This is a serious thread

this is a serious thread....

how can we effectively eradicate islam once and for all?

I want a serious discussion

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you can't, ask the byzantines

genocide and mass murder

send them all back where they came from
close the borders
teach the children that islam is horrible
enjoy your decent society and culture
do not engage the middle east ever again, let them all fuck goats and kill each other

Im not taking no for an answer, we can and we need to

Nuff said

Genocide them. then after that because like they say you will just drive them underground, every time you find one you kill it no questions asked just kill it and publicize it and bury every one with a pig..

we need a serious plan that means we can actually do this though

what do we do? i had the idea of creating a national socialist democratic party and getting voted in and then we can remove them all, but i dont just want to remove them... i want them dead. all of them

but how can we actually make this happen?

not my idea, but dirty bomb mecca.

What a waste of a good pig.

We've made a good start with Brexit. At Least it now means no Muslims can come in.

Next step is to elect someone like Farage.

But the thing is. When you bury them with a pig, in their belief, no matter what they have done to go to their heaven and get their virgins, you effectively send them to hell instead.

By teaching the concept of religion in schools.
By informing rather than fear mongering in the media.

All religion is idiotic - mind, I'm not being down on spirituality, it's just organised religion tends to become a mob.

It would take a country to become like Germany during WW2 with the exception of the rest of the world keeping the fuck out of it.

>Whites start breeding like rabbits
>one up mudslimes
>immigrate forcefully to islamic lands
>conclaves, then whole towns and cities
>demand Democracy, avoid integration into local culture
>inevitable violence, behead those who insult western culture
>outnumber mudslimes - vox populi demands removal of kebab from premises
>they never expected this

We make Liberty Prime.

the same way as mosquitos, release a few million HIV infected goats in shitganistan


>"Eradicate Islam"
>(World population of 1.6 billion people)
>"Serious discussion."


for starters there's ~ a billion of them

secondly other countries would come to their rescue even if they didn't really like them cf. WWII

This actually sounds doable. Teach them a little about organized terrorism. Nothing is actually stopping a radicalist group of some kind from just blowing the fucking thing up. Or hijacking a mudslime airlines plane with only kebabs confirmed aboard and flying it into large religious establishments.

except it's a question of one of two things, or potentially both

1) the hand that rocks the cradle
-> white people aren't having enough kids to replace themselves in more than a few countries

2) pure force of will
-> while fat shits like the people in this thread are whining about muslims on the internet, they are out actively killing each other in cold blood.

ever seen apocalypse now? there's a line in it about how "charlie doesn't get much r&r"

we're too soft to do anything about it, so you might as well just enjoy the ride.

The truth is the truth.
Niggers are a plague.
Inferior brain is inferior brain.
Niggers cannot live in organized society.

how would it result in a "world" war?

>By nuking the Middle East into a salted dustball of a wasteland
>9x9 Grid of M.O.A.Bs on all their holy sites, every six months, for a hundred years. Keep the Kaaba fucked up until they die, since they need to achieve pilgrimage at least once to reach their shithole afterlife
>Anglosphere nation that only cares about what the white race holds dear - freedom, liberty, democratic governments, all that bullshit you can find on Sup Forums that cannot integrate with the Sharia way of life, thus we'll end up going to war with them or expelling them from the borders/becoming the next Hitler and gassing them all with bacon fumes or something
>A ruthless indoctrination campaign of mass murder, as we arm anyone who wants to fight the fuckers and paradrop them into the Middle East as terror cells
>Create a policy that makes it so all non British/America Anglo-Saxon purebred citizens are second rate citizens by distance from country, the further away the less rights they get.
>Force them to wear their shitty religious cultural clothing in the design of the flag who's country they inhabit
>Teleport them to the moon
>Begin an extensive anti-white-guilt campaign in schools for the next 100 years ensuring that you teach the children each day just how fucked up Islam is, showing them gore videos and making them listen to bullshit allah proclamation songs when they've been misbehaving at school
>I dunno, more school shootings lol
>ARM EVERYONE, except those who refuse to eat bacon and shit on a koran
>Enforce a five year long beard ban
>Create "you must be this white to qualify" job cards and passport requirements
>Blow up the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Washington Monument, the Bradenburg Gate, blah blah all on the same day coordinated between governments, then blame it all on ISIS so the world goes crazy and okays another war - this one being WORLD vs MIDDLE EAST instead of just AMERICA vs OIL SHARES

Race targeted bioweapons. it can be done.

