

Just posting another thread for the youtube raid


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Unless someone make a bunch of bot accounts this isn't going anywhere, the likes are coming in too fast.


shameless self bump, hopefully most anons will come to our aid



ill bump with ylyl shit



It's at 190k dislikes, we should try to get to 200k


we need to see what else we can do about this. Perhaps we can raid other sites like Instacuck and Twitter with a tag so we can at least get some news coverage for being "a large scale cyber riot" or whatnot

Hey I've done my part with the YouTube sponsored shill. Which video do I need to downvote now?

This. Fucking this now


Well, start brainstorming, blood's in the water. What hashtag should we use?


We should think of a way to spread this video of a very passable trap saying I know Im a man, nothing can change that!

Its a great video, and if we could get some attention to it alongside the other, it would be worth it. Wednever get close to as many views, but we could make a mark.


I was thinking that if we do get news coverage, more americucks with their "my son bettuh not be no faggot cuz I aint raisin' no daughters" attitude. There can actually be big groups and actual riots against these mentally diseased fucks. Just look at Ferguson. Do you think those monkeys knew anything (or even care) about the shooting before the media covered it? This could be our chance. We can light a spark in the souls of the only sane people left in this world.

Wait what where is happening?

As an Amerifat, I know this is bullshit.

Yes this has the potential to Sup Forums big. The ball is in play, we need to drive it home in a big way. Let's go, let's get some brainstorming going. We can do this.

But how

We need a universal pic to use on fake Twitter accounts. Something very 4chanlike. Then we need a hashtag that opposes the #proudtobe horsecockery. Maybe #whythesameraceasme? Or #NotInMyRace

>seeing huge rallies with SJW's with tits out

Well we may not be sane, but we certainty don't need to be special snowflakes because of it



Twitter raids usually get discovered by reddit fags in less than an hour max. If we organize this in a 4 chthread, thats bound to happen before it can pick up





This is getting boring . Less and less cucks are responding and now it's just a one way circle jerk.

Do you think it's too obscure that the majority of people wouldn't understand??? Gota think, we r dealing with legit autists


I know I'm running out of ideas. We need to bounce ideas off each other snowball it like we always do in every other thread



So far this seems to be the consesus


Don't worry user, the most powerful man is the one who doesn't give up. Persistence beats resistance (or in this case retardation)

Any ideas if what mediums we want to push this through. One user already pointed Twitter may be a bad idea

Voting for ProudTo/b/ , I want people to know that we did this

I agree. We can always have two. Those normie fuck use a handful of dumbshit #s all the time

My vote goes for ProudTo/b/ too


Thats pretty Good

Let's do it #ProudTo/b/"Cis". What medium will be good to push this through. also we need a good pic to use. Can someone shop something up real quick

We probly should include Sup Forums maybe they'll have some good ideas

That CIS Pride button a little upways the thread would work good as an image I feel. Don't know an outlet though.

I agree

we can think about all the stuff we've done in the past. Remember the "Hitler did nothing wrong" with Mountain Dew? The same kind of raids can happen with the LGBT shit. This doesn't have to be a 1 day thing, we can make this a full scale, multi-day war. We will always be that little devil on their shoulder. The shadow in the back of their mind. Just look at the fucking white house, with its rainbow lights and shit. All these parades and shit needs to stop. Even though we do need them to raise awareness for diseases like heart disease and cancer. And yes, this is a disease. But we need it to stop. We need riots and all that shit for this to snowball. If we ever needed to work hard on something, this is it.

Hasn't everyone seen that south Park episode?

Alright, any ideas for a shop on that? Maybe
Sup Forumseautify it?

Official #ProudTo/b/"cis"?

have a #proudto/b/ watermark on it, I guess. Not sure. Maybe Sup Forums can help us come up with ideas.

hell yeah thats good

go spread the word make some people do some propaganda drawings or catchphrases

Get Sup Forums in here, heading home from work so I'll be out of the loop for a bit. Don't let this shit die!!

Sup Forumstard here.

I didn't think the Sup Forumsros still had it in them. LET'S GET THIS SHOAH ON THE ROAD!

Made a planning room

Faggots join

We trying, this has to be good. It's halfway set up we just need to drive it home

cis? are you retarded? if we use the word they made up than we just look really retarded and autistic, so please dont use the "word" cis

Im spreading this cancer on twitter now #ProudTo/b/"cis"

quotations ma nigga "quotations"

should we leave the cis out then

RIP thread




pro tip: you can't use slash in hashtags on twitter



That's an insult on its own

OP here, we should make up our own term instead of using the ones those mental diseased fags came up with

Me likey

we could use this

kek everytime

or we use normal terms so we dont sound like idiots


well I mean not using "cis" and shit, just regular stuff

I'm gender queer and you guys are just hateful. There is more than 2 genders, fact!


No cis is a degrading term for the non mentally ill

Fuck back of to tumblr Faggot


the HIV jokes get me everytime

the mentally ill came up with the term cis which is short for there bullshit "cisgender" so lets not use that

>NonGendered Hahah Fucking Top kek "the state of being male or female"

some Sup Forumsros need to make some propaganda shops with 30 year old men going into girls bathrooms with little girls and stuff, like how people do with guns and shit


How the fuck will that help us, just makes it look like everyone who isn't a decepticon is a predacon

Fuck off Gender Bender

because the new gender bathroom laws allow that to happen

i say we use some reddit/tumblr trademark as the twitter pic and hashtag, 2 birds 1 stone

good idea, faggot.


Didn't even know they are doing that, shits fucked

