We had a thing once. You know what to do

We had a thing once. You know what to do.

Marry me?

What's up bitch I'm tryna get my dick wet

send me nudes and I'll tell you where I hid the body

fuck off with your trips



holy shit

Hail satan

Damn that was a quick get

Holy fuck that was quick

El Diablo!


Deliver op u fuckin faggot


Op won't deliver what a faggot

gonna get dat ass wet wit sweat bitch

Now we wait

Dubs for good response luck

Fucking updates take forever

Damn son

Only if it's golden.

Want to join me? ;)

Come join me, I double dog dare you

Alright, but i'll be thinking of you ;)

niggers tongue my anus

4085048306 op here fuck it you guys try

I meant wet with vaginal juices, like from your vagina. A vagina is a place that a penis goes and when it does it gets wet with vaginally juices. I guess what I'm trying to say is I want to put my penis in your vagina and get it covered in your vaginal juices.

Fuck off m8 liar

Oy vey

my dick is like the sahara, a shower isn't enough



I wanna eat your pussy while crying about student debt


Oh shit!

>student debt


Close but no cigar

Op still looking for a reply?

I'll be thinking of you fucking me with a strap on

Im not sure (idk how to prove I'm OP)

Come on let me bathe in the sweet nectar of that juicy peach you got stashed in your undies.

i would but I clogged the shower head when I was using it as an enema

That word is forbidden on any board on Sup Forums.

Except maybe Sup Forums, those fags are ridden with it. Kek


aight, that cooter smells like swamp thing anyway.

Didn't you forget lock the backdoor?

hey i'm outside

Ayy bae bae

my dick is like the sahara, a shower isn't enough


Well if you won't put out I'll have to check what John is up to. His ass don't quit.


Well I'll just be here... Stroking my dick to thoughts of you


rolling for this as well


pls op




Trips motherfucker

Its trips dumbass

No trips fam

You know you miss this dick