Alright you fucking morons

Alright you fucking morons.

You're letting the LBGTQ "community"outsmart you.

If they want to demand that society accept their horseshit identities, then it's time we slip in one of our own, for godly keks.

How do we do this?

We convince them that Pedos deserve rights too.

Think about it, if this were to catch any traction at all it would only further remove any legitimization they've gained.


Other urls found in this thread:

Do it faggot, keep shitposting this until it gathers traction here.


cmon let's do this fags

LGBT is fucking retarded they can't even figure out the right way to live life. Shit is going down the way it does for no godamn reason. But I agree, we need to legalize the ped.

>Implying they don't.
Just fucking explain to me how a consensual relationship between me: a 24 year old man and a 15 year old girl harms in any way. I'm not a baby rapist or anything. I just like the most fertile women. It ain't my fault. It's my male instinct to reproduce.

And they are ripe for reproduction!

lib cucks support this

Maybe people need to make some front Twitter accounts and other promotional pages to try to express the agenda in a seemingly reasonable manner.

People who identify as cannibals.

OP here, we can get message across like the transgender stuff started its a different brain. A child mind in man

No, here is the thing about feminism
>Every ideology becomes corrupted over time
>Feminists are not only organized, but on the left
>Therefore, they will accept new ideas without much thought as long as it doesn't take much effort and makes people feel good
This is why shit like fucking polysepholiicgender is a goddamn thing.
We need to reverse engineer this.
>First, start saying that young people in schools should have access to condoms
>Slow, social reforms
>Lower age of consent more and more
>Before they realize what has happened their kids are giving out bjs left and right

This is probably the most effective method except none of us can fucking do that....

do like the cutting for beiber make trending

I know, it is sad because of the nature of Sup Forums and it's users

Like Micheal Jackson?

make it noticed and discussed by small then it grows, like trading a paperclip to a house

Yea. But that wasn't illegal. Why would I make a page or account where I get swatted for driving the lolita express?

gays got away with it sodomy

We'll we already have shit to do. We could start a large conspiracy. But for what? To make Pedo legal in 100 yrs. That's a steep price to pay just so some fat fuck can get their kicks down the line.

Related Video:

But not at first. How many of those fags had to go to jail to fight for the right to be freaks? Idk... I am not taking the pen. for this one. I came up with the system, now you fags put it into operation.

>I sexually identify as a pedophile
its pottery

Make conspiracy theory

I think I understand what you mean. Fucking convince them it's not the pedobears fault? Like they were born with their sexual preferences? And then convince them that a kid that wan'ts to be obsecene has the personal right to do so and should be legalized?? But that's a tough campaign man!

Wow... Seriously... THIS is the best all y'all "Normal" folk could come up with? Use the community as an excuse to legitimize your pedo? Y'all are so transparent, we could use you for iPhone screens. -Not that we would ever even want to touch your disgusting pedo asses...

And I know you are all jealous of my Crimean invasion of this thread.

good plan.. but with the reverse engineered consent down to 12, they will also be able to jail any male who had consenting sex with by saying later that they didn't want it.


Said this on previous thread but I did get someone at work to admit Pedo's can't help their desires. Rationalized it by saying the difference is between a consenting adult when dealing with fags and someone who is unable to consent when it comes to pedies.

Kind of got a kick out of someone having to defend pedies based on their homie stance

This guy should kys.
But anyways, we could use the rainbow flag and shit to make the LGBT feel at home. You know? Like user the words "Discrimination" And "Bigot" Words they like to use! To make them more open to the idea. Then I guess I could see a bieber cut scenario from out of all this. Plus get some real pedos to come out of the creepzone and march out in the streets and stuff. Make it seem like civil rights movement?

>What kind of unjust world do we live in when a man gets 20 years for killing a child, but up to 442 for loving one? #LoveisAgeless

See rationalize it like this user ^^^

Hate to kill your fire here, but that shit was actually proven to be medical fact. Someone didn't just start spewing bullshit expecting people to believe them.

You have issues, Sup Forumsro; seek professional help from a friend, minister, counselor, etc. Furthering actual criminal activity to 'get back' at a class of folk you find repugnant is just plain morally indefensible.



>My country will give me a medal for going to foreign lands and killing children during war, but will lock me away for life for loving them at home in peace. #LoveisAgeless

The scary thing is pedo is coming now. Look up "im a pedophile not a child molester" i know infowars covered that

Hi CIA how's the party in the desert going

The right to die painfully. Sure.

I bought a new house that the land was hit by a tornado a few years ago so there are no trees, I just bought a red maple, what other trees will grow fast and look good.

E..e..excuse me, op nii-san those lgbt people that you don't like very much seem to be gaining likes on a video "#ProudToBe" that we didn't like very much...sorry to interrupt i will just post this and go back to my corner Senpai Op-san

What the fuck giveso you the right to ruin another life for your penis? There is no difference between murder and fucking a kid except murder is by far more merciful.

Did an appeal that if a person been chased by police should not be considered a Male or Female or it would be racist, for example Caucasian MALE

r u srs

This is complement I am sure.

