post pics

I mean my senses scream it's all good.

Does anyone know where can one get Samantha Starfish 60 loads or 25 loads movies?

No clue but does anyone know where cherry torn in her room could be found.