I've never had a girlfriend who would just give me her pussy, even if she wasn't in the mood...

I've never had a girlfriend who would just give me her pussy, even if she wasn't in the mood. They never would just let me use it to cum. Every single girlfriend I've ever had (I've had 7) would only give me pussy if they were also in the mood and if they weren't in the mood, they wouldn't give me any pussy. I thought this was normal.

I had a discussion about this with some black coworkers today and they said that they didn't know what the fuck I was talking about. They said that in every relationship they have ever been in they always had unrestricted access to their girlfriend's pussy and they laughed when I told them that I've never experienced that. They looked at me like I was crazy.

Am I crazy? Is having a girlfriend that lets you use her body like a fleshlight a common thing?
Do your girlfriends insist that they also have to be in the mood before you're allowed to get any?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes. It is a thing. With complete sluts, you have unrestricted access, but so does everyone else. With less slutty girls, they are less likely to let you use them like a fleshlight after 3 months. So, basically, you have to learn to walk the fine line between aggressive and confident and rapey. Utterly ridiculous.

Realistically? It depends on the relationship and what you are looking for.
I'm not going to white knight this shit, but I prefer some restraint. What are you going to do with sixty years and she's all hagly, you won't bang that every waking moment.

Don't plan on staying with her that long? Then have at it I guess. I experienced one relationship out of about twenty four, and it was pretty weird.

She was hardly not in the mood, and when she wasn't, I could still have sex. It gets boring feeling the same stuff over and over. We made it fun with foreplay but even that got boring.

TL;DR: If you want a whore, you will get a whore relationship. If you want, pretty much, a long lasting relationship, you will get some restrictions.

until my woman got preg i was able to come to bed at any time in the night and just slip it in. Things have changed...

Nigger, reporting in.

If your girlfriend ever says to you, "No, I'm not in the mood" and leaves you hanging, ignoring your needs as a man, you dump her instantly. You absolutely never ever ever take her back. She'll bitch to all of her girlfriends what you did and they'll pretend to sympathize with her, but her girlfriends will secretly respect the hell out of you. Having established this reputation, your next girlfriend will give you pussy any time you want it and she'll pretend to be in the mood, even if she isn't.

Of course things have changed. She got her hooks into your wallet now. She set her trap and it caught you.

She now has her provision drone. No longer necessary to set the trap.

Thank you, wise nigger. That actually makes sense.

Only black guys can get away with that crap. White girls have been conditioned all of their lives by television commercials that white males are bumbling idiots who can't tie their own shoes without their superhero soccer mom wife.

If a white man does that, he'll never get another girlfriend.

Get one of these for when you want to just get yourself off. One-way fuk is no fun.

Thank you based nigger

fug. had to reload page to allow shitscripts and image was unselected

Depends on how you do it. The problem with white boys these days is you all don't know how to swagger. I guess a generation of you being raise by feminist single mothers has robbed you all of your mojo. If you want an example of a white man who knows how to swagger, go to youtube and look up old Ric Flair Wrestlemania footage, especially the interviews, and you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about. If you got swagger, dumping a bitch for not putting out will definitely fix your reputation.

>reputation is what gets you laid, btw. Nothing you have is more valuable.

> swagger
I thought you'd grow out of that eventually?


Isn't that class? Or are black people not allowed to have class and therefore have swagger?

>attempting to shame masculinity on a boys club website

I'm white
>Have brown girl as gf
>can use whatever part I want to cum
>gives blowjobs on command

I don't even know what you're talking about

That's a good point, too often are slang terms used to describe black people and it leads to people taking them less seriously in professional situations.

>b-but black people are good at dancing, that's a positive stereotype!
There's no such thing as a positive stereotype

pretty much this unless you got a whore minded girl young enough and groomed her

> masculinity
> boys club
See that fits perfectly to the word swagger. A bunch of teens thinking they have class and are acting like men. Meanwhile they dress in 25 $ plastic shirts of their favorite athlete and annoy pedestrians.