This'd do the trick, OP

Along with a squadron of AC-130 bombers or whatever is the current top end "bomb you into the stone age from orbit" method, constantly flying over and just shitting on them on a monthly basis



Good idea, but I like beards

If you vote KEEPBEARD the terrorists will win

Hi OP, actual british muslim here (born in the uk btw, not refugee). Now i'm going to spill the honest truth right here, you cant. Let me explain, the three main types of muslims in the UK right now are arabs (more of these since the crisis in Syria, bla bla you know the story), my dad is from Jordan, its very close to Syria but he moved here many years ago. There are the Pakistanis, they make up the muslim majority and then there are the odd Somalians, and converts etc. Now, the younger generation of british muslims, aka me, im 18, are hardly muslims. I know pakis and arabs who get wired and drunk and have premarital sex, and so NATURALLY get on fairly well with the average brit, (excluding Britain first fags). Now the muslims like me, who actually respect the quran for all its worth, whatever its worth, and follow the real Islam (sunni btw), we dont fit in very well at all, and tbh, if you live in a more deprived area of the uk, and lets not lie, a lot of it is shit, then theres not much to do. I spend my days on Sup Forums, ps4, school, with family and working on my small biz, literally no friends that i can do typical british stuff with. So i'd be much happier in my own country of jordan. Send me if you want, I can move myself because of my lack of funds and im already enrolled at uni, but thats besides the point. But OP, bare in mind that there are many muslims in the UK that are accountable for a lot of the economy in it, hell even the mayor of london is muslim kek. But if you kick muslims out of the UK then the brits who are earning mega money for doing fuck all in dubai, saudi and qatar etc, have to come back to replace who you kicked out, I personally think it will do more harm than good because lets be fucking real here, there are very few muslims, in the UK at least, that cause an issue at all, most are peaceful, regardless of their feelings towards you, they will never act on it if they feel negatively about the UK. Anyway, RULE BRITANNIA! AND WHAT NOT!

look its nothing personal, but when people say that islam is a religion of peace....i just dont see it

Neither do I. People argue "oh isis are not real muslims hurr durr", i cringe like fuck because THEY ARE MUSLIMS! But what gets me is the fact that retards will literally think that isis are representative of ALL muslims, even though there are over a billion more who have never even thought of joining fucking isis, like myself. Idk man, it will blow over eventually, when one of the sides is wiped the fuck out. (Probs us)

not being rude but whats that thing called that islam uses where they lie a decieve people to gain thier trust and then defeat them?

i know theres a word or term for it but i cant remember what it is

nobody wants you here, kill yourself and ur dirty muslim friends, do u not think people look at you in the street like a piece of shit. Ur a fool for being brainwashed by a system of control, ur kind deserves to be a put down lesser humans - try contributing something to the world o wait muslims cant. waste of life.

Idk what the word is but im pretty sure thats a human thing, not a muslim thing kek

>Kill all of them.
>Destroy every printed work, art piece, moque, etc. that mentions Islam or has to do with it.
>Delete every webpage and every archive of every webpage that mentions Islam.
>Erase the concept of Islam from the minds of all living OR somehow convince them all to never mention the religion or create anything to do with it.
In short, it's impossible,

Aw man, you sure are showing how much more civilized you are than me.

I couldnt agree more

no no honestly there some islamic term for it but i really cant remember wtf it is

Ooooh yeah, i still cant remember the word but i remember being taught the concept, and it is actually shunned in islam. But when it comes to war nobody gives a fuck morals. Come on man war is ugly.

Make citizenship only obtainable if you can serve in the military or in a govt position honorably for 4 years.

Also make the conditions to even enter the military very harsh and strict.

Make zero regulations towards the entity that determines whether someone can stay or not.

Make it so only citizens can vote.

Virtually all degenerate beings can no longer vote and politicians will no longer be required to bend over backwards for degenerate over-breeding.

Full human extinction.


We need to find new values in order to regroup our people against this vicious enemy. No need to kill them, though, you don't want to do Israel's dirty job.

Maybe your people would be more civ in the mud shit country that that have never achieved anything in, built anything in, or maybe u were to busy kill each other a raping children because ur "faith" allows it, go home u and ur "people" are a joke the rest of the world is laughing at you and its beyond ur mental capacity to see it. reopen the gas camps kek

>organised religion tends to become a mob.

organized everything tends to become a mob. Look at organized atheism, which paradoxically tends to produce exactly the same thing it fights, as if there was something specific to religion that they can't become because they hate god.

Atheists by percentage have even more homicide under their belts.

Completely with you. This serious discussion, talking about bombs and banning religious artefacts is laughable. The majoriy of these posters are just racist scum, trying to blame other minorities without looking at the majority of white people on the dole, causing real mischief in the streets. Will they have a serious discussion about that? No.

