I hate dogs, post animal cruelty pics

I hate dogs, post animal cruelty pics.

Other urls found in this thread:


are they ded op?

Looks like someone's actually scared of dogs and is compensating.

Imagine being scared of dogs, what a pussy.

edgy little kid, grow up faggot


OP is Muslim

lol now where the heck are you gunna walk!! they are blocking the path!!



a Dog prbably bit OPs penis off and now he's a beta faggot trying to compensate.

Be nice to them

clean up on aisle 12



Dubs of truth.


you are probably fat and ugly



Don't forget to sage

Not that I care, because I think dogs are pretty gay; You are just fueling his posting

Good doggos

Why is there brains in a tub

Thank you. The big yellow one is mine!

I hate most animals so any kind of animal cruelty would be nice.





so can OP pick one and use it






Some fag collecting it.


OP is 14, I have proof.



No you retard, i asked for dead dogs.


Mommy and daddy not buy you a puppy when you were younger?


What a faggot haha, I picture you saying that in a small child's voice in your shitty house with your shitty parent passed out drunk in its own vomit. 'When I'm anonymously an edgy cunt online it takes the pain away." You 'hate' animals do you? Top kek, perhaps you have a hormonal problem that causes irrational feelings exclusively to huge faggots.

Pic related, it's you hating most of the little animals.

And I'm asking for a dead you.

Dang op, this is one heck of a backfire. This thread is pretty adorable with cutem doggos.

Edgy as fuck


If that's the case, you'd better start posting pictures of your mother.

I got all my animal violence collection from Sup Forums and now i want new material. If you dont like that go to some other thread. Remember where you are.

Except for ducks

I cried. Fuck you

OP confirmed pussy


And remember where you are retard. I can post whatever the fuck I want.

Lol remember you're on an anonymous image board for random content you fucking moron. Remember you are not in a secret edgelord club for socially inept virgins, this is a surface Web imageboard you fucking clown.

You're a weak person aren't you?

Damn nigga, you this edgy and bored to actively seek this shit? You got a mental illness my dude. Get that shit in check with meds before you become a serial killer.





What I ment was that is that I like animal violence, i got my collection from people that like animal violence. If you dont like animal violence then what are you doing on my thread for animal violence.

OP creates thread hoping for edgelords to join him in being retarded, but actually discovers he is alone in this world which is what drove him to being an edgy piece of shit in the first place. If you need to harm something living to deal with your issues, make it yourself.

Not surprised





This is the first time in my 22 year old life the internet has made me cry.


all the faggy dog owners ITT

LMAOing@your lives



What everyone else means is fuck off with your shitty thread. Remember where you are, this is not your personal clubhouse.


OP was a victim of bullying, and probably has no friends.

He should definitely kill himself.




Don't be a pussy. Lurk moar.
Not op, btw, just saying, if this makes you cry, get off Sup Forums while your moral compass is still intact.


Got this one special for you OP.


I'm derailing your thread, pointing out how edgy you are, and calling your mother, telling her you got on the computer again.

I've been on Sup Forums for 6 years and am an ex heroin addict, my morals are gone. I just love animals.


Yeah, go to... I dunno Sup Forums or something. Sup Forums melts your brain.

They're all women and imgurians. Imgur users are the biggest fucking faggots in the internet.


Im ok being the lord of edge.

as long as i get that sweet sweet animal violence.


Today OP learned that even the degenerate lowlives of Sup Forums won't put up with his shit. Make positive life choices OP and cut the edgy bullshit.


Then do what I'm doing. Derail the shit outta this thread with super cute Alaskan Malamute puppies.

OP put aside his feelings about dogs to pretend to hate them to fool all of you into thinking he would possibly harm a dog and respond in rage.

It was a ruse, a prank, a goof.

We've been razzledazzled.

Reippitydippity goofballed.

I hope you die a horrible death

Mods this faggot is clearly only 9 and still thinks it's cool to be an edgelord.


> okay being an edgy fucktard
This is why you'll never get a good girl, be happy in life, find good friends who aren't autistic, and get out of your parents fucking basement.
