Whats it like having a small pee pee? is it depressing or what? have you ever been laughed at?

whats it like having a small pee pee? is it depressing or what? have you ever been laughed at?
wouldn't blowjobs feel better with a small winky?
tell me of your travels small-willied anons.

Never had a problem with girls wanting to do stuff. No one's laughed, but then again I don't date trash.

And no, I'm not a fan of blowjobs.
11 Sexual partners, 26 years old.

>not a fan of blowjobs
Really? I kind of prefer blowies over sex sometimes.

In the few short years of my life i'd say i've never had issues with my dick size.

Sure I dislike it, I'd prefer to be bigger, but i'm not in tears over it, I own that shit and I go hard motherfucker.

I'm not really into head, so it's just kind of "whatever" to me.

As for being laughed at, no, never got laughed at yet

ive kind of noticed the whole size thing means more to men than women

nah, i once had a friend that stopped dating a guy because is dick was too small. I had another friend who was married to a guy with a really small dick and she made him where a strapon to fuck her... shit is fucked

wow. that's kind of horrible. those guys must have been really hurt..

I got made fun of all in high school. I was a all county left tackle with no visible penis when soft. 5ish when hard. I laughed it off but it shamed the hell out of me and I was always terrified when I dropped pants for the first time with a chick. I'm old now (over 50) have kids, awesome fit gf (divorced 5 years ago) and have banged a few dozen women. It's about confidence not size. Bonus is you get more anal. I've deflowered 6 asses because I was not too big. Yeah Id love to tote a log, but play the penis you were dealt. It's all about confidence. Money helps too!

first guy, i dont think he knew that was the reason they broke up and she felt really bad about it. But if its important to you than its important to you. Some people dont give a fuck about one thing but do give a fuck about another. for instance, me and my wife have a 20lb rule. neither of us are allowed to gain more than 20lbs from when we first started dating. sounds shitty but, we both just wanna bang yoga bods

"play the penis you were dealt" I am in love with this quote

I have a dick thats just a bit bigger than the iPhone 5C in height (4.9 inches) so I'm probably in the 5-5.1 or 5.2 department.

Feels bad man, I'd rather have a smaller penis. Because it's literally just in the below average zone.

It can still do the job, just not a satisfactory one.

just get good at eating girls out, my gf has the craziest orgasms from blowing her

i woudlnt say its depressing but it definetly isnt a confidence boost
never had to use my 4.9inches though so idk how effective it is
i mean it could be worse i could have an asian micropenis or smth

dont really know if it enters the 'small' category, but its definitely below average, girth and length
never cared honestly. i mean, if you give me the chance of getting a significantly larger cock i would sure get it, but it doesnt change the big picture
im 24, had 2 gfs and some one night stands, everyone got along very well, so.. meh

btw, my 1st gf (5yrs relationship) is a lesbian now, maybe that hit me a lil, but fuck it

>play the penis you were dealt

I'm fucking dying

"my 1st gf (5yrs relationship) is a lesbian now"

its all good, my ex turned into a lez then they both decided they wanted to have a threeway with a guy just to see and then i got to bang both of them!

Are you me?

>play the penis you were dealt

4 inch here. I've never been able to keep a girl cause of it. They were sweet about it at first but never stayed for too long afterwards. I'm great eating a girl out too. Got pretty damn good at chaining their orgasms together. But there are times when the girl just wants to get fucked. Hard. I'm sure guys with girlfriends know what I'm talking about. And after about 6 months of that it usually ends up with disappointment and a break up.

Apparently I'm not bad looking and have a likable personality; I can get girls interested. But that all changes when my penis gets involved. Sucks. Stopped trying. Been single for 5 years; 29 now. It's gotten easier to live with.

my ex had a nice petite thick body, but her new girl looks like justin bieber. even skinnier

>play the penis you were dealt

Fucking kek

Why would bj's feel better with a smaller one?
It's the best to put it in so deep that she can't get any air and/or busting a nut in her throat while she just wants to be able to breathe.
Fuck, just writing about it made me hard

Trap out and put the boiclit to better use. Sup Forums loves traps because men make the best women.

Pic of your ex gf? It's like you stole my memories

tiny penises are a joke

I have no idea what I'd do. I guess I'd kind of just avoid sex because it would just be embarassing

Mate, I'm happy for your way of seeing things but deflowering asses because you are not too big is a joke.
Every size can go into a girls ass.

whats your girth/circufmerece?
from what ive heard thats usually more important if you have atleast 4inches

there user

Mans asses too. Don't tell me you haven't tried, you faget.


>5 soft
>7 hard
>still virgin


> from blowing her
> She sounds hideous.
> Well, she's a guy, so.

She's fucking cute. Let me find a pic

Don't know. I haven't measured it actually. But by judging it's "repeat customers" I'd say it's not very impressive lol

Gay homo fag here

I personally prefer smaller partners than big ones, Anal hurts. Any faggot who says it doesnt is a damn liar.
With a smaller partner it hurts significantly less and you can really enjoy it.

Dont hate on smaller dudes, They need the love to!

did I hit a spot there bruh?

its cool bruh, I have my own place

shes a cutie indeed

>Blowing her

Nah, i just hate liars. You faget.

She was the love of my life

you should measure it beecause if you have a nice girth(more than 4.5inches) that should compensate for your lenght tbh

if you had ever met a girl or asked your mom. you would know girls say blowing to refer to eating out

she looks nice user, but let us see her face!

