Can't fucking sleep

can't fucking sleep.

god why can't i just get a hug from a girl

You haven't git gud yet

maybe cuz ur a fag on Sup Forums

have you looked at yourself lately?

Because roasties are a meme

Oh look this picture again,

Take it easy man, try speed dating? Or just chat up some girls in the city/ in your area.

no wonder, you look like you lack the fucking confidence

>itt losers get baited by repeatedly posted pic

Can't you get a hug from your mother?
Or a relative?


Because you is a piece of shit.

oh yeah
doesn't count

this, I hope this is fake because this fag was supposed to of killed himself like 4 times already

I got dubs you gotta finally do it

because they dont want to hug you

>step 1: significantly lower your standards
>step 2: start volunteering at a retirement home
>step 3: ??????
>step 4: profit?

It isn't hard user, really. Just go out this weekend to the best bar you can think of and just start talking to girls. I don't mean just one. Talk to several. What will happen is that girls become real "mark their territory" when you start doing this. you can actually choose which girl you wanna talk to BUT you have to realize that the girl you chose will shut you down at the last minute chickening out of cheating and going back to her man's bed. Never hurts to try though.

You can probably get a hooker to just hug you for a few bucks and pretend to love you if you're that desperate for affection.

head up dude. u r not that bad. just a little make over and u r fine

Are you that kid from Sixth Sense?

>maybe cuz ur a fag on Sup Forums

This. People with girlfriends actually go outside

Bitch dependency is a serious issue user, and it shouldn't be taken lightly...

You should quit being a pussy and go about your business, achieve something worth noticing instead of chasing attention from bitches

i know, but why
my standards are rock bottom
>raises hopes
>crushes them

i see you
i've tried everything
fat haley, maybe a little. he has a better beard though

You have better eyes & freedom from paparazzi

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