If atheists are such enlightened intellectual worshippers of the scientific method...

If atheists are such enlightened intellectual worshippers of the scientific method, why do they refuse to vaccinate their kids?

If christians are such enlightened intellectual worshipers of god, why do they refuse to get baptized?

Except the majority probably doesn't =/ ?


Do you need help converting the unwashed, user? Because it seems like you're reaching now.

The scientific method shows that God most likely exists. I'll use the 'two column' method.
No 'proof' either way. First line is a wash.
Second line: define 'God'. What is He?
The first book of Genesis reads just like a science fiction novel. The 'Cambrian explosion' would fit that viewpoint, i.e. ancient earth was used as an outhouse. So the 'Alien as God' used the set-it-and-forget-it method. But He is still God.
Maybe our alien is a biologist. He seeded life, then stuck around to guide that life (there's no reason that death couldn't be conquered, so He could still be alive and guiding even now). He would fit the criteria of God, wouldn't He?
'Any sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic.'

If christians are such enlightened intellectual worshipers of god, why do they call themselves theists ... which is only one letter difference to atheists?

Atheists 1
Christians 0

Third line: Look at your computer, tablet, phone, whatever you're using now.
Marvel at how far computing power has come. My 1996 computer cost over $2000 US and has less capability than your phone. What will happen in the next decade or 5?
How long will it be until computers can model whole civilization? Model individual members of that civilization?
If quantum computing becomes a reality, we'll be able to model human lives down to the sub-cellular level, along with animals, plants, even microbes.
At some point, the cost will come down to make that power accessible to neckbeard basement dwellers, and even to (for the sake of this argument), high school science labs. Or games.
(IBM said that we’ve entered a golden era of quantum-computing research, and predicted that the company would be the first to develop a practical quantum computer. asmarterplanet.com/blog/2015/04/golden-era-quantum-computing.html)
If this happens, there could be millions of these simulations running all the time. IF THIS HAPPENS...has happened?...probability indicates that right now, here, we are a tabletop civ run. Our God is a high school student.
If He can do this, whether He chooses to do in-game mods or not, is He not indistiguishable from God?

So our two-column method shows, beyond a doubt, that if we have to choose whether to believe or not, the only logical conclusion we can come to, if we are reasoning beings capable of logic, is that there is more likely than not a God, we just don't know what form He takes.
All of this can be put aside, though. It's an academic exercise at best.
Let's ask, WHY should we believe in God? God can give us a purpose in life, something to strive for.
In an objective reading of the Bible, we could look to the story of the Tower of Babel. Therein, God is quoted as saying, and I paraphrase, 'If they can do that acting as one people, they can become like Us'. Meaning WE could become God. John Paul the 2nd said that God now expects us to help with creation (carte blanche to create life). It's like when your parent(s) told you that you can be anything you want to be, if you put your mind to it.

Another reason to believe in God is the concept of a Power beyond ourselves.
If I'm a genuine atheist, why not just arm myself and go around taking what I want, or who I want? There's no divine Judgement I can't escape, and let's face it, most people are morons (hi, Sup Forums!) An intelligent person could get away with murder with a little advance planning. Heck, dumb people do it all the time.
But teaching to children a belief in God, in a higher power by whatever name you choose, you can impart a moral compass to help them become good citizens who can contribute to the well-being of society as a whole.
An athiest who teaches children that there is no God can make someone who puts themselves above all else, to the detriment of a functioning, healthy civilization.
'Oh, no, not me. I'll still teach them to be good people!'
Sounds nice, but face it: people are born bastards. If they weren't, your genetic line would've died out by now. We are all the decendents of rapists. That's the purpose of war and conquests: hot foreign chicks.
Most criminals are atheists, or religious in name only. RINOs.

athyists r dum

You fuckin' moron. That should be:
athyists is dum

Learn to grammah!!

Liar. You said your last post was a week ago and you were going to kill yourself because you couldn't live in a world where people didn't believe in god.

Liar. Please kill yourself now or stop with your shitposting.

Don't take any religious instruction from any organized religion.
The priesthood was needed in 1000 Before Christ because much of the population was illiterate. But religious people are still humans, and even Moses had doubts. So always question motives.
The Bible is stories that helped people live better lives, or to teach lessons in the context of their times. Like the German faery tales. The exact truth of every story isn't what's important, it's the lesson taught.

Most of what Organized Religion people say isn't even Biblical.
For example. There is no prohibition against touching yourself. In fact, since I know my audience here, I'm sure you've noticed that your hand just naturally falls to your nethers.
The story comes from Aaron, brother of Moses, who was the first priest. His son died. In those times, his brother was supposed to impregnate the widow, and the spawn was considered the child of the deceases. In this way, his name would carry on. But the brother didn't want to, and 'spilled his seed'. A lot was left unsaid in that story, but whatever. It's not an anti-whacking lesson any way you slice it.

This thread reminds me of an Ozzie concert in the '80's.
Preachers always went to them and screamed at the people waiting in line, condemning them to hellfire.
That's not the way to convert, and no one listened to them. They probably did more harm than good.

virtually everyone i know is an atheist and all of them think anti-vaxers are the second dumbest of all time (after people like you).

There is evidence in the Bible that we humans are the equivalent of God.
In the story of Babel, the combined human people started to build a tower to the sky.
God, it seems, decided we weren't ready (yet?), and said, paraphrased, 'if they can do this, speaking one language, they can become like Us'.
If we ever become civilized, maybe we'll join Him as equals?

Your last thread failed also.

Same old shite daily and hourly.


This is more appropriate for this audience.

the reason we have so called morals is simply because any society that lacked morals imploded upon itself
when anything can be stolen at any point in time why would you work
so those societies disappeared that lead to the fact that we learned that killing is wrong from a young age this means we need a reason to kill somebody or be mentally ill in the sense that we don't follow the morals that has been thought to us from an early age

the hole why don't you steal/kill if there is no god is a false argument because it overlooks the fact that for a society to work it need a certain level of order and a reward for working

>the reason we have so called morals is simply because any society that lacked morals imploded upon itself
Not any faster or slower. The mongols killed by the millions, but lasted quite a while.
>we need a reason to kill somebody
Any reason will do. Women, money, land, food, etc.
>for a society to work it need a certain level of order and a reward for working
Or for fighting.
Or unless they live under socialism, which will pay them anyway.
The only thing that stops a significant minority of young men from being violent assholes is the probability of punishment.

why are you such a chronic shitposter, you know nothing about atheists, not would you please go step in front of a fast moving truck you fucktard