Why do i drink yoo hoo so fucking fast

why do i drink yoo hoo so fucking fast

Why do you drink yoo hoo at all you fucking manchild?

it tastes like shit so you try to finish it quicker

Fucking this, it's cheese water and chocolate, you fucking white trash

What is up with these chocolate hating niggers tonight. What is wrong with chocolate drinks? Seriously

>home alone one afternoon
>cute girl knocks on my door doing some save the earth thing
>notices my yoohoo shirt and says she loves yoohoo, asks me if i happened to have any
>i don't but i help out her out with her whole deal and she comments again about the yoohoo

Wish I had some that day I doubt I'd get laid but it could've been cool just busting it out

>chocolate hating niggers
That's like calling somebody a cheese hater because they hate American cheese

They dont even sell it as chocolate milk, it's chocolate "drink"

There's another thread asking what b thinks of chocolate milk. First comment was "I'm not 12 anymore". Why does b hate chocolate. What makes chocolate a childish thing?

American cheese isn't that bad. It makes God tier grilled cheese sandwiches... Well that's about it

I'm fine with chocolate milk lad. But we aren't talking about chocolate milk. We're talking about Yoohoo

This. Yoohoo is only good when you're a sugar-obsessed child. As an adult it tastes like shit.

Yoohoo is unbelievably disgusting. I guess since I didn't grow up and poor trash, I never developed a taste for it

Ahh see that's where the confusion is. I was generalizing that. Including chocolate milk into the chocolate drinks category. So b doesn't mind chocolate MILK, it's chocolate DRINKS that trigger them

fuck off nigger

Hence the "cheese water" it's made with whey

Don't listen to all of these idiots, Yoohoo is amazing. I actually just bought two packs of those cartons and went through em all in about three days. I feel your pain.

glass bottle > can > box

Pure sugar is cheaper, you know.

If they made chocolate sugar, that'd be the balls.

You seriously think having yoohoo would've gotten you laid?

Purchased with GB points?

>doubt means the same thing as think

Don't drink it with a straw. It has been proven that straws make you drink things faster. Pour it out. Also holy shit the b8 in this thread yoo hoo is the shit.