Prove your a oldfag

prove your a oldfag

Other urls found in this thread:


Never 4get

You're not crescent fresh.
But the thought was cres.

Recycling old zozzles doesn't make you top queer. Fucking originalfaggot

wtf is a zozzle m8?

I was there when that faggot strangled his girlfriend then post pictures on Sup Forums and let his son find him and try to go out with a bang


xD I was there when a dude went to the catacombs in france or something, stole a skull and put his dick in it because he wasn't gonna be allowed to bring it home on a plane.



Came here from somethingawful in 2005. And no all you 2008fags are not oldfags.

i just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot

>I was here before the Rock started cooking.jpg
You can post WAHA and Rozen Maiden DESU for all I care, you're still a newfag at heart.

God damn it that was a funny ass thread I was coming lulz

Where the fuck is my ipod?


I was that dude who found a cat and killed it using only a spatula at the request of Sup Forums. Also fucked a television.

Riding spinnaz

Dudeee that was in 2005 holy shit. You're a legend, good times.


No kitten?

sifl and olie is oldfag now?
i thought i was a newfag because i can only remember as far back as when joot blasted that 'rock is cooking' shit

No anything past 2005 is not oldfag. Its just not newfag either.

Did you just say Hand Jabba?

she epin b

Holy shit that was my first time on Sup Forums

Newfags will never know snacks

snacks was a faggot. good riddance

Survived the grifter

And he loved his pizza

Do you smell what the rock is cooking roody-poo

Christ dude, still my favorite post. Theres no way that was you, time stam0?

I'm a 2007 fag. Count?

I remember Boink and Catgodess.

Ehhhh, that was when the internet became mainstream... I guess you count

An hero, please.
This is getting unoriginal.

Havent seen that post since 2011.


Are you kidding? Damn dude the tvfucker returns. Timestamp please

And trips


Omg I still remember scrambeled kittens.

Holy fuck theres no way thats you! Poor cat


Ive never seen this but the description is disturbing me.

Your newfag is showing

>newfag detected

I think i was around when goatsee dot CX.. was alive. Cant say 2004, 2005 or 2016 anymore.

The dude literally got arrested for cooking a cats brains like eggs.

badger badger badger badger mushroom

i was here during the birth of this pic

I was here when the UK voted to leave the EU

A cunt is what you are. And the Indians are surprised it just takes voting to get you cunts out of their land.

yes it dows. I was in 2007 and it wasn't as cancerous as anything after

How crescent fresh of you.







The border of oldfag/newfag

Anyone remember /kids/?
I do.



The secret invasion board... those were the days

Oldfags won't give an aviating rodents combined hind quarters about any of this newfaggotry.


He was an hero to us all
R.i.p sweet prince

>Open Sup Forums


who are they? I've been looking for that channel for tens of minutes before i decided to do some Sup Forums

guess i am original then
need to come up with a during the creation time line


Talking about the creation is a moot point.

registering Sup
brace for faggotry

I vaguely remember there being a guy called 'moot' who was the moderator of this forum.

Newfags don't know dat boi

before moot was involved before moot created Sup Forums before moot finished high school
what timeline would that be?


Nice punch line, faggot

Exactly. That's it. A moot point.

What if he's lurking in this very thread right now? What would you say to mootles?

If tell him he's a faggot for abandoning us for his sjw whale..

hmmm it would have to be a "God point" moot was kind of a messenger,
like the original anons before it became Sup Forums before it was the internet
are there any pics of the originals
before moot?

? Moot created Sup Forums..

but moot didn't create anonymous, anonymous created moot

Yes. I agree. Anonymous was around b4 Sup Forums.

Before Sup Forums was newgrounds, funnyjunk, collegehumor, etc. That's where proto-user was born.

i miss the old newgrounds, all the old stuff even virtual crack

And most oldfags came from there

i heard user was born with out internet

thats not crescent fresh. been here since summer of 2015

Fuck Off goon

newgrounds was the closest thing to porn back then, those stupid puzzle games that expose soime semi naked woman.

You guys play heli attack onaddictinggames?

aw but your just a baby

dress up games were the shizz

I miss snacks banhammer

unless you could just get real porn


The banhammer of epic lulz?