Hitler and Stalin were atheist too, weren't they? Not sure about Hitler, but comrade Stalin believed in the party, not in the orthodox church which he fought quite roughly.

The only thing I lack the mental capability to see is how you're THIS uninformed. You're like a comedy skit of a really retarded racist who ACTUALLY believes he is doing his country good. You know so little it hurts. Anyway i'm done falling for the b8. Bye user, good luck with primary school.

Well, racism isn't the word you want to use though.

There is a battle in which Islam and the West are involved, and it's not a priori racial (at least on the side of the West; for Islam it's a bit different since the ethnic/religious component definitely exists). However, people in the West, like sjw's, pretend it's racial, and for some people it definitely is or is on the way to become so.

In reality, it's a battle of ideas: the idea that we're all equal vs. the idea than a group of people are better than all others because they have a certain faith. It's horizontal universalism vs. vertical bronze age tyranny, if you will.

Right wing fellas are only people who say we can't be equal with people who don't want to be equal with us, and the left then calls them racists and inferior. It's a mess, really.

Burn England

If everyone in the world joins isis, then isis won't exist

please don't tell me what I mean. I've lived and worked with these people. And it's the reason I left the UK. They are fighting an ideological battle but these people manifest it in entirely racial behaviour. If they see a non white they will make an unformed judgement call. And they are voting for Brexit because they want these people out. They talk about religion but they want all religious Polish and Jewish people out too. Islam is just the flavour of the month. 20 Years ago it was any indians.
These people see the UK in decline and point a finger at minorities forgetting more than half their culture is owed to other cultures.

Not saying it doesn't happen, and they certainly are particular type of idiots, not doubt.

But to say they're the same as (normal) people who are skeptical of, and sometimes scared by islam would be a serious mistake.


scared of Islam? they don;t understand the first thing about it. In most cases their knowledge comes straight from Sup Forums and Fox. Or rarely it is bloody comprehensive and they pic and choose which parts suit their argument.

if they met true followers they just wouldn't be able to reconcile them with the picture (usually passed from parent) in their closed mind. Realise I said closed. These people aren;t dumb, just frustrated and closed.

I had an apartment which was 2 blocks away from a mosque.
Ask me anything.
Also protip: they actually are scum.

First you need to kill all the leftie SJW blue haired landwhales and millennials so you can bring common sense back to the western world. Then place plain clothed police everywhere, and lower the threshold of what it takes to arrest and torture people on suspicion of even thinking about allau akbaring

how so?

>how can we effectively eradicate islam once and for all?
You can't and you don't want to, because that would amount to declaring war on the religion, which is what the radicals want.

The radicals need to be eliminated, and unfortunately this has to be done by other Muslims, in the same way that radical christians have been marginalised and just picket abortion clinics rather than riding off on crusades.

Every religion has its radicals (even buddhism, a really peaceful religion that teaches respect for all life).

The real answer is for religions to ceases to exist, as it's all an emotional prop for those who cannot face the randomness and irrelevance of life, but that's not going to happen anytime soon, unfortunately.

>Well, you wanted serious

why would I want to ask you anything? I've lived 2 blocks from a mosque and I try not to make massive generalities.
this is my truth. In poor areas there is just as much white scum as black, latin, eastern and middle eastern (percentage wise). In rich and middle class areas it is the same. This is not a race or religions issue.

taqiya and or kitman.

Outlaw and police littering, spitting, being loud and aggressive, ominous religious chanting, wearing religious attire in public, huge council fines for unkept apartment balconies & front yards, must have lived in UK for 15 years before claiming any form of social security.

>This is not a race or religions issue.

Take at what islam teaches, you will see that it is indeed a religion issue. Not everything is explained by social differences, and the guilty party isn't always the white heterosexual male (don't say that's what you did say, but it's where your type of thought leads to).

Hitler was Catholic as far as I remember from school.

A catholic? In a lutherian country? Sounds strange.

hey tough guy, you stand for ignorance and intolerance and I stand for trying to actually find a way forward. Your ideas are never ever ever going to happen where as I'm trying to find a the real way forward. I love England and I'm proud of its history and achievements but we've decided to accept other cultures here (it's a very long standing tradition) and moaning like a little bitch isn't going to change a thing. Fucking wake up.
Let's have a gentleman's bet. In 20 years time you're online anger will have achieved nothing and you will have tried to pass on your ignorance to your grandson, who is probably dating a Nubian or lapse islamic queen.

>Take at what islam teaches, you will see that it is indeed a religion issue.
Have you read some of the old testament? Books like Deuteronomy? That's what the bible contains, it's just everyone knows that stuff no longer applies. Islam just needs to lean to ignore the 3rd-century stoning stuff.

