When u want to fap but ur best friend is asleep in the same room

when u want to fap but ur best friend is asleep in the same room

Carter is that u

If he's you are best friend, then just HAVE SEX!

Jeez, what the FUCK is still with some people these days! It's 2016!!!!!!!!!!!

So? Just stealth fap.

One of the truly useful skills I learned in the military.

This! I used to do it when i was younger all the time.

this tbqh

I've masturbated whilst my entire family was watching a movie when I was a kid. Nowadays, I do it all the time when my friends are over.

How do you cum without being found out?

do you blow an air horn when you cum?

I meant, how do you hide it

The actual sperm

You have to just let it dry up on your boxers Sup Forumsro

Nut on your friend's crotch and make fun of him in the morning for having a wet dream. Damned children....

But it's all sticky when l try to sleep D:

cum in your hand and throw it out the window

Just gotta tough it out. Or if theres a carpet just rub it into the carpet. Or go to the bathroom to fap and post pics for all the fags on Sup Forums

Eat it. Sometimes it helps if you work it around in your mouth for a bit, makes it easier to swallow.

that's kind of hot
is it really sticky?

Isn't it gay to eat your own cum?
Yeah like maple syrup sticky. Disgusting

Dubs has spoken

semen is maple syrup sticky?

your cum is the consistency of maple syrup? how?

It's not gay if it's your own. Just try it, don't be a pussy.