If you consider swagger a positive stereotype

Professor Badass is both swagger and class. It's possible to have class or swagger and both, regardless of race.

>Isn't that class?
That's definitely swagger.

Don't cut yourself on the edge bro.

Well it seems you guys have a different definition of swagger.
For me it definitely has a negative connotation.

5'6" Asian guy here. In a two year relationship with a 5'7" 118 lb white girl who was a virgin previously. I have unlimited access to all her hopes at any time.

If she respects you as a man she'll submit.

Swagger has a positive connotation. It means "to walk and act with confidence" and girls freaking love it. The reason you think it has a negative connotation is because you don't know how to get laid and have clearly spent quite a bit of time stuck in the friendzone.

What's your definition of swagger?

it means you suck in bed

that's rare nigga

ric flair nigga

>5'6" Asian guy
>white girl
>respects you as a man

Yeah yeah, the reason I think it's bad because I mainly see it in connection with criminal youth who swagger across the street but have no reason to be proud or confident of their current situation.
Hence swagger for me is wearing your pants around your ankels, throwing gang signs and shit like that.

Whoops, meant to quote you too

I'm 31 and never had a girlfriend...you're way ahead of me OP

if youre in a LTR your partner has to care about your desires and needs. if they dont want to do anything unless it benefits them then thats a big red flag IMO.

Literally haven't masturbated in two years since I get bjs and pussy on demand. Anal too but usually it's too much work and not really worth it imo.

If you ain't got a hot ass fit white girl ready to suck your cock whenever wherever then your girl doesn't respect you.


Nice fantasy fag. White girls aren't into Chinks. It's White guys who are into Asian bitches.

He looks awesome, but... Cargo pants? Barf.

That's where you're wrong. There are many different styles of swagger and those styles reflect various cultures. Sure, black guys wearing their pants around their ankles in the ghetto is the ghetto manifestation of swagger, and that sort of swagger attracts hood bitches, but Italians have their own swagger, Asians have their on swagger and white men have their own swagger too. In Texas, a white man displays swagger with a certain walk, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. George Bush was proud of his swagger.


Learn to swagger and you'll get laid. Frequently.

Mine is halfway between. Not unrestricted access, but as long as she's not totally feeling like it'll be annoying to put up with she lets me. Which generally just means not so often she gets sore.

You must really suck at sex.

I've had this with most girls I've dated long term. If a girl actually likes you she'll put out to keep you satisfied.

Nope am also Asian and fuck plenty of white chicks.

It's all about attitude and just being an awesome guy instead of an awkward loser.

>reading a Rosemary Edmonds translation of Tolstoy

meh. I guess it could be worse.

See, I explicitly didn't name a race in my last post because I'm well aware that douchebags exist in every culture.
I'm also aware that douchbags somehow frequently get laid.
However i dont feel comfortable acting like an idiot just to get laid and G W Bush is not a man I strive to imitate.

Its pretty much what bush does. A rich politicians that happens to own a farm and come from a country with farmers acts like he's that though sun hardened cowboy. When in reality he spends 99% of his time not being a cowboy.
Stop acting like something you're not, we can all see you're acting.

I keep my gf locked in the basement with a gag in her mouth. I really don't care what she says or thinks. I just fuck her however I want to, whenever I want to.

She cries a lot though... I guess that's kind of annoying

Wow, you must be really, really smart. It isn't common that a person is familiar with multiple translations of a non-English author. I mean, that's uncommon even in the real world, but for someone of your vast intellect to be here in the gutter of the Internet, lurking this particular thread is absolutely astounding.

I feel honored having been graced by your presence.


Is that one of your preferred pronouns? I'm sorry if I offended you and your swagger afc

U.S. Navy has instructed every Recruit to march with swagger, from day one of training. You want a positive example, there you go. An entire subculture of martial volunteers. Marines, Army, Air Force are the same. March with swagger. March with confidence, pride, purpose and determination.

