Teachers on class pics

Teachers on class pics




sexy teacher would always bend over infront of me like that, one day our big group class were walking out of a room and I was stood behind her, because it was crowded I was gently pressed with my crotch on her arse. I actually slowly started grinding and she didn't care at all.

good times with her, I just wish I could meet her out of a bar but I think she's fucked off far away.

holy shit no way, did they take more?

unfortunately not

man I wish I could go back to school

stare into the camera


French Teacher Miss Mahon

she knew




Das it mane

Please stop posting these nasty ass pictures


All you're posting is a bunch of nothing ass pictures, post sexy shit like or fuck off





Wow. I didn't even consider that now smart phones are common place and teens basically have them out constantly, that pics like this were obviously floating around the respective schools.

I am infinitely jealous, kids.

any (real) teacher/student videos?


Remember her?

Diamonds every time she bent over to help someone in front of me

Theres no more in the school, i guess
theres from fb


My ex teacher

I am still going to blow a load to this but I just noticed that she's teaching them how to use "KFC" in a sentence.

>all my sides kek

>Black kid actually paying attention to teacher for once


You guys understand that almost all of these asses are male teachers, right?

nice b8 fren








yes post more



That was a cool movie

I would pay attention to her, no matter what she was writing on that fucking whiteboard



how is that appropriate teach attire I mean come on. especially with young horny dudes, they'd all fucking fail classes.

Jesus how old is she


I always thought that was a student




Stop projecting your gayness




still applies tbh

Glasses doesn't make her a teacher...


Notice now that it's summer there is shit ton of these threads