Losing my virginity soon

Losing my virginity soon
Any tips ?

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practice safe sex. enjoy yourself. eat tha pussay.

Same as the last time this same thread was made.

probably one at first.

No. Go make your life better user.

dont overthink it

penis goes into vagina

practice safe sex, but make sure you put your face into a place you can get an std. Good tip bro.

Try to last as long as you can, and try to encode every moment in your memory bank. You will always remember your first, and usually, it's a pretty shitty memory. kek.

Shave your cunt first

safe sex

ask her/him what she expects beforehand
ask afterwards what your partner thinks

enjoy it

Dont do it!!!

during doggy punch her in the back of the head. she will cum like crazy

Lick that asshole.

You forgot eat the bum bum
Just make sure it's clean first

I love how you sad faggots always say:
>losing my virginity soon
>gonna get laid for the first time this saturday
>about to get a blow job from a girl wat do?

SPOILER: If you have to announce on Sup Forums that it's going to happen, it's not going to fucking happen, you hilarious, lonely teenage sperg.

Girl love to have their ass smacked but if you do it missionary you need to slap her stomach instead, but not too hard

Underrated post

>jack off 1-2 times before you see her
>Its okay if this causes you not to cum, if she feels bad she just tell her you don't cum easy (alpha)
>don't be a cringe lord
>know where the clit is, its all that matters
>not all girls cum from intercourse, remember that. eat her out before or after.
>have fun.

When you are going down on her bite her clit she'll cum for days

On that note they also love it when a guy grabs any skin flap or fat roll as a way to get leverage. Drives them crazy.


I think you're referring to punching them in the stomach, and that's usually in the I missed my period position.

Don't die

Remember to swallow his cum faggot. Don't forget to him him a sandwich afterwards

Tell your step-dad I said "hi".

psh. you cant get stds on your face silly


>him him a sandwich

So how exactly does one him him a sandwich. Or anything for that matter?

- Use Birth Control
- Your partner is nervous, too
- mojoupgrade.com/

Tip : don't do it.

Chances are something will happen. Something is almost always bad. Chances are something bad will happen. Chances are usually balanced, but since your (read as my) life has come down to posting to Sup Forums that you (read as I) are (read as am) about to have sex for the first time, you (read as I) can bet that chances are good.

Chances are good that something bad will happen.

inb4 illuminati cuntfirmed

Jack off before hand. Go down on her until she tells you to stop(10-15 minutes minimum). Lick it like you would a tall ice cream cone. Don't ignore the tits.

This, and be a man

finish with whispering "daddy did it better" into his ear.

non gay res

Take control of the situation, but don't be rough or force her into anything.
Use a rubber and have some lube. It's sold right next to the rubbers.
Be mindful of how she's reacting.
Find a private, secluded, and comfortable space to do this. You don't want to be interrupted. Nor do you want to do this in your car.

Herpes you dumb fuck.

Nice, thanks mate.

Wizardry is the only way.

Male fucking female? Get her off with oral before you penetrate.

-Find the clitoral hood, the button is under there.
-lick/suck the clit while doing a "come hither motion" with your 2 in the pink.
-jerk off before hand
-If she says you need to wear a condom, you need to wear a condom. If she says you don't need to wear a condom, YOU NEED TO WEAR A CONDOM.
-Don't stress and have fun

female fucking male?
-Literally nothing you can do wrong

protip for a great handjob:
-put your mouth on it

When you're erect but before you put it in squeeze your penis as hard as you can
like beyond death grip
just try and crush it up real good
it'll try to retain shape and therefore be even harder
the harder you squeeze the harder you'll be