What do you think of Orange Coat Girl?

What do you think of Orange Coat Girl?


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Shes an idiot. What else?

But I would still fuck her. Once I bust the nut I tell her I hate feminism and thinks she is joke


She is a red coat and in my history you kill red coats

whats even going on

OCG she hates Milo Y



She gets praised for stopping freedom of speech in SJW circle jerks and condemned in anti-feminist circle jerks. What's new?

She's a cunt though

Hey I know her for real realz

new queen of Sup Forums?

Now we can jerk off to her

i cant fap to this, she aint got no hips



I think she needs to have the feminism raped out of her anally



no tits either




Lindsay k.
From texas



i'd fuck her, she looks pretty hot regardless of her feminine penis or not.

Never mind I take that back, she is a skinny fat legbeard.


well fuck that just made me soft

Die Lobsterbacks!!

I still rub my dick to her

I'm ready for your cock daddy

I can give a better titfuck than she ever could in her entire life

>Dude that's been on HRT for a month
No thanks

probly has a nice bush


I'd like to cum in those forest eyebrows

Jesus people calm down




my sides are in orbit
