What the fuck is this about? I see it fucking everywhere lately...

What the fuck is this about? I see it fucking everywhere lately, just a bunch of funny looking nerds trying to be fucking Tom cruise in the last samurai.
this is by far the most Faggot haircut you could have, and if you have it you should just an hero you summerfags

girls love it u cunt

why do u care tho? does it affect you in any way?

Your dubs doesn't count and no the fuck they don't, my lady thinks it just as douchey



I'm a gay guy, and i hate that hair...
Also the paintbrush look aswell..

Yeah i have a dread hawk and any cock suck with a top knot immediately thinks we are friends about it

Fat chicks aren't real girls


.....m'lady thinks theyre awesome

I'd rather have that haircut and be Sean from boy meets world than any version of tom cruise
>Inb4 top gun, that doesn't count

>i have a dread hawk

chav spotted

bet you're trying to grow a beard to huh?

Your lady is a fucking moron

>having a dread hawk
>complaining about other peoples style choices

kill yourself faggot

This is what you call a hipster.

> using style media tells ya to because you are an insecurefag
> being a puppet, consuming what they tell you to

How is it going 99% of nowadays' /b?

ITT: Ugly people complain about hairstyles that look good on non-ugly people

Says the neck beard

could be just Vikings fanboys

if you're good looking almost anything looks good on you

>implying I don't love the cock.

No top knot needed and still getting my dick sucked
>Dread hawk and all

I've been rocking the retarded manbun for years and now it has become mainstream and i feel so fucking disgusting... Contemplating suicide.

I have a couple friends with that style
they bring in babes and bimbos so i dont mind

I bet you have a "legalize it" sticker on your skate board too, right?

Suicide that bun

Check em


I've got this style for a time now
fucked 50 chicks this year alone

I don't know why fags like OP hate looking sexually attractive that much

Who the fuck cares about haircuts? Women and faggots like OP. OP standing there and looking at other male haircuts

do it user... jes do it

Fuck no! I make a killing off that stuff!

OP is angry because his mom won't cut his hair in any other style than a bowl cut.

>become an hero
Ftfy, newfag

No no, he won, you're a faggot suck it up faggot.

Actually my grandma told me to "cut your hair like the colored people" so dreads it was

He is trying so hard, it's funny.

He throws the bait,and he catches 5 newfags.

I had a huge man bun. Hair past my chest. People with weak man buns always said it was how they wanted there's. I cut it off within months of that shit. Now I hate seeing ugly nerds trying to look fresh with buns and top knots. So many nerds

Jesus. Is this shitty mid-90's haircut making a comeback now?

>being a loser drugdealer
>criticizing other people

You're getting mad at someone's hair. They are enjoying their life and enjoy their style. Who is the real factor OP?

Should never ever care about the hairstyle of someone else. Its like comparing shoes. Leave that for the females. Unbelievable that the factors on this shitty site get so worked up over such trivial bullshit. No wonder you're all scared to leave your parent's basement. FFS

EXACTLY i wouldn't care if it wasn't the entire millenial generation, these fags are the same ones voting trump

Do it faggot.
If you think styling your hair is enough to get you laid then please get ready for the summer camp.

If you are baiting then this is a semi good shit post and good job.

I don't know OP. I've kept my Hitler Youth for like a year, not about to get a faggy little ponytail.

I mean there IS a subset of women that like men that look like total faggots, but I don't enjoy getting pegged.

Hey don't bring the president into this

You forgot to mention the younger people of ages 16-18,the god damn newfags!

>voting Trump
Where the fuck do you live, all the faggots I know are Bern victims.

OP is probably a fat autistic jealous that he gets no pussy while chad fucks whoever he wants. :^)

This is the definition of a fresh cut

Drug dealer?

>Summerfag confirmed

You're not a Viking. You look like a faggot, especially if you also have the piercings.
Get a real haircut and a real job, you fucking child.

The definition of a fresh cut is a newly shaved in skinhead, so what the fuck are you even saying? Uncultured summerfag alert

Also no pussy?
>Pic very related

It does help though.

You as a stinky nerd might not care about appearance and style, because you haven't left your hole in years. But other people do care about stuff like that.

This hairsytle + a septum helped me a lot to get laid a lot.

Usually I will pick up a chick like once a month, but now since I got better style and cooler clothes I can easily get laid twice each weekend.

Women do care about your style and muscles more than your actual looks

>being a fat stoner wigger with dreads who gets blowjobs from $10 junkie hookers is something to be proud of

Gr8 b8 m8 8 out of 8

As a punk who's been in the scene since the late 90's i can honestly say girls went from bad boys to rad boys to sad boys, now they're into fad boys, I've fucked 30+ girls based off having a Mohawk alone.

