Who else voted leave just because you thought it wouldn't win?

Who else voted leave just because you thought it wouldn't win?

I literally voted for a meme and it won... what the fuck has the world turned into

On second thought post rule 34

A really fucking dank meme

why the fuck would you volunteer sending hundreds of millions to the rest of the EU when there's no chance they'll send any money back

So he promised you healthy teeth...

Caribean fag here just woke up can someone please explain?

ITT: Retarded brits


I'm just loving all this drama. There could be another 9/11 and I'd just sit back with my popcorn and enjoy the show. Idk wtf is wrong with me tbh.

the real meme is the collapse of the British economy. nothing is going to happen

apology for poor english

when were you when UK dies?

i was sat at home drinking cup of tea when david ring

‘UK is kill’



The UK is a country in which the chest beating of patriotic demagogues has surpassed reasoned argument of experts.

It has finally descended into America.



>no chance they'll send money back
>literally sends 500 million pounds (shekels now) to shitholes like wales every year
>even after bills are paid and added EU benefits are given despite UK having special snowflake status in EU Brits want more for their stingy wrinkley lard asses

Donald Trump anyone....

I voted remain, moron cunt idiots fuckers voted leave. I want out of this piece of shit country!

You're implying you've been asleep since the referendum began 2 days ago?

It's certainly scary. I think democracy needs an overhaul. It just doesn't coexist with modern society. When democracy was invented, nobody realised there'd be shit like the Internet, or biased as fuck media outlets. I actually feel really bad for the Brits. Best of luck mates.

>has surpassed reasoned argument of experts

Kill yourself faggot.


If London doesn't become independent I'm moving to Scotland


>It's certainly scary. I think democracy needs an overhaul. It just doesn't coexist with modern society. When democracy was invented, nobody realised there'd be shit like the Internet, or biased as fuck media outlets. I actually feel really bad for the Brits. Best of luck mates.

All the media and internet and propaganda was against the Brexit you stupid nigger faggot.


There is so much you need to learn

Welcome to the future mon

Democracy is as good as people are responsible for their behaviour. If everybody is HURR DURR, I want to treat others like shit but I don't wanna get treated like that, I'm special....... The system dies.

Bullshit. English newspapers were salavating over this.

I don't really see why it wasn't?

Basically every business, university, and financial expert recommended we stay in based on their predictions, logic, and reason.

The UK economy is now fucked. A large portion of businesses are going to leave, and everyone who voted this way will be dead soon.

All the media and internet was reporting what the experts were saying (such as economists, FTSE 100 workers, wtc) and they happened to be saying that Brexit would be shit.

Also, helps that the Prime Minister was against Brexit as well. But old farts don't go on the internet much, and don't make their opinion based on facts, they make their opinion on what they see around them.

You mean 1% of your total taxes

and the reason GB made billions because they didn't have to pay customs duty for trade inside the eu

you don't seem to understand how economy works

gb is fucked now, the downfall begins

I am sitting here just watching and chilling

Kek, I didn't see that for a while.

>Does not understand how abusive relationships work


A fucking newspaper gets as much attention as Imgur Reddit Youtube Sup Forums shills Twitter Instagram ect.....
Nigger you are retarded
They did everything they could to make it fail and they lost
kill yourself faggot.

Literally every argument I saw from the Remain camp was either blatant fear mongering or appeals to emotion or a desire to "not be racist". As if wanting control over your own borders, economic policies and future instead of having it determined for you by a group of unelected, unaccountable politicians is racist.

Oh and another issue is no taxation without representation. I seem to remember that being an issue for some small country at some time in history. Can't remember it's name, though.

>I voted Leave but didnt really mean it
>lets do another vote til Stay wins

I agree with you user, I was kekking at the way you put it

I voted remain. My country is fucking retarded. Literally every expert in the field of economics was against it, but ol' Jill and her fucking farmer husband voted against it because they like the English flag

fucking mugs. Pisses me off how these people can actually vote.

This has already been proven to be false tho.

user it's a viable strategy. Most leave voters were old, so we keep doing referendums until they die off and there are only young remain voters left.

Simples, eek.

Should be Nigel

>and don't make their opinion based on facts, they make their opinion on what they see around them.

Implying what you see around you is not reality..... nigger...really?

>what the experts were saying

Kill yourself.

Honestly this entire post... kill yourself you literally have no hope that the British can sustain their own god dam country.

Then go back to sandistan Ahmed.

Enjoying the summer?

>user it's a viable strategy. Most leave voters were old, so we keep doing referendums until they die off and there are only young remain voters left.
>Simples, eek.

Nigger most of Sup Forums is underagedB8 or younglings

I'm fucking 19 and I fucking love Brexit
Brits did good.

when you eventually grow up you will understand how dumb you really were

apology for poor english

when were you when EU dies?

i was sat at home drinking cup of tea when nigel ring

‘eu is kill’


There are too many Liberals against democracy wanting a new voting despite the majority wanting to stay! They do not want democracy!
Libtards on suicide watch

>the UK is a country

>Implying what you see around you is not reality..... nigger...really?

Fucking farmer jack in his farm in Northumbria is not going to know the reality of what it's like to live in London surrounded by muslims. I do, and I still voted remain because I don't give a shit about the memes. We are a split country, my surroundings are different enough to theirs so much so that things I see on a day to day basis scare these people so much they decide to make permanent damage to this country.