> taking a dick in the reproductive organs is equivalent to taking a bullet in the head
i lol'd

Pick one.

As a person who got to fuck someone older than myself when I was young, your position is indefensible.


No fucking shit I am as soon as you bust a nut go ahead and bust a cap too. Makes it all easier than trying to live through the shit after some entitled prick helps himself to your asshole.

You do realize that people under the age of 18 can totally be down to fuck, right? What kind of shitty childhood did you have?

As a kid I had a pedophile fuck me. I have just now started wanting to live and you are making it difficult. You think kids have the fucking capacity for either your dick or your fucking "love". Go choke on your next fucking scalding hot pizza roll you fat turd.

> I have just now started wanting to live and you are making it difficult.
> Go choke on your next fucking scalding hot pizza roll you fat turd
Oh the dichotomy. I suppose only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

One with pedos in it. All of you go jump off the highest building your can find. Fuck counseling , just die.

Sounds like your problem wasn't pedophilia, it was rape. Those are two different things.

So society made you think you were a victim, and now you think it's okay to do the same to others. An hero.

It's never gonna fly, every normalfag is programmed to hate on pedo.

You have the right idea tho, maybe furries just for the entertainment value of seeing them defend something that ridiculous


Well, we're talking about feminists and faggots, not normies.

This is now a loli thread

Just go to YouNow #LGBT and fuck with those lonely lib cucks

My bad



Oh, what a surprise, a fucking person who thinks sex with kids is okay doesn't want to believe that the shit ruins lives. Deserving to die and wanting to die are not equal.
All pedophilia rape you fucktard.
A grown ass man fucked me as a kid, of course I couldn't actually be a victim.

The thing is none of you even believe what you are saying. You all know that is fucked up but you little fucking clocks take priority over everything including the lives of others. I hope the fucking feds bust every God damn one of you fucking shit stains.

Woah did i hear loli bread

kek, rip comment

>Convince them pedophiles deserve rights too

Nice try, Mr. Rogers.

Not really he could had landed in Juvi and gotten raped there, so not all pedophilia is rape.

No one cares about your pathetic little drawings. Real kids are getting hurt on this world.

An adult having sex with a mentally and physically immature person incapable of caring for themselves is RAPE motherfucker.

Iv`e heard grown man get raped and im talking in their 40s - or more with a broom also with consent of jail guards, pretty scary shit anyway once you reach federal they shave the eyebrows of sexual molestors or snitches, lot`s of raping scary traumatic sound effects
so never say never

>All pedophilia rape you fucktard.
Fuck off. You didn't specify whether or not you consented.

And don't give me that "children can't consent" bullshit. That's only a legal standpoint, it does not mean that children are incapable of saying yes.



somebody mad

Meant if the teen landed in juvi and got raped by another teen is not pedophilia faggotry it is not pedophilia do.
but usually they stick a soap up the sexual abusers ass let`s put it this way you get charged for sexual assault land in juvi, then you get a soap up your ass by another inmate sometimes various if not raped mothercuckfucking bitch ass nigger.

> All pedophilia rape you fucktard
Gross generalizations won't make your shitty life any better.

Holy shit, are you even on the right website?

Children would say yes to eating nothing but fucking candy but that doesn't mean anything adult let's them or encourages it. Again, you still know you are full of shit.

with the way things are going, i wouldnt be surprised if we didn't have to do anything to have pedophilia legalized in 10 years

Rape makes one angry, yes.

wtf is that thing in the bottom left corner looks like a badly disguised alien


True he went full raged he could just have his rapist whacked if he has the balls to do it, not getting all triggered because I know how Juvi and Federal prison works.
not something im proud of but never got raped, still remember the guys that got raped not by watching just hearing pretty strong stuff.

>specious argument
>ad hominem

Kill yourself.

You clearly haven't tried to eat nothing but candy before.

Time to stop the faggot invasion

I almost give it 5 kids above 16 probably some webcam or cellphone supervised, not an expensive cellphone to be honest.

As Dave puts it, "Just give up motherfucker."

You make no sense from one post to the next. Go back, read it again and try to be coherent next time.
Not letting you fucking pretend you're sickness is normal might make someone else's better.
Yes, I have my own reasons for being here. What the fuck about my being on a huge website that goes over huge amounts of subject matter make me agree with no pedophiles? I can like Sup Forums with out being a weak minded little shit who probably didn't even like kids before he arrived but spent so much time looking at little kids he is now stuck with it.

The hell Dave considers him brown ?
seen this video before

If You`re a Minor and Sexual abuse someone you get a soap or dick up your ass.
law from jail

Y'all spend so much time up each others asses you don't realize no one agrees outside of your stupid little echo chamber.

...oh, right. Summer is upon us.

> ur pretending
> huge website
> huge amounts of subject matter
> stuck with it

What the fuck does that have to do with anything here? God you are stupid. I understood what you were attempting to do say it just has nothing to do with adults raping children which is the subject we are currently discussing.