>See, I explicitly didn't name a race in my last post
>wearing your pants around your ankels, throwing gang signs

u wot m8?

lmao, #rekt

Because I totally live in a ghetto where everyone fucks everyone and my girlfriends all know each other and talk about my reputation

>Guys who have a confident demeanor are always acting and deep down they aren't really confident.
>they're so fake. I hate them.

I believe that you don't have a reputation. You'd have to go outside first.

Well OP, can't relate to that i'm afraid.
But in a side note and without trying to fall into ethnic clichés, i have mostly dated asian women and never had to "ask" for it. All of them, without behaving like whores never denied a good pound in the ass.
In my current relationship i had times when she actually complained we didnt fuck enough (work related stress tends to put me off sex despite loving it).
Just understand one thing though: not claming to be an awesome lay but always made a point to make them come at least once every time. If they see sex as a chore they get nothing from, then you will inevitably less of it. Oh and notjing feminist there but you gf is no fleshlight; caressing, kissing etc will go a long way to change her mind into wanting it when they initially didnt really feel like it.

You might be shocked, but there are all sorts of people who are criminals and don't know how to dress.

Eh, Us Armed force and pride is another thing right?
Seems to me swagger is doing something with pride without really having something to be proud about.

Never said that, I said there are clearly people that present themselves in a way that does not reflect their personal life.
They're basically putting on an act.

That's retarded. While girls might not have the yellow fever, they don't really mind an asian boyfriend.
And this generation of weebs bred lots of yellow feverish ones anyway

I'm pretty famous on reddit

your fucking stupid

not wrong but fucking stupid

Maybe try doing something you should be proud about.

>Seems to me swagger is doing something with pride without really having something to be proud about.

Well, that's because you're an insecure fagot who refuses to accept that people can actually have sincere pride in themselves. Is that what you do all day? Do you just sit there quietly festering, butthurt that people you're critical of have pride in themselves?

I bet you're a blast at parties. A real joy to be around. I can tell that you have a lot of friends.

here's your reply you lonely bastard.

I wouldn't want to do it with my girlfriend if she didn't want to do it anyway. It's good policy.

>rolled sleeves
>ironed jacket, folds everywhere on pants

Well aren't you a good person. I feel shame in the presence of your vastly superior moral standard.

It doesn't get any better. You have to work for that pussy user.

That just isn't true. I know guys, not many but they exit, who literally don't have to work at it. Their girlfriends give them sex any time they want it and they do it out of fear that some other woman will steal their man.

Oh, I do. Don't worry, but I then don't go around acting like the king of the world because I managed to achieve something moderately difficult.

Nice projection. I never said people can not be sincerely proud about something.
I just said the term swagger describes a person that is overly proud of something they shouldn't be proud about.
> I'm he biggest gangster on the east side
> calm down you just sold half a pound of weed, that's nothing

ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKING MASTERBATING VIRGINS HAVE IT ALL WRONG. Of course there are sometimes when they don't want to fuck. Let me flip it around, were there times where you didn't want to fuck coz you wanted to see your favorite team play, or because you had a turd in your ass ready to come out? It's basically rape when you force yourself on women here in the US.

The key is girlfriend. One you put a ring on that shit you gotta,work for it.

Stop dating white girls. They have been trained since early childhood to believe that sex is something a man 'earns', and not something crucial to a relationship.

They believe that their pussy only has value as a bargaining chip, and to 'give it up' even to their long time partner, reduces its value.

95% of american white girls have suffered severe emotional abuse at the hands of the females in their lives and through female media, and are broken by it.

Date an asian or a mixed girl.

>I just said the term swagger describes a person that is overly proud of something they shouldn't be proud about.

You are the only person on the planet who holds this definition. That isn't what swagger means. Even the United States Military disagrees with you.

You're a fucking idiot.

Yea if a girl sees real value in a guy she's afraid to lose him and will do anything for him to keep him.

>white girls. They have been trained since early childhood to believe that sex is something a man 'earns'

Do you really think that black girls don't believe that?

