If you had to open a business in a small town of about 1500 people, what would it be?

If you had to open a business in a small town of about 1500 people, what would it be?

Grocery. Small towns tend to lack in quality foodstuffs.

Too true my nig


Strip club.

A Windows store

Billards and Arcade
Restaurant Bar
that would manage, the closer to a school the better

That was my first idea. But I'm pals with the guy who owns the only place people go to hang out. Can't do it to dale, that old son of a bitch

Liquor store

A pub.

Funeral home

Second this. Get a deli counter terrorism and a specialty. Rural area? Stock local eggs/beef/pork/honey


Lease or buy a space and open a farmers market or co-op, charge the people bringing in their wares a fee. You don't actually have to sell anything all you do is collect rent.


Comic book store.

blockbuster video

A movie theater/entertainment center
They make good money in small towns




pussy store

I'd recycle hotdog water for perfume.

>Second this. Get a deli counter terrorism and a specialty. Rural area? Stock local eggs/beef/pork/honey

Second this. Get a deli counter terrorism and a specialty. Rural area? Stock local beef/eggs/honey/pork/chicken/bulletproof vests/stun batons

OP, depends - what other stores in town? Hardware? automotive? since a small town you need a broad market appeal for shit everyone pretty much needs/wants (grocery for example, could do high end food for better margins, hold cooking classes, good liquor dept, some kinda of gimmick to drive traffic).

shoe or clothes store?

grocery good 'cause everyone buys, but margins suck dick.

Day Care Centre for age 12 and under. Free candy for all.

whatever it needs most.

Plumbing, electrical, anything utility usually is a good bet.

Watermelon patch for the niggers

Cigar Shop. I'd even have those candy tobacco products for the kids.

Simpler times, man.

Dumplins and dumplin accessories. also dubbies

The neighborhood has already been ethnically cleansed for your convenience

Thank god