Why are you not voting for trump, Sup Forums ?

why are you not voting for trump, Sup Forums ?

trump 2016

im not

My mother is not my sister at the same time therefore I am not retarded and I am not voting for Trump

Because I live in Australia

Also, I think Trump only cares about Trump. His simplistic view of world politics is retarded. Hillary is also fucked but in a less dangerous way. You Amerifags have a shitty choice of leaders

why? trump is what we need

I really can't wait until you fucking retards don't post these fucking threads. Every goddamn day

except for bernie, hes the only one that cares

I am.

I am. I'm registered to vote last week and everything

My IQ is above 75

November seems like a long, long way off.

Because bankrupting multiple businesses is not a sign of leadership

i fucking hate all of you

Yeah, then vote for Clintron, because it's the right thing to do
Enjoy getting raped by niggers from #BLM, sent to prison by feminist bitches and having everything you own taken away by the banks

Why? They're not actually going to vote come November, they're just keyboard cowboys

>I don't have a substantial argument so I'll just attempt to making you seem primitive

Because I am not gonna deny Hillary her rightful place in history #finallyawoman #POTUSGIRL #FeminismWins

bernie is our best chance at making america great again, have you seen how crooked hillary is?


>tiny hands
>hated by most o the world
>hates video games and wants to ban them
>supports trannies
>supports Israel
>waaah you said something mean to me im going to sue you waaahhhh
Jesus Christ what a faggot.

I want an Alpha as fuck president but I guess I'll settle for Hilary.

her rightful place would be on her knees between Bill's legs, but she's even too crappy for that


Is this bait? This must be bait

>I want an Alpha as fuck president but I guess I'll settle for Hilary.
You're voting the hardest Beta, Bank-Slut ever
just kill yourself as long as you have the right to own a gun

maybe but Trump is a straight up fucking retard, Hillary KNOWS what shes doing. with her we will take over the middle east, with Trump we will lose all that we have gained and more.


but hillary is corrupt as fuuuckkkk

Wtf is a potusgirl?

can you not grasp simple English you stupid fucking mongoloid?
>i want
>I guess i will settle
fucking NA education everyone. Join the army you fucking inbred hillbilly, so you can get shot by a brown person overseas "protecting muh freedums"

>implying bernie isnt alpha as fuck

And Trump isn't?

Oh i am voting for him.. he represents traditional american values :
* Clearly wants to fuck his daughter
*Wears a squirrel fur cap
* Racist
* Gun lover
* Loud and stupid and doesn't care

That's what made America great!

Being a woman is also a poor sign of leadership.

settling for Hillary because Trump is a "Beta" is like becoming muslim because you want to fight for women and human rights
and they're not "brown", they're (sand-)niggers
And how about being thankful for institutions like the army who protect your freedom so you don't have to watch your mother get raped to death by fucking filth before being beheaded?

well, if you think about it, it actually did

EVERY POLITICIAN IS CORRUPT you 12 year old child. She will do whats best for our country to gain even more power even if it means sending retards who join the army to die.
She has the experience, she was Bill Clinton's bitch, she knows how politics work. Trump is a dumbfuck who is being used to set up Hillary for the win. cap this post, Hillary WILL be president.

I like Trump but im not voting for him as a matter of principle, purely based on the fact that hes with the GOP.
The 2 party system is literally destroying this country. they are 2 sides of the same coin. stop falling for this shit and vote 3rd party if you have any sense left in you.


>with her we will take over the middle east
Are you high or stupid?
She accepts tons of money from aran nations. She wants more refugees. She's an actual Traitor to the government but she's so owned by banks that no one cares. With trump we won't lose a damn thing. Worst case scenario he disagrees with congress and he accomplishes 0, worst case for Hilary, more rights ar taken from people. Anti-anonymity laws, removal or due process to be investigated, the attempt to silence free speech. It'll be another 8 years of big gov and big banks fucking you over for profit.

exaclty, welcome to the real world
>Hillary WILL be president
sadly, he's right, because she's a woman, she's a company and bank bitch and sucks every rich guy's dick and because she's (at least in public) a nigger-loving whore

Because I am capable of rational thought.

wow you sure are one brained washed moron Cletus. I bet you watch Fox News and CNN so you can stay "informed"
and you need to look up the meaning of Analogy because you're doing it wrong, but I can't expect much from someone with a single digit IQ.

Because I'm not an American

Using the term nigger makes you a worthless child. Please grow up.

CNN is a liberal platform, retard.

bernie is the only non corrupt candidate in the race right now. its sad to see people settling for hillary and shit when bernie is trying to make america less corrupt

cuz im not an amerifat

Because I'm not 'murican.

>new zealander

Because I´m from Puerto Rico which makes me an american citizen in a domestic sense.

i am though. so is my mom, dad, sister, and brother in law. pretty much the entire family. that's around 50 people. i can't wait for him to tax the hell out of imported goods to bring jobs back, and help make small businesses competitive again.

okay, to not scare you in your save space, I'll use the term negro from now on

Yeah, Bernie seemed alright. His populist ideals however, couldn't appeal to a nation which has already had 2 terms led by an awesome Democrat. Republican voters on the other hand are benefiting from the lack of representation during Obama's term. Trumps populist campaign appeals to disenfranchised Republican voters. Perhaps after a Republican term of office Bernie will have more credulity. That's my view as an Ausfag anyway

Well look at what he did when BLM crashed his speech. He s beta as fuck

Bernie is a communist, socialism doesn't work, dummies .

Bernie addressed a large crowd without a bunch of hired security goons. Clearly he's a pussy.

what do you think trump wouldve done in that situation?


I'm not voting at all. I dislike both of them. I instead am trying to figure out how to gtfo of America and live in another 1st world country.

if hillary wins im moving to canada

check em



It's like the universe wants Trump to win

I'm positive Fermi's paradox is Trump.
All alien civilizations that vote against national pride get lost in a permanent death spiral till their sun dies out.


>why are you not voting for trump, Sup Forums ?
Brain owner here. Thats why