Do you have any special talents, Sup Forums?

Do you have any special talents, Sup Forums?

>No need for pic to be considered even remotely related

I can solve a Rubik's cube in under 20 seconds.

im still one of the best Warcraft 3 players in the world still remaining.

i can ruin any and all relationship i enter into without even noticing

i can get dubs

I can suck the moisture out of any vagina almost instantly just by standing in the same room

No you can't

I can't pull a rabbit out of a hat but I can pluck a hair from my asshole.

I can kinda draw good stuff.

I can fap to traps.

Guitar, bass, drums, and basically any other instrument. Picked up a violin once and was able to start jamming out immediately. I've never had any lessons, and couldn't go to a music school because I don't know music theory and didn't try hard enough to learn it when it counted.

Did that ever matter?


got the world record on mario kart wii on DK Summit

nope. but i can still whoop your ass in a 15 year old game. with 1 hand probably

My special talent is that I have no talents

nice and best talent in this thread so far


i can eat/consume peatnut butter through a straw

I can play through the fire and flames on guitar without messing up.

I can keep coming back to the same site day after day despite having plenty of other worthwhile things to do

I make god tier edgy memes and in my group of friends im know as ''The edgy one'' which im poud of

I can roll my eye lids inside out.

I could probably beat you at any Nintendo 64 game.

I have managed to jump over my 110cm computer chair on a couple of occasions, although I don't know if that counts as a talent


I can suck my own dick

>implying you can beat me in mario party or smash

>Master in swordfighting
>intellectually superior

thanks to my adhd i can learn/understand shit pretty quickly, but if i don't use it for longer than a month or so, it's fucking gone

then again, i have a stupidly long memory for irrelevant shit that no-one cares about

Mario party is one of my weaker games tbh, but I could never really focus for the whole party.
If you think you could be me in smash 1v1 in irl scrub.
