Just arrived

Just arrived.

go on

time stamp

the fuck is that?

Dildo by Bad Dragon.

Put it up your ass then play it with your feet to prove you are not lying

Where them dragon dildos at baby?
I aint trying to blow that, sharpies 4 lyfe

you know what it is...

Nice! Which model? I've got a kelvin and thinking about getting another


Large Spritz, cumtube Royal purple.

put in ass now

please be female

can someone tell me what's the fluid that comes out of those things? I know it's supposed to look like cum but what the fuck is it?

post your lips wrapped around it


Timestamp on face while sucking it


Don't hold your breath.

Probably should have clarified sooner.

Post a pic of you plaing it with your feet

post a pic of face fag

Nice trips

please be femanon........

It's just lube.

Feminine male user


the only fem with mits like that is your precious chloe

such thing doesn't exist. Male or female.

Let's see it in you already

Use it.

Oh babyyy
>More pics



I'm a dude. I have a penis. I just am girly.