>It's basically rape when you force yourself on women here in the US.

Nobody is talking about 'force', you dumb faggot. We are talking about women providing sexual release for their mate, when approached.

I would bet $20 that you were raised by a single mother.

this. I hate it when robots break containment. They are some of the most loathsome creatures.

Don't date American girls. European (even Western European) girls still care about traditional feminine values.

duh. anyone dumb enough to get married in this day and age is a god damned moron.

considering the vastly different rate of teen pregnancy, abortion, and STI transmission rate if you compare whites and blacks, then I don't need to 'believe it', it is a simple fact

black girls give it up easily, but they do not let the fact that they are whoring around degrade their inflated and artificial sense of self worth

Good thing language is fluid and not defined by the us military, right?

It all depends on how you build the relationship. With a stupid and or slutty girl you can achieve this by being dominant constantly and making a profit off of their insecurities. If you let the girl be on a face to face level this will probably not be the case. I'd still prefer a relationship with a same level grounds though.

Just my experiences might differ for someone else.

There is nothing I can say to you that will hurt you worse than what you already do to yourself just by living.

I hope you live a long life user.

>it is a simple fact
that one group know what a condom is.

You're getting real creative with your insults user.
But does it qualify for being swagger? Or are you not proud enough of them yet?

You're being willfully obtuse.

just stop

Well yeah, I'm just not hip enough to get swagger.
On a related note, what would you call a teenager dressed up in prof. Badass clothes?


Your girls not gonna let you just stick it in if she's not wet, that'll just feel fucking awful and she'll grow to resent sex with you, they can't just instantly get wet like men spring up a boner, You gotta get them in the mood OP, kiss her all over, lick her thighs, eat her pussy, just general teasing and foreplay. Maybe if spent some time on her and at least pertend to care about pleasuring her, she'll open up to you more

>what would you call a teenager dressed up in prof. Badass clothes?

A teenager.

My girl does. If she's dry she'll just put spit on her fingers and rub it into her pussy.

I've never had that problem coz I always know how to connect with women. I bet you a dollar that you've never been with a woman ( or man since your being sensitive about it) that has been utterly destroyed because you did not feel the same way about them. Only reason why I am here coz have you ever drank so much and you've fucked so much that your urethra hurts and the only way to ease the pain is to just stand in front of a toilet and just look at yourself and wonder how you are going to break it to your girlfriend that you two will never be together? huh, me neither

So why do you call an adult swagger all of the sudden, nothing makes sense anymore.

Let me rephrases that, what'd you call a 25 y/o who saw that picture and bought the outfit for a ridiculous high price from some supermarket chain, to now walk the inner city in it proudly?

Swagger has nothing to do with age nor maturity. That's not what swagger is.

A five year old can have swagger. So can a 90 year old.

>to now walk the inner city in it proudly?

As long as he walked proudly, he would have swagger.

That's why I changed the age immediately after you criticised the age.
Since, and now pay attention, it's not about the age. It's about the behavior.

That's weird I would have imagined people suddenly calling him cringe. Since its a white guy in a vest...
But then again, he draws his confidence from copying someone, that he has nothing to do with.he's basically stealing someones style and acting like its his.
> inb4 cultural appropriation

Never had a "use my pussy" typoe of GF. They all had to be in the mood, but on the other hand sex is more fun when the other person is in to it aswell.

Fucking a dead fish is just meh.

>It's about the behavior.
I've always said that it was about behavior. I've never asserted that swagger has anything to do with age.

to all the fedoras who think this is cool: it's not.

>I would have imagined people suddenly calling him cringe

That's because you can't conceive of how to wear that outfit proudly. You aren't capable of it. You don't posses the self confidence. Not possessing the self confidence to capable of wearing that outfit and looking good in it makes you so resentful of those who can wear it and look good in it that you've spent hours of your life criticizing men you perceive to be beta solely because they remind you of your own short comings.

You recent beta males for making you cringe only because they reflect qualities you see in yourself that you don't like.