Septum ring? Fuck in my town that's what you grab when you fight, piercings aren't good in street fights kid

Wtf is a dread hawk? Mohawk not good enough for you, sonny?

Fat? I'm like 160 and 6 ft 2

Ten dollar hooker?
>Dont think this only costs ten bucks but then again you're probably a middle eastern fag

I had had once. Then this fucking thread gave me cancer.

It was until it became too long, i could only put it up with knox so my grandma requested dreads, can't tell a 90 year old lady no

>As a punk

>easily get laid twice each weekend

Yeah the rest of the post was pretty much on point, but that's some pick-up artist shit right there.

If you get laid twice every weekend, you are either trying really really hard, or the situation in your town/city is just really fucked up.

This haircut has been around for a while now, get out of your Mom's basement a little more and you too may be able to touch a girl's butt. I wouldn't bet on it though, you'll probably just sit around and complain about how other men look like the true faggot you are

Simmer down buddy boy
"Someone with a different opinion? Better call him a summer gag xdxdxd"
Good one :) faggot

Getting laid twice in a weekend isn't that difficult dude, my record is 4 girls in one day no shower

This Newfag missed the pics?


not the same guy, but you can tell by her lower jaw that she has a man face, so you're not helping your case when saying "you think this costs only 10 bucks?"

Show up to work on time tomorrow, little boy.

>haircut has been in fashion for a good 2 years
>notices it now

Your whore has bad taste in lingerie

>I'm like 160 and 6 ft 2
From the gut in those photos you must be one of those weird ass looking faggots, all torso with spaghetti arms and legs

Ok dad :)

Your whore just holds your pencil, besides i bought it

Nothing wrong with man buns like in OPs pic imo. But they can definitely look shit if you don't have the head to suit it

>corset + tilted angle
someone's ashamed of their love handles

tits or ass?

Mfw i Fuck this girl every night and you wear a shower cap to bed so you don't frazzle your man bun

Also how you gonna have love handles in a corset?
Virgin confirmed

>I bought it
so you have bad taste, which means she probably has a dog face.

Maybe the situation really is that way for you.

Or maybe you're lying to yourself because you're on the internet and you're anonymous, and nobody can check anyway.

In my experience, these things are probably possible, but looks don't get you that far by a long shot. The people I know that might achieve 2 (different) girls each weekend are the ones that spend 50%+ of their day on picking up girls, probably because they were bullied by girls as a child or whatever.

Still, the bullshit explanation is 5 times more likely.

>you wear a shower cap to bed
And you're ragging on guys with man buns?

I'm not even the same guy you raging homo. proper haircut and been living with my girl that looks WAY better than your fat slut for 4 years now.

>love handles in a corset
nigger are you serious? do you even know what they're for? pro tip, they aren't for when women look good without them.

awww someone's getting salty because strangers think his gf looks bad.

this thread keeps getting more and more beta.

These threads are like penis size threads.

Being on the internet just causes some kind of inability in people to face reality concerning these 'manliness' kind of things

>Living with girl that's way hotter
>Sup Forums
Pick one
>Raging homo
Kill yourself/8

>Sup Forums


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05/2020 592



>only seeing this trend now

You either live under a rock and/or are over 40 years old

>admits that his girl is anot ugly whore.
you're a special kind of retarded aren't you?
>Sup Forums

What a fake credit card number expiration and cvv code, everyone knows 4 Chan and the credit card companies change real numbers into X's

Ya'll are some insecure faggots to be getting laid and feel the need to come onto Sup Forums to brag about it. smh fam

She make me cum so why would i care what you neck beards say?you're on/b/ you have no credibility

ITT: anons try sticking up for their top knot

What kind of fag cares so much about hairstyle, that is the question.

Because it just says "i wear mandalls and can't fight"

The fact that you are responding how you are responding is one of the clearest indicators that

Are right. If you are a fit and good-going dude, there is no reason to get upset and start boasting of your accomplishments on the internet.

Close the thread and go think about your lives

that guy is hot, sorry loser

>she makes me cum, she's a beautiful lady, stop making fun of her or ill cry more.

this is what you sound like right now

do you often fight?

But for the record you can still wear mandalls and woop ass

Dubs always count. You don't get to break the rules.

Well I'm not over here making the cancerous threads that are constantly murdering Sup Forums

Figured I'd actually talk about something that makes you look like a beta bitch, if you have a top knot and aren't from Brazil you're more than likely a pussy looking for pussy

I'm not bragging on the internet just laughing while you autismo jones' talk shit and it's no where near accurate

If you have this haircut your girl is cucking you with tattooed scum bags, sure you can try to be pretty but deep down in every girl they just want to be fucked by heavily tattooed bad boys, deal with it faggots