This is not yer daddy's octopus

This is not yer daddy's octopus













Last one I got

No octo-lovers on Sup Forums?


those creatures look like they're suffering

>No octo-lovers on Sup Forums?
What do you think?


reporting in

post more

wtf? Why is she crying? Is that shit? Sause?

I'm only saving this shit to expand my Japan folder



French faggot wanna be Japanese... LOL

U wot m8
I do the exact same shit for other countries as well

This nigga is a faggot
This thread is dead so, what's your best shit you have from Korea

i've seen this shit so many times
now i don't think anything except that they're wasting perfectly good, delicious octopus

Bump, because it is weirdly satisfying

Nothing really relevant to the thread tbh

Any other weird shit then somewhat relevant?

Genuine autiste.

Nothing porn-related, I can dump the Japanese weird porn folder though



More of this shit and I'm happy, thanks


wish there were more of these, theyre so good

Fuck, this shit gave me anti-boner.

what is wrong with you



You're fucked dude


What's that ?


I don't wanna know tbh




I think Japan really needs Hiroshima again, this time twice as hard.


Then threads like this wouldn't give me confused boners, I say we have more of this



>japanese ceiling fan

I believe it was a popular video called something like "Eels in the ass"

thats fucked up, did she just graduate women studies?

Forgot this one from the octopi folder





y'all niggers need help



How long did he forget to shower to get so much dick cheese



Honesetly, isnt this super deadly? I mean these shits could eat you inside out.
Not to mention all the fucking disease you get. Not even a doc would want to touch a subhuman like that

Dude with folders on folders, do you have any contact like email, kik or some shit?

[email protected]

Emailed you, would you mind sending any of those folders?

Np, just tell me how to cause it's too heavy for my mail service

You could use

Got it, what exactly do you want? It's not that interesting tbh, most of the files aren't even sorted.

The shit posted here has been pretty nice, as much as you feel like sending really, I'll take whatever, as long as it's under like 30 gb lmfao


You still working in that?
>keeping thread alive

Yup, just having a shitty connection so it might take a while. Uploading the Asia folder, you'll probably be disappointed though.

It's all good, just email it when it's done if this thread is dead. You got the email, right?

Every day we drift further from gods light.


Thanks my dude