Sup Forumstard survey thread

>Sup Forumstard survey thread

which other board do you browse besides Sup Forums?

how long have you been visiting this website--when did you discover it?

Sup Forums, /x/

mid 2007, college mate showed it to it

showed me*

um, id say spring 2008, heard about from a friend, then i went to prison for about 3 years, then couldnt access for another 18 months of parole, then came back to this cesspool

about 2012

Sup Forums, /o/, /out/, /an/, and Sup Forums
But most frequently? here and Sup Forums

visit ever day to save and hoard dank memes and Milf pics even thought I never look at them again

Friendly reminder she's 18 next month.

forgot to mention, i also browse Sup Forums for code suggestions from time to time


2008, /gif, /hentai alternative and sometimes /r.
i still cant tri force. dont care enough to look it up.

Sup Forums /jp/ /r9k/ Sup Forums Sup Forums
i am living cancer


Sup Forums Sup Forums /soc/ /gif/ /s/

>got laid on /soc/ so browse there to hopefully get pusi again


Since after high school

The coupon threads (mainly for beer) are what really got me into Sup Forums. My friend and I bought a PS3 for $28 one time (free but we had to pay 7% tax on $399.99) and flipped it. Been hooked since but never used coupons again.

i havent seen a coupon thread in forever. what happened to that?!

I made a badass one, got into walmart, damn near walked out with a FREE pair of beats by dre, mfw i punched the fucking expiration date in wrong and they caught it just in time.

Sup Forums, /soc/, Sup Forums
Found this site early 05, been here full time since late 05

Sup Forums /biz/ /gif/ /r9k/ when I need to reee

Been here for two years

been here since 2009. also go to /lit/, /trv/, and /p/


remember times when they had songs like this playing on the front page?

or when they had gifs of dicks raining down the page

/x/, /wsg/
maybe since winter 2014? could have been summer. knew about it before then

It's been a minute for real. I used to fix the dates with MS paint lol. I remember when we were working on getting the console, we had the managers at Walmart called on us but we never broke character. Worst thing they ever did was tell us it was invalid. We tried toys r us, target, best buy. it took us the 5th store until someone took the coupon. I even had a photo of the receipt that said " -$399.99" on it on my old laptop.

why did they put the baby in a box?

Discovered in 2006
Been browsing since 2007
Sup Forums /fit/ /sci/ /gif/ /k/

been here for like 4 months spend majority of time at mu tho

>Sup Forums /x/ Sup Forums /k/
>since 04, 6th grade
>buddy showed it to me

i pretty much abandoned this place for nobanchan

other boards I browse: a, gif, h, s, int

discovered Sup Forums in 2007

I remember seeing motivational posters of pedo bear and wanted to see what's that all about.