Good afternoon/evening anons

Good afternoon/evening anons.

General talk thread.


Hello Box.

Hey there Remilia. How are ya?

I am a sleepy doom marine.

Pretty good, just woke up.

I have no mental or physical energy. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and work fucking drained me.

I am good. Just quite tired.

What was your opinion on that stupid captain america thing a while back?

is remilia new blood?

hail hydra?

What captain america thing? The one about him being gay?

yeah that one

Sleepy time soon for you.

Stupid Captain American thing?
I never actually watched those movie.

Y-yes. Hello!

It was basically him saying heil hydra and that he was a nazi the whole time.

Oh that. I'm actually okay with that.

New blood. Heh. How's it going sunpeak?

It's only 6 PM here. No sleeping yet.

Ah, okay.

Apparently a sleeper agent atm

I find it funny how the only argument they make was "oh if you agree with this you are a nazi" even though the speech itself was pretty much spot on with whats happening.

They're trying too hard to express political views in entertainment but I'll have to agree, the progression is unsettling


well hope you have a good time around here then.

As long as he's not a demon. I fuckin hate those guys.

Hail Hydra

Oh right! Forgot about timezones. That's still early.


I would much rather a nazi than a demon.

What time is it where you are?

That's good.

The red skull guy LOOKS like a demon. I'm not cool with that.

I'll be right back I gotta do something

Hiya box-kun


Shut up weeb


Be sure to follow him into hell and kill him again!


You don't remember me? :

Not to be mean, but no.


I'm glad they updated the new doom, now it runs at sixty for my computer. (which is trash)

Maybe it was a different box kun


Then how does Box-kun not remember Pee-chan?

I think i remember you actually. Kinda vaguely but still.

It's been almost a year I think since I've really posted anything here.


What's with you?

Again, vaguely.

Do you never stop pissing? You should see a doctor for that

Hi thread
Currently locked in honorable battle, but I'll look back every now and then


No problem Seija.


Me and my friend just reached plat in 2v2s (Game is Brawlhalla)

With a name like that it sounds like a heavenly game.

Oi, wasn't paying attention to the time.
Hi Seija
Doomguy, how's it going?


That's rude! I have a condition!

Hey J.

going to get overwatch soon. Any hints?

Pick a waifu, main it,


I'm very sleepy!

Umm...That's kind of a difficult thing for me.
When you start playing, find a hero that would suit you the best in every role. Thats all i can say.


Sleepy Bell reporting the fuck in

Immediately light yourself on fire

Roji-Panty Complex?

Lack of towels

I know a thing or two about soaking panties.

I don't think a towel will fix that.

Fix what? I-I don't need fixing!

How do you keep yourself hydrated?


Asking a serious question.

How fucked am I?

>7th time playing Shadow of Chernobyl, first time playing with the LURK mod, need to know if I'm gonna get breeked


You don't need fixing as long is doesn't hurt you or anyone around you!

It's really not very hard

The breeking is going to be extra chiki now

Yeah... sure.

Everything makes sense now.


Yo wat up.
Cant sleep so i join

I never played that before. How much ripping and tearing is there?
Hey Bell

So how are you guys?

Hey anons ^^

cant sleep? what time is it over their?

Hi Reisen!
Hi hi! Welcome!
Living another day, can't complain much.


Much ripping and tear of my anus. Died 17 times now, and much ripping and tearing of Bandits, Military (Russian military) and mutants.

Hey there, how are ya?

Good, you?

Hello! How are you?

Just fine but bored

2 am

I really like rabbits...

>Good, you?

>Living another day, can't complain much.
I feel the same tbh

>Just fine but bored
I'm bored too, hence why I'm here posting peeing girls in a conversation thread.

huh. its 8:00 over here.

you must of really disliked the ending for the first doom game then.

Hey J how are you? ^^
I'm good you?

It's pretty damn fun, free to play cosmetic microtransactions type deal

You're triggering me right now.

~Doom Guy

So any ideas what to fap to? Except peeing girls.

I'm good.

Mostly fine, got kind of melancholic by mid day but i'm fine. What about you?


7:00 here.

Fuckin commie bastard.

Shut fuck, pull down your pant's, you're my woman now.


depends what your into.

>Except peeing girls
Aww what's wrong with that?

(Damn I can't find the voice recording that goes with this one :

Let's keep that to a minimum.


Had no good touhou doujinshi in a while

Nah i pass

Howdy thread, seems pretty chill in here.

Glad you think so! How are ya?

Want to talk about it? But I'm doing rather good just can't sleep.

Welcome user, feel free to join us or even star a discussion!
I just though about my future, if i should find someone and get married, if i should get a children, thinking way too far ahead, not healty.


I dont know any doujinshi at all. sorry.

I'm to sleepy to not be chill.

I don't know about you, but I'm nice and warm...

Awoo girl is so cute

Just so need to get up at 6

Gonna wank and sleep

Not too bad, just sitting around browsing internet and playing some games.
Eh not much too talk about really
Well i'm glad you're having fun at least

... Well. To each their own.
Rip and tear in your dreams!