Good evening Anonymous! Is anything troubling you? Maybe I can help

Good evening Anonymous! Is anything troubling you? Maybe I can help.

>Come in for advice, fortune-telling, and friendly conversation.
>GETs (dubs, trips, etc.) can ask for a tarot reading from me.
>GETs can be donated to others.
>Leave a name and a junior shrine maiden will deliver a fortune cookie if you don't GET.
>Patience and love! Hang around if you GET and remind me. You may be waiting a while depending on how many requests I have.
>Keep internet/avatar drama out of the shrine, please.

Other urls found in this thread:



Got a notification, neat.


Will I find someone I love and if so who,thanks wise maiden



First request, so you get a single card.

>The Moon
Your love will be a mysterious girl who believes herself to be psychic in some regard, she may be a writer, an actor, or have dreams of working in the entertainment industry in some way.


Good to know it's still working!


How's it going?

I have a health checkup for conscription today, I was stressed and didn't sleep.

Back to the rhythm games for you!

Thank you wise one

Tarot reading pls

-hugs you tight and doesn't let go-

Sure I'll leave a name, Kiro.

I had a moody couple of days but I'm feeling much better now. How about you?

Conscription? Like, compulsory military service?

>*paces around with you clinging on*
Hmm... hmmm...

>Kiro has normal luck this year. Lucky keywords: "Gold", "12".
normal luck for you, not good or bad, wear gold to make it better

Though I don't think I'll get picked this year either, all kinds of shit is coming up.

Why this?

I just woke up, so I'll tell you when I know.

Because rhythm games are your life now!


Hmm, ok.

Is that a good thing or not?

I understand completely.

-hangs from your neck and giggles-

Hi Umi
Hail the shrine maiden!
Hello Mr. Ramsay, master of chefs


>Jeff has bad luck this year. Lucky keywords: "Yellow", "43".
bad luck for you, wear yellow to make it better or since the sun is yellow avoid going outside
>Nicholas has good luck this year. Lucky keywords: "Love", "41".
good luck for you in the love department

Will i be confident enough to talk to girls at the party im going to and should i get drunk or high first

All around good thing, I won't need to get in the military and hopefully I'll get my head looked at too.
I'm still stressed though.

Tarot please

Fortune cookie for Frank, please?

Am I just being enslaved by a combination of you and rhythm games now?

I'm still kinda tired, it's great.

Heya. How's things?

Yo, what does a CURTAIN get?


Thread looks busy today.

Got back to school after missing it during a whole week. Pretty much alright over all, what about you?


I wouldn't recommend high, it tends to make people more anxious, and less talkative from what I've seen.

Drunk? Maybe slightly. Just don't overdo it or you might not like the kind of stuff you end up talking to them about. Make it a goal however, and hold yourself to it! "I will talk to at least one girl at this party."

>Frank has normal luck this year. Lucky keywords: "Void", "33".
hmm...might need to ask reimu what void means but 33 is the number that symbolizes 'guidance'. take that as you will
>CURTAIN ha***tremely good luck this year. Lucky keywords: "Money", "49".
extremely good luck when it comes to money
yep. hi hikari


Also, that image will always scare me.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Stressing about having a lot of uni work to do, but we deal. Probably going to slack off and play FF14 for a while anyway.

well i wasnt gonna go cut out the actual MK. VI helmet, im too lazy for that

Hello everyone.

>Next post ends with 4

Forgot pic

Just accept it.

Want me to do it later?

Well my sister lost her mind and my step daughter turned evil bitch. I need good porn to get them off my mind.

White Mage forever.

What job/class are you?

It's perfect the way it is.

hi lewdmu
if you want to

>Gary Oak

How's this?

>Probably going to slack off and play FF14 for a while anyway.
I didn't see that. DON'T BE A DONUT, GO STUDY!

i still need to make more
glad you enjoy it

The bright side is, we are already mid year and this is my last year. the bad part is that i have been losing too much classes, got to sort that out.



I did. Very.

What's going on here?

What's up Chief?


advice, fortune-telling, and friendly conversation. feel free to hang around
not much, just handing out fortune cookies, you?


-drops down from reimu's neck and scurries under her bed for sleeps-

I hate it when things happen, but I don't mind, and also love it.

Ah! Sorry i didn't come sooner but i was knee deep in some game~
Hello everyone

No one's rolled dubs yet and I have a pair. Next person to ask gets a tarot reading.



Hey Ika, sorry to bother you with this but do you mind giving me your steam?


Well I see lewd and shitposts. Pretty cool. Also pic related
>Cursing threads

I would like a reading, family

May I have one please?

Always vote with my feet. Always.

I'm not sure I want to.

Ninja, though I'm levelling White Mage now. Apparently once a healslut, always a healslut.

I can do both!

Yeah, I missed a load of classes this year so I need to learn a semester's worth of maths pretty quick. It's not great, but I'll manage it.



Well shit, now I don't know which one to count. They both asked, but one of them asked me directly.

Uhh... both, I guess. Do you have a question you'd like answered, or do you just wanna see what's in your near future?

Bad idea to add someone like that on Steam.

Not much, just passing by... Nice trips by the way

Hey there Marisa

I'd just like a reading for my near future, please.

Digging your own grave here, mate

>Adding people
Welcome to die.

Bad idea~.

don't do it

Near future seems right. I lack any decent question at the moment, I'm afraid.

hi marisa
hi specter


>Ace of Pentacles

>Six of Wands (Reversed)
Ordinarily, the Ace would represent material wealth and physical wellbeing, all the luxuries Earth has to offer. However, the Six basically reverses this, meaning you'll get some bad news before it happens.

>Justice (Reversed)
It looks like the bad news will be an injustice of some kind. What would have been your money will be stolen from you in some way, I imagine.

Greetings John 117. How is your shrine maiden apprenticeship going?

Did I miss you before, or did you appear just to tell them they're fucked?

I appreciate the thought but really, it's not as big of a deal as you guys think.
I have a shy friend that want's to talk with Ika and that's all

Good evening Lewdmu~

Chief the magnificient.

>I have a shy friend that want's to talk with Ika and that's all
Then they're fucked.

Hi, I'm the user that was asking for help awhile ago with schizoaffective disorder, just wanted to check in.

Of course~

I'm not much of a gamer so I don't really log on as much as I want to...

-hugs Rei-
Hi honeybun, can I have a reading~?

>It looks like the bad news will be an injustice of some kind.
I was going to buy Injustice on Steam, provided it's on sale for Summer. Are you sure you weren't reading my fortune?

annnd bye4real

Even worse.

I see. Thank you very much.

Hyped for cursed thread

Oh hey, I'm relevant too

Nah, I just got here. Aloha

Pay attention to skype