What movies has Sup Forums walked out of early?

What movies has Sup Forums walked out of early?

>pic very fucking related

Ultraviolet. What absolute hog shit.

yeah, that fucking movie is the worst of all time, also the AVGN movie i barely watched the beggining

Flash Gordon. Not even Queen could save it.

>What movies has Sup Forums walked out of early?

I try to stay with the horrible movie, then fall asleep in my chair

is not that bad, i kinda like it, it has the He-Man movie vibe

Any time a movie starts and you see "A Happy madison production" you must be pretty much braindead if you stay. However, for me it was Peter Jackson's King Kong, well I didn't walk out, I fell asleep but it was pretty much the same result.

Dark Water. Boring and very unscary. Made it about halfway through before my friend and I decided we'd had enough. Jap version was good tho.

I have to admit I walked out on SpaceBalls. Still don't like it.

>spending the money on a ticket for a movie that looks like garbage

the worst movie of all time has to be dark knight rises. Before the climax even started some guy came in and shot a bunch of my friends. Then I feel asleep in my chair

Batguy vs. Superdude

Well to each their own.

one of those fucking hunger games pieces of shit




Gosh user, are your friends ok?

I hate Jennifer Lawrence, she is just a 2d actress with one character, plus she's a self absorbed cunt in real life.

Was that the live action version of the movie?

Monkey bone.
Star Wars.

All "comedy" movies for the past 2 years. I watch movies at home, but I turn them off when I get bored. Comedy movies now are too pc.

Neighbors 2

>that's sexist
>this is sexist
>you're sexist
>am I sexist?


Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story (2005)
Oddly, it's not a bad movie, all the actors are brilliant, it's high quality, well produced.
It's just not working - you can't film a meta-story that never starts - fun as a concept, hopelessly boring as a film.


inglorious bastards

triggered me as a german


Wow, you know her in real life? Cool beans.

How is pic related exactly?


>Zoolander 2

Pokemon 2000

Fukn hate that cuck Rogen

>the conjuring 2
>cloverfield (handheld camera movies make me nauseous)
>wreck it ralph

Back door sluts 9

Oh yeah, forgot Pineapple Express

Debbie does Dallas ,I could not get an Erection

Broke back Mountain , the FAGGOT MOVIE FUCK THAT SHIT!!

Ultraviolet, Passion of the Christ, and Contact

Invictus, made it probly 10. Went back to the parking lot and fucked my girlfriend in the back seat.

Passion of the Christ was great Raw !!

Batman vs Superman. Pure unadulterated trash.

That's so chad bro

Hope it was in the ASS!!!

Last house on the left remake. Got almost halfway through, just an hour and a half of sadism.

The dark Knight rises


I don't walk out of movies. What am I going to do, go home and jerk off for an hour to Montel Williams? Just watch the fucking movie and then you can talk shit about it.

Django Unchained , Could not stand a NIGGER happy ending!!

The worlds end

That's a movie you watch when you're a kid. If not then its too late to enjoy. Its a stupid movie but when you're young, it's entertaining

Why did you dislike The Conjuring 2?
I've never walked out if a movie. Even the shitty ones.

Fisting boys 2 , the guys where ugly

I was 9 years old boss and even I knew it was shit

This. Except I walked out as soon as Sam L Jackson walked out and opened his character with "Who dat nigga up on dat nag?"

i liked master of disguise, but to be fair, i was 9 when i saw it

The Big Short.

It was funny, but I saw it with my girlfriend who didn't understand anything about it, so that kinda ruined it.

>what does this mean?
>user, what did he mean by that?
>what are they talking about?

Ruined it for me, so we left.


The new Godzilla. Complete utter shit

>You have been visited by proof of natural selection
>Good genes will cum to your kids but only if you respond to this picture saying sleep tight fat cunt

it's from the 2002 comedy The Master of Disguise

Thats what I call a woman!!! id eat her ass like poppy chow!!!!

A Clockwork Orange. Left the theater as soon as Alex is being forced to watch the movies.

Every single Superhero movie.

You sir, are old

>Trying this hard to be cancer
>Not even putting the text onto the picture

Second that ! that movie was a WTF moment made no sense walked out of that shit

Batman vs superman,got woken up by bats screeching,took the car keys and fell asleep in the car full everyone else came out

Why did you go to a movie theater to take a nap?

I fell asleep for empires strikes back in 1979 but then again i was 3


Straight Out of Compton was invited but did not know it was a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTARY ! BABOONS EVERYWHERE


I like to pay for my naps

This movie came out when I was 9, my mormon friend fucking loved it because it was the most G rated vanilla shit ever. When Hot Rod came out he was convinced that that was the funniest movie of all time.

He got shot dead on his "mission" in Uruguay 2 years ago for trying to convert die-hard Catholics to mormonism. Still miss him occassionally

The Dark Knight. To this day the only movie i where i walked out. Absolute waste of money and time

I know the film but how is it related?

I don't know what the fuck he was thinking making that thing. He had a popular series going and he just ended it for years while he made a movie that no one wanted.

CLUELESS does bitches where lame!!

That piece of shit killed my respect for the Nerd. It was revived by his Ghostbusters Remake video, though.

Because that's the movie he walked out of, dumbass


user, are you retarded?

Good riddance, one less Mormon missionary in the world.

>taking such obvious b8
he wasn't even being subtle

I suggest you stop watching shit movies

Yes I was

Yeah, I'd forgotten he existed till that Ghostbusters video came out.

It's shit. Most Mel Brooks is shit.

i fucking loved this movie as a child
rewatched it an amazing amount of times
I highly doubt it has held up since then

was not my idea.

TITANIC because I already knew the ending so there was no point ..

Are you trying to ask "In your opinion, what makes the 2002 comedy film The Master of Disguise trash?"? You couldve done it in a less autistic manner.

Not the dude you are responding to either

i just snorted

The Crying Game.

The Hunger Games. I left towards the end, but When I saw that dudes dying but dressed painted like a rock and buried I just...

hahahahaha op is a faggg , did you take it in the butt at the theatre ?

>le best movie of the year!

Boy, Key and Peele really had a rought beginning

only metaphorically