What do you think about this?

what do you think about this?

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Kanye West is the Adam Sandler of music.

Both are incredibly-lazy, both have one trick up their sleeve (in Adam's case, being occasionally REALLY LOUD! and in Kanye's case, being a monotone, egocentric "musician" who really, really enjoys writing lyrics about himself) and they're both constantly surrounded by "yes men" who are paid good salaries by the company to "keep the product happy"...

... but God forbid you tell their fans that. This is the reason why.

Kanye's laziness mirrors his fan's own laziness. Kanye, like each and every one of his fans, has never done a day's worth of hard work, in his life... and his fans know it. "Integrity", "loyalty", "honor"? These are mere buzzwords for the average Kanye West fan. They are archaic. A thing of the past. In the new millennium, it's all about self-promotion at any cost and through every outlet of media (and social media) possible.

Hold a mirror up to the average Kanye West fan by telling them the truth about their icon, and it's like putting a vampire in a solarium. They'll shrink away from it in shame and guilt, but eventually that shame and guilt will become something else. Rage.

Now, let's have a laugh at Kanye's defenders having a good, old-fashioned rage.

Just some fap material

is it really tay tay?

Of course it's not. Kanye and Taylor have gone through a shit slinging fest back and forth as of late. They hate each other, and this is kanye's latest "diss" having a lookalike naked next to him looking like they banged or something. Kanye is immature and makes shit music.

I was wondering the same, also why would you censor image on B or Sup Forums change, wasnt here long time, usualy i hang on /tv and /pol, came for this and you censor it... What happend to this place?

You have to admit thats a pretty good "lookalike" its showbussiness they could argue for the buzz, we dont know them in person....

Any uncensored?

So happy she did this

Nice look-a-like. Can still fap to it.

here's the full video with the song

Yeah not Taylor it's becky


I think cencorship of those beatifull white tits is pretty gay.

> what do you think
this aint reddit you little shit

What do I think? I think that's laura fucking prepon, and those sons of bitches censored her tits.

they are all wax you idiot

Found this, cant get any high res for fuck sake, since when did internet go full PC, what fuck is going on with the world?

doesnt matter still gonna fap to it, kill yourself faggot!

kanye is ugly nigger in this pic

She didn't. They're wax figures.

Trump maybe. She breathes

I wonder if Taylor's tits really look like that.
This is exactly how pictured trumps ass.

Right.... finding someone that looks kind of like her isn't an issue when she's the definition of average.

But everything kanye does is for buzz. Because he couldn't make a legitimate product if his life depended on it.

Well if she is average why does millions obsess about her? Because of buzz thats why... Evrything is about buzz in that business, no buzz you dont exist.

It is the weirdest thing he has done that's for sure

They do.

T. Former bf

Fake, and she values her image too much. She never tells the truth about herself.


Why do you even care about any of those people?

fap material, we all have our fetishes, i find people who have hard on for feet weird but i wont question them because i dont care, why do you?

Black girls are bat shit crazy in bed and value a lot fidelity once you're in a relationship, i'm not even mad when I see this.
Go on black guys, you can fuck our blonde haired sexy bitches, aging bad, feminism illed untruthworthy and as skilled as a patato bag in bed.


severely don't give a shit

OMG i dont know for black girls i never had sex with them because im not american, but i can confirm second part, im not a pretty boy so i go for average normal girls, not that they are potato bags in bed, thats not fucked up part, fucked up part is they are to embarassed to try to do anything, fuck sake man!

Adam Sandler is still funnier than the current shit tier comedies Kevin Hart keeps making.

let me guess, you listen to metal?

>caring about what some white trash hollywood artists does when they try to lure people into a Tidal subscription

Some of my favorite porn stars eventually performed on blacked.com but i don't give a fuck, i just delete my collection and move on

hahaha that;s supposed to be trump? I thought it was the okie looking fucker who banged the playboy bunny

It's always silly when they put chimpanzees doing human things! XD

confirmed. Agreed, blah blah

heard of CGI? it's wax figure+cgi

Give me the "nigga pls" award, I'll take the "I got a lotta cheese" award.