That's good to know. I'll check it. Thanks.

Come on, I know your self esteem is backed up by your weird ass story that they let you put in their poopoo more often than bigger ones but the thing is, that's it's only about confidence.
If you know how to make her let you fuck her in the ass she'll let you fuck her in the ass.

Agreed. My shit is at 5.5-6.2, but I feel like my girth really makes up for it. There's no way they're all faking. Plus I found out that this girl I fucked before my ex told my ex that we fucked and that I was fucking great in bed.

The gay makes more doubles
Make me gay
Give me doubles

I have a tiny peepee, yes blowjobs feel SO GOOD

femanon here. small dicks are gr8 for anal

Stop denying your a faget, you faget.

We do t believe you're a femanon. Timestamp?

Oh also, i'm not the guy with the tiny dick. I'm someone else.


fgit :(

"Play the penis you were dealt"
Lmao I'm getting this tattooed
That's better than "Do what thou wilt"

> tiny penises are a joke.

That really says more about your personal preferences than women's.

You know the drill...

femanon here too, other than being funny to look at they don't really feel terrible or anything

I'll definitely have to check when I get home. I just hope that doesn't fail me too.


More recent. I swear she got hotter after I left her too. I hate myself for it.

it's depressing

I've never heard my wife, nor any of their girlfriends use the term "blowing" when they refer to a guy going down on them. Is it an over seas thing?

I think most guys believe that their cocks are smaller than they should be. Even those that are at or above average. I know that I have that issue, it's a mental thing. Mine is 6.5 inches by 6 inches and i always think that it could be bigger. Then I realize that it actually is not that bad, and could definitely be worse. The thing that makes me self conscious is looking down at my cock. That is the worst because it just doesn't look big. If I look at it in a mirror, or from the side, it looks bigger than looking directly down at it. It's pretty common to have a dysmorphic disorder about our dicks. Also, I am a virgin so I don't know if I am going to have any issues or not. Based off what I gathered, you just need to be confident and work with what you have.

Sucks ass dude. No girl want this dick. I don't even want this dick. But you know who does. Faggot ass old white guys. They love to suck on my 4 in uncut cock. So I go to the local bath house to get my rocks off every now and then. It sucks I still wish I could have that spark with a beautiful woman but I'm so insecure about it I don't even make an attempt. I just tell my friends and coworkers that I got "laid" by some random chick. But in reality it was some old guy with a small dick fetish

um nice try that's not me but thanks for the pic i guess

Having a small dick isn't so bad. Even though I've only had 2 partners in my 26 years, confidence and genuine affection meant so much more than wow-factor. It is also really awesome that my wife has a teeny-tiny vagina. Seriously, I'm like a roll of half-dollars down there and anything bigger would fucking destroy her.

posting pic and not timestamping it
might aswell admit your a neckbeard virgin living in his parents basement

Fuck that is disgusting

easy to say when you are average or more
try even when fapping using only your finger because your whole hand is too big.
with confidence you can get a chick in the bad, but when you pull your pants down she wont stay there


>Not a fan of blowjobs

I'm in the other camp. 8", it's not all it's cracked up to be. Don't believe all the idiots on the internet I have never found a girl who can take it all the way during sex. Sex isn't even fun because the whole time I'm just making sure I don't hurt her. Blowjobs are 10x better than sex for me because I can just enjoy it without worrying about hurting her. I'd much rather have an average dick, the only good thing about having a big one is the "wow" look on her face the first time she sees it, otherwise it's just a fucking pain

You're retarded user. Go blow your boyfriend

holy fuck man, please post a pic.
I can't believe that

italian huh ?

noice mate

user speaks the truth
i can relate

Rolling for this.
Anons! Lend me your dubs!



5,5 is a normal size?

Have never used it anyways.

5.3 inches x 4.7 inches

Oh, and I am an Asian.


If you are not a master bullshitter, what size would you rather your cock to be?

"play the penis you were dealt"

Never considered myself small exactly. Though, according to opinions of Sup Forums, my 6.5 incher is tiny.
Not depressing. Bit annoying that it's not in proportion to my body. I'm 6'8" and about 300lbs with a GoT the Mountain kinda build.
Blowjobs are fantastic. Girls can almost always deepthroat and tongue the balls. And anal is almost always on the cards (depending on the girl).
Had 10 girls, and have achieved their orgasm about 95% of the time.

All in all, pretty happy.

>I'd rather have a smaller penis.
Am I understanding this right?


Trannies like to get fucked in the ass by me as well. It sucks but I honestly think I would never have tried Craigslist if I just had a normal dick and a few healthy relationships in high school. Now I'm forever going to be fucking your grandpa in the ass while he dresses up like a slut.

World average is 5.5", American average is 5.1". You good fam. What is your girth?

nice panties faggit

Nice panties.

Do guys get to a point in their live when they just stop shaving?

>women's underwear


Well.......at least its not me. That's all I can say.

>Play the penis you were dealt

hysterical, your life is hysterical

4.5" and have had a little over 30 sexual partners at 25 years old
girls dont care if youre good looking and good in bed unless youre insecure about it
that being said i wish it were at least a little bigger because im so close to average its annoying

>according to opinions of Sup Forums
there's your mistake you fucktard