1. Girl posts #proudtobe video on youtube ,she is scared if her dad finds out she is homosex, she is 12 what is this

1. Girl posts #proudtobe video on youtube ,she is scared if her dad finds out she is homosex, she is 12 what is this
2. Anons DOX her and find her facebook
3. Anons find her dad and let her know that she is homosex
4. Now we wait for the response from her dad

Link to her youtube

>pic related of what went down so far, will post pic with response from dad once he responds

Other urls found in this thread:


WTF is wrong with you?

Go to 2:06 for maximum kek

I'm on Sup Forums

>Jimmy Rustles


bumping hard


>pic related


This is the shit that i miss when Sup Forums was good

OP is a massive faggot why would you ruin this little girls life?


bump for justice

muh sides

what if she commits suicide OP have you thought of that yet?

You people are so awful, but so amazing at the same time. Like oh my god you probably just destroyed this kids life. I don't know why the fuck I'm laughing.

when Sup Forums was good we'd do useful shit instead of doxxing children who's lives don't matter

Then our work is done here, an hero FTW

joe justin is a hero

I just messaged her mom , this should speed up the return rate a little faster.

forgot pic

lmao gj user

Call me intrigued OP

i cringed when she said she has a girlfriend
who she is getting "Virtually Married"
make it stop OP


OP here
if you want to follow the updates on this event
unfolding head on over to discord
I'm sure it will take a while for the mom and dad
to respond, but i will give you updates on what
is happening when everything starts unfolding, and if she an heros or not

bumping for interests


The fuck's this shit?



kill yourself already you fucking autistic retard

This is a quality thread i will be monitoring you OP

awwww sheeeett

This is so low. She's just 12 and you don't mind bullying her? ? ?

>May 16, 2016

6/22/2016 is June faggot

Look at the timestamp on the last panel, you retard

Whats your point?
She posted a comment on her google,
whats so signifigant about that?

>keeps tab open

That comment she made has nothing to
do with this operation, she is an emotionally stressed out girl

also, she obviously wanted attention from all
her furry friends, and didnt leave google+ at all

Why is it in the set?? Kinda implies it's directly connected to the other pictures.


Tori has replied and is not taking this seriously

STFU nigger

and we should care about that girl because?
>enjoy the ride Sup Forumsastard

I don't know why moral fags are crying ITT, she isn't even hot.

It's sad that she disrespects her father so much that she would withhold information like this. And so what if he disagrees with her life choices? He has just as much of a right to disagree as she has to be gay.

she wouldn't cotribute to the gene pool anyway if she's homo. so ultimately gays committing suicide is of no consequence in the grand scheme of things.


And if he does more than disagree? What if he hurts her?

"Tonight, on Fox News, the hacker struck again..."

Sup Forums wins

I hope he fucks her hard after beating her ass with a belt.

Literally all 13 or so y/o girls think they're bi.

and "Consequences will never be the same"

it could be the new jessie slaughter
except she's the one getting slaughtered

De donde sos picaron

>girl has to leave google+

oh no, her life is ruined, how could anyone live without using google+

hello newfriendo

Idk user...
>bitch do you even have a period?

More likely she wants the fucking attention and saw that this kind of shit videos do the job,she needs a good dicking,that's all.

that post she made has nothing to do with
this thread user, the tears havent even begun
yet, here
take a seat

oh she is going to get attention alright
attention from all of her friends and family

You dumb piece of clay she said that shes bisexual not homosex you pleb Kill yourself OP

>Implying Sup Forums has limits on age
>Jessie Slaughter

i don't really care, have fun being 15 and on summer break I guess

just kind of sad to see Sup Forums thinks an "epic win" is spamming downvotes and doxing kids these days


Which one if you faggots did this

an epic win is going to be
when her mom and dad.family and friends find out
they have a homo sex daughter
that loves bestiality

Epic job bros!!! XDD
We are anonymous and hackers XDDDD
so funny XDDDD

Expect us :DDD

Can we send her pizza too? :D

whats the difference?

im not sure what you expected from post 2007 Sup Forums


Bump. Just when I thought this couldn't get any funnier.

Why is he ruinning her life when is her the one that said she wanted to share with everybody? why is she hidding this from her parents? Is she jsut another SJW who thinks there are no consequences in real life? well, then she will learn FOR THE LULZ!!!

Nigga you fucked it up by calling it disgusting, it may influence the parent to accepting it by making it sound like your attacking their child

be overly gay


>post from May 16
you have some explaining to do

Underrated post.
Have fun doing pointless shit, faggots. Bothering one 12 year old isn't impressive.



fuck off

how do i have explaining to do?
The post she made from may.16.2016 has
nothing to do with this thread at all.
I have no idea why she was stressed out
back in may, but it has nothing to do with
what we are doing right now. Check the
Upload date on youtube as well

Fuck off.


>she is scared if her dad finds out she is a homosex
>post video in Youtube where everyone can see her

Nice work.

>Telling a childs parents she is being sexually inappropriate on the internet
>this is bullying now
Stop it you fag


I love you OP

She becomes an hero. We have big party, and our job is done

shit got fucked at start of new decade


Let's see how #proudtobe a bo she is when confronted.


You are harassing a little child over the internet. This is fucking illegal

Enjoy your jail



y no funny tabs tho...?

Amen brother
