Justin Beiber hate thread

Justin Beiber hate thread

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Is this 2010



does he even still make music??
you have to be a really big fan to still hate justin bieber -.- i thought he died or something

He made a comeback actually

Much better than his old shit but still just shit

it there anything more pathetic than people who still bring up shit like bieber and twilight?

I never in a million years thought I would still hear people say "still a better love story than twilight" in 2016

His last album was pretty good.

yeah... people are pathetic and are overusing shit till is gets just annoying and embarrassing...
just look at memes

School is out

i cant believe you made a thread of a celebrity you hate. you dont know him and he doesnt know you. stfu and move on with your life. hating on someone wont make your life better lol dumbass.


I'm glad I'll never be as autistic as you.


I hate that I haven't seen GOOD nudes of him, hard cock and all

I enjoyed his last album and I ain't ashamed to admit that.

He's fuckin killin it rn

that's not how that joke works. that joke is for when people say things like "guys it's 2016 you shouldn't make fun of trannies". he's saying it's stupid that people say that because the movie's like 5 years old. not the same thing you unintelligent fuck

who is he?

he did gay porn, but got too old


Try hating him now you fucking 12 year olds.

Id let him fuck me anyday


I'd let him fuck me allday