Did Boogie2988 die?

Did Boogie2988 die?

His youtube channel is gone.


Other urls found in this thread:


Wtf happend to his channel did he eat himself to death

Any nude leak of him plx?

youtube.com/user/boogieplays his gaming channel is still up? 3 strikes? maybe for critzing other content creators

He was awake 2 hours ago on twitter
facebook boogie2988

RIP en piece suite prints

how many hours ago did you realize it was gone?

And why the fuck would his channel be taken down and not Leafy's? Im gonna go flag all of Leafy's videos for hate~

literally just 5-10min ago

Im joining

Just twitted him lol

Double dubs do not lie and I concur, we should all follow this anons lead and rid that autismo from youtube

Probably got hacked.

Yeah lets all of leafty videos

Let's turn all this negative energy in to something positive. Let's start a thread and raid Leafy's videos and flag every single one of them for hate. Every single one. By tomorrow morning he will be banned if we all do it.

I know, there is no personal army. But do this for yourself. Do this for YouTube.

lets wait and see what the reason is. He may have been hacked.

I'm down, make the thread and link it

Not just Leafy, guys.

Pyrocynical, NFKRZ, LtCorbis and all of the cancerous "commentary le channelz XD"

Death to the cancer. Praise Kek.

fucking summerfags. kys, all of you.

I don't know why LtCorbis is still on Youtube. She's banned from streaming platforms, why isn't she banned from youtube? She has to be over 18, there's no way she would say something about dragon dildos and people shoving them up their asses without being a parody channel

Do you have any idea where you are?

Everyone on Sup Forums is a freshman in high school.

This is a great opportunity for one of us to fill the void. Make a youtube channel, be morbidly obese, smash a keyboard, scream, make another video saying nice things, profits.

MODS!!!! underage b&

Made a leafy thread
Join in bros!

>everyone is a freshman in high school
>am turning 25 in 4 days

I think it's PoodleCorp again, they did watchmojo, and redmercy, might be targeting boogie now


Don't let the Brexit fuck up this financial opportunity for you Sup Forums

Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for summer school, tyrone?

Get in the thread fags!




>Steven Williams (July 24, 1974 - June 25, 2016)

hory shit

Closed means the person, or at least someone with access, closed it by choice. Fucking hell of of a trick if you're dead.


wait he fucking died


He got hacked, apparently his Twitter was posting some CSGO scam as well. Pretty sure he got hacked last time he went to some convention too.

You fools, not even one ounce of effort in investigation. Here is his twitter, updated 2 hours ago. Fucking heathens.

Yes. He removed it after he died.



nice edit faggot.

I'm actually a 25 year old virgin, Galactica fan and WoW player, ty very much, fag.

You're both faggots.

I'll have you know I was engaged, to a female, and it was a wild, wild ride. Don't pretend to know me, fuck wad, because you don't. You'll live your whole, miserable existence knowing that this day, you cannot troll this here person, fag. You will be a 70 year old man, on your death bed, and I will be there, to unplug your life support, when you least expect it. I will own you're very soul and take it down to hell with me, which I intend to use as a shield from santa when I go to cut off his head.

Everyone tweet #FindBoogie2988

Fuck off, he's one of the greatest youtubers alive.

That's what your mom said.

And biggest kek so we need to find him shouldn't be that hard

he is kill

He got hacked by the same people that have been hacking youtubers. check his instagram instagram.com/realboogie2988/?hl=en

Who is Lurch? Also PoodleCorp was the guy hacking youtubers the past few days

How does /b feel about boogie? Is this were we mobilize to help boogie and take down Lurch? Or is 'private army request application' denied?

The fuck cares, this fat piece of shit has been going on about weight loss for years... and is still a fat piece of shit.

He has a gaming channel and is shit at every game he plays, his videos are all click bait, he makes faggy YouTube drama videos, without ever actually expressing an opinion on anything either way or adding anything new to the conversation ever. He's a dirt fucking cuck who lets his wife fuck niggers. He cries on video and emotionally manipulates people for views... did I mention he's a FAT PIECE OF SHIT?

His second channel is up


Im guessing he was a HUGE target for hackers.



Please, tell /b how you really feel user.

Don't be so hard on yourself, boogie.

He still isn't as bad as Keemstar, GradeA or Buckley.

heeeyyyy, thats pretty good

>oh you

This...why the fuck do they not hack keemstar and gradea is ok

i keep hearing that he's a cuck, do we have any real info on that?


They are up nigger

That's like saying ball cancer is better than rectal cancer, I rather not have it in the first place.

Someone give this man a 3 beers

yeah, i feel you. he keeps motivating people to do shit yet he still fat as fuck

How the fuck have I not heard of her before. How on earth does a kid that salty even exist.

>Using youtube for anything other than music or videos of lions killing wildebeests when you're bored af


I don't know any confirmations but good luck finding his dick and also that disgusting piece of shit is probably physically incapable of getting on erection so glhf

Double dubs.

checked myself.

checked again.

NO spooky!


hi mom


This is a goddamn dubs thread

kek both you got same digit dubs.

lol, never saw I got trips

fuck off

this is because of brexit

everybody type in the chat alex is a stupid nigger

got removed beacuse of youtubes new anti abuse policys

This kid has his facts straight but still a pleb

38 here, but I have no idea who this fat fuck is.

I am receiving the impression that this is a merciful thing.

Yes, but considering cancer seems to always be inevitable that is still one less tumor you have to deal with no matter which one goes.

Leave my country

He got hacked. Look up @6et on twitter

He's a morbidly obese (to a level which is difficult to look at) unentertaining kike. Fuck him

nice trips


fuck off

grade a? whats so bad about him?

Damn you

Spoopy poop pooping poopy