What meds is everyone taking?

What meds is everyone taking?
20 mg lexapro and 150 mg welbutrin once a day


15mg lozartan potassium 150mg wellbutrin im 19

Amlodopine Besylate 10mg
Tramadol 50mg


20mg lexapro
50mg trazodone

Brintellix 20mg
Adderall XR 20-30mg

23 y/o

23yo reportin' in

Depakin Chrono 300mg (for bipolarism/anxiety/discontrol of impulses)

Ip6 in combination with turmeric.

Prilosec every other day
nortriptyline 10 mg daily
Fioricet 325/50/40 as needed

24 yo

do i win or am i losing?

self dosing percocets and hydromorphone every day
my everything "hurts"

50 mg Spirolactone
and a weekly Estrogen patch


Allergies are the debil

225 mg Effexor

Never heard of Lexapro and Wellbutrin together. Does lexapro cancel out the stimulant effect of wellbutrin OP?

Oh xanax on occasion

Doxyclycline 100mg

5 mg Risperdal. Mood stabilizer.

Plus insulin injections because I have Type 1 diabetes.

5mg of hydrocortosone
10mg of fludrocortosone


yessir, half of a 40mg opana in the morning, other half in the afternoon. clean the spoons for shot before bed. rinse and repeat

300mg of welbutrin. 25y


Also include why you do

best high ive ever had

You say that like you're proud. Fucking pleb
Find a new habit and stop being a loser.

bc i was a broke heroin addict, then got diagnosed with RA and found a badass doctor who will give me what i want. alabama ftw

i new habit?... i mean i mix some speed in every now and then, does that count? i have nothing better to do

Get a life? Speed and dope are the dumbest fucking drugs. Surpassing your will to live.
Go for psychedelics.

Bpd panic disorder ass burgers (now technically ASD since dsm5 removed ass burgers from their menu)

Alprazolam 6 mg a day

already been down that road... they were making me not be able to remember anything

-Cell Cept
-Heart ASS

Every Day

Currently take 40mg percocet and 3mg xanax a day. only take the xanax at night for sleep

Hydromorphone "dilaudid" is the shiiiiiiiiiittttttt

BPD as in borderline personality disorder? I feel your pain user. I also test very highly on Asperger's questionnaires but they'll never diagnose it, despite me smashing a $7,000 insulin pump because I could no longer tolerate the beeping noise it made. My microwave kills me. I can't stand certain beeps or alarms, they just.. ugh. I hate life.

sounds great, gonna need to cut out the aceto if you plan on doing it for several years. gonna fuck with your liver. switch to something with no fillers if they will let you

oh wait, i actually meant oxymorphone, as in opana. not k's

Buspar 20mg 2x daily, gabapentin 300mg 2x dailey, tylenol 300 3x/motrin 3x, allegra ect

I did. I stopped benzos for a year then got put back on last month. The percocet is because im awaiting hip surgery but cant get it till December. Just got my kidney and liver checked a week ago with my thyroid all is 100%

450mg Wellbutrin/bupropion
0.5mg pramipexole

1mg pramipexole

I know. Dilaudid is a name brand. Theyre both opioids

nice, i had hep c but took harvoni and showing clean now. still have to keep it checked though

when u drink alcohol does it enhance ur depression anxiety the next day

Addison's disease

Wow. Thats actually impressive. I got all my hep series done in the military and medical field so never had to worry. Its scary stuff

yeah i used to do dilaudid when i was younger but it only lasts like 3 hours, i cant live on that

you have received an organ transplant

why both?

I am on 40 mg Nexium daily.

So much cheaper then buying all those Tums... and the alternative of eating healthier... fuck that.


300mg effexor
300mg welbutrin
200mg modafinil
60mg latuda

Every day. Still want to die.

yes, 5 years ago i got a heart transplant

harvoni has like a >90% cure rate

3000 mg of Levetiracitam
400 mg of Vimpat

why the estrogen patch? Period issues?

vyvanse 30mg
lexapro 20mg
Lialda 4.8g daily

Daily, I guess I should say.

you have epilepsy

Shit turns you into a zombie bro, get offa that shit. (Unless you still hearing some shit :)

I was on 20 mg lex for depression for 2 years, then I had another melt down. Went to a new therapist and she suggest welbutrin, seems to work very well with me.

80 mg Larisa
50 mg nortriptyline

Nah trans gender, the Spiro is a testosterone blocker and the patch is for estrogen so i can grow me some tits

80 mg Latuda
50 mg nortriptyline

*latuda, damn auto correct

No lexapro is an SSRI and welbutrin is a NDRI


40 mg of prednisone a day

Its because youre 20 and youre brain isnt developed. I got thrown on way heavier meds at 20 to 23 lost my mind way worse then i started. Got put on just benzos on and off till 25. Now 26 back on just seroqil

I was on loxalate ssri for a while but didn't seem to do anything now I'm about to start effexor any words of advice?

Experimental depression treatment.

Not scared of taking experimental concoctions of drugs?

Hows it going so far? seems like alot of wellbutrin

IMO all ssris and snris are garbage. I was a nice lab rat for many many years of trying all them. Finally got on seroquel and it is seriously what i should be on th whole time. Ssri and snri have serious side effects . seroquel does to but not as bad. For me at least.

different shit works for different people, ive had little side effects from SSRIs and they helped with my depression