I meant that the religious and racial intolerance is a symptom.

Yeah. I just double checked it now. Was born and raised catholic. Tried to invent his own belief system later in life.

>we've decided to accept other cultures
Yes. Not other fascist like political systems like islam, though. You're the one who needs to wake up.


Nice rant, spoiled by the classic internet warrior's lack of grammar.

>and no, it's not a meme. If you try that we both know it's deflection in action.


>Have you read some of the old testament? Books like Deuteronomy?

Yes of course, but I prefer the New Testament (even though I'm not particularly Christian nor very religious). A true book of peace, unlike the Kuran.

> Islam just needs to lean to ignore the 3rd-century stoning stuff.

You know muslims think that the kuran is the direct word of god, right? So that everything in it is literally for ever as it stands and nothing can change it, which is why Isis cannot be said to be non muslim, despite all their barbarity.

That's why you need to get some interest in Islam, before you defend it.

Oh, cheers.

did he apostasize officially?

classic diversion from actual point but I concede the wine sometimes makes me drop standards. I usually am a stickler for the queen's.

Of what? Hate?

What's the best way to react, according to you, when the other side (the "enemy"), is also filled with hate against us, or of this thing that produces symptoms of intolerance?

>I secretly hope that the EU are only opening the borers to illegal muslims so that when they inevitably become one huge right-wing sovereignty they can revamp all the old concentration camps and have a holocaust pt.II: justified edition

>You know muslims think that the kuran is the direct word of god, right?
If you go back a few centuries, when christians were burning witches at the stake, or the holy roman inquisitors were totturing heretics to death, they believed in the bible absolutely as well.

So I'm not defending islam, except in the sense that they are more backward than christianity but the temporally-separated parallels are clear. So islam needs to be encouraged to move into more modern times,

For me all religions are anathema

>I usually am a stickler for the Queen's.

>Proper noun

orly? Then I'd either stop the wine or stop posting.

what is the point in this argument. The UK doesn't allow stoning or female circumcision.
Both these books are as bad as each other and are leveraged in the name of hate intolerance. Yet the majority of their followers live peaceful lives.

what do you think about a MuslimExit but not by referendum of course
i miss good ol days in germany

Can we take all religions with em? Except for maybe Buddhists or Sikhs. They're alright.

Why didn't you let me win?

I'll post what ever I want. Intelligence and grammar aren't always bed fellows. I'm sure you're intelligent enough to read the underlying substance of my words, even though you've kindly chosen to provide me with some corrective advice..

Send them all to an island and nuke them all

I'm with you but Cameron and Merkel had cucked you guys beyond recognition. AT worst and I hope this doesn't happen to you guys, when the right establishes more strict immigration policies, you'll have some Muslims who aren't down with the anti-immigration and inflation that will rock your country and possibly start fucking some shit up with bombs and shit.

America is with you man. Even Germany really feels your pain. We're really in this together. Our recent incident in Florida was just a taste of what's to come with us. I wish we could just get together and drink some major ale.

More than a million people have signed a petition to rerun Brexit. Bad losers hate democracy when it doesn't favour them.

>More than a million people have signed a petition to rerun Brexit.
You have to wonder how many of that million voted.
Only about 80% of eligible voters voted.
In my country to have a referendum pass you need an overall majority plus a majority in a majority of states.
Since the UK consists of 4 states that means that at least 3 of them would need a Leave majority. That didn't happen.
Not many referendums are successful in my country.

hey guess what, god isnt real and all religions are holding the world back. kill yourself.

I just really fucking hope that the petition is not acted on. There is also a petition to make London independent of England, which is just disgusting. Now more than ever it feels to me like democracy is really under threat.

Step 1. Buy a bunch of Qurans
Step 2. Print the prophet Mohammed's picture on each page
Step 3. Airdrop them throughout the middle east

They can't destroy the Quran, yet they can't have a picture of Mohammed. Therefore, all of the Islams will implode. Simple.

the only real solution against any religion is cultural inclusion, education and improved standards of living. Then it'll happen by itself.

Christians in EU are already doomed. Look at kindergartens, majority of children are already muslims. In 30 years caliphate will be everywhere.

>all religions are anathema

But to think all religions are the same is a very grave misconception not just of religion, but of thought in general.

Christianity is also what has allowed the Renaissance and science to rise. I don't say it's impossible with islam, I say it's very different nonetheless, and we shouldn't be the ones who have to pay for their bomb the world because of their children fucker of a prophet.

where do you even find this shit

dude you're so far behind you think you're first

its just plainly not true