And no, considering the EU made up over 50% of our trade, I don't think we can sustain our own country.

lol nigger a capital city cant claim independence but it would be funny to see the muslim occupiers try it

B..but user I am a special snowflake !!!
I am self aware unlike all these god dam people that where born before me!!!

>I think democracy needs an overhaul. It just doesn't coexist with modern society.

wait.... you got a problem with democracy because people aren't voting right?? you're a special kind of retard.

as for propaganda, there's no better example than the media when they use fear to manipulate people to remain. even nigger obama flew to there to sway the sheeps to stay.

You got Trumped.

Nihilism stops being funny when you realise your shit is going to get just as fucked up as the people you wanted to hurt.

The arguments of the remain camp had to sink to the level of the general public. Initially they tried to use elementary mathematics to explain the benefits, but most Brits find that too hard.

And the UK was perfectly represented at EU level. We just did not always get our way - but we did 90% of the time, and for me that is a reasonable sacrifice to make compared to financial obliteration and the entire UK splitting up.

Hahahahaha retard


Britain existed and thrived for centuries without the EU, I think they'll be fine without it. They've already fought wars for independence from the dirty continentals, they'll do it again.

Much better, kek

I'm 37. I've grown up, seen the damage splitting the lowest members of society can do through nationalism.

The elites want the poorest people to turn against each other so they are easier to control. The British Empire used it in India to turn religious groups against each other; divide and rule. This referendum is a modern, and lesser extent of that. Rich pricks like Boris Johnson have turned us against each other.

I don't understand why anyone would want to stay. You retards know you can make trade deals without paying billions of dollars and having an overlord restrict your country's liberty right?

The only argument from the Remain camp that made any sense was "the markets will take a dip". What other arguments did they have besides "Not wanting your poor to be dicked over by uncontrolled immigration is racist" or "the EU loves Britain, please look at this kissing chain"?

Can you point me to a good reason to stay in the EU?

Media tabloids like newspaper are he biggest influence though because they appeal to the highest common denominator, older voters. They're what's important. They tend to be much more conservative and are easily to sway with fear monger tactics. Young people account for fuck all because they don't take shit like this seriously.

>Literally every argument I saw from the Remain camp was either blatant fear mongering

Nope. That was just how the Brexit side chose to portray it. In most cases it was correct, as we're about to find out...

mass immigration is divide and conquer. you blame nationalism for war when it is nationalism that defends a nation from imperialism and globalist invasions. every war in europe has been fought against megalomaniacs who wanted to unite and rule it all against the will of the people

this moron clearly drank deeply from the kool aid.

you have no fucking clue how the economy work if you think clawing back your own sovereignty will doom the country. its been thru worst. it will get better. this is net positive

>are easily to sway with fear monger tactics

What the fuck are you 12 kek

I'm done just kill yourself.

You retards thought your protest vote wouldnt matter...but it did you must be glad you listened to Sup Forums now, eh? You wont be making that mistake again...

>2 years to determine new trade deals
>Please ignore that the UK has existed and thrived for centuries without the EU

It's not that people aren't voting right, it's that people don't know what they're voting for. That's where democracy fails. People are idiots and too easily persuaded to vote for even bigger idiots. Look at America, their two presidential candidates are the two most unpopular of all time because people are retards that allowed them to get that far.

Britain will still want access to the European market. Getting that access cheaply will still require them to open their borders.
You can't get access to the single market without relaxing border/immigration controls. Bexiters really did not at all think this through. If Brexiters think England will be better off with tariffs and trade restrictions they've got another thing coming.

Oh, that's right it's summer. Cool bro. Have fun being an internet troll.

Yet it was the poor drop-outs that voted leave. Interesting.

Of course, it's those unskilled labourers, the blue-collar engine of conservatism that are hurt the most by globalisation. Any African or Chinaman can do your job when all you do is count widgets, and he can do it cheaper from his tin-roofed shack.

People are suckers, the wealthy haven't been having any trouble dissolving the middle class and taking all that money because we're all suckers. Left and Right, we're suckers and we never do shit about this endless cycle until shit gets violent.

OK just the basic economic arguments:

The majority of businesses in the UK - of which there are many - are here because this gives them access to the EU, and because of our labour laws.

Now they have no real reason to be here and would be better setting up in Poland where it is cheaper.

Moreover, a massive proportion of HQs are in London for similar reason.

So we've singlehandedly fucked over our manufacturing industry, and our financial industries.

Also, science and major scientific projects - think cern - are run by, and paid for by the EU.

The UK has made a massive mistake and after my contract expires I will likely be moving elsewhere as a skilled migrant - and I will imagine many like me will follow my footsteps.

watch the french and italian leave next

Like what, user? What were the arguments you can point me to?

I thought I read that UK didnt really take any syrian refugees anyway...all their immigrants are poles and Indians, right? Not likely to change much with leaving the EU, right?

I am not an economist. I am a scientist. I do, however, trust experts. And not the raving rants of the disgruntled lower classes who want "MUH COUNTRY" back.

the hell is Poland doing with all that money ?

France here. This is not happening. Half our country is laughing at you, the rest is in state of shock.

I voted for it because I want the equivalent of a Trump to come in. These bloody arabs need to go or it won't be England anymore. The EU masters want us all integrated and I am firmly convinced that is the end of England.

That's right. Because all of the US trade deals came with relaxed borders right?

You fucking idiot. That is not at all a necessity.

it turned into a bunch of retards who enjoy voting for things they do not understand and cannot be bothered to be educated on the subject.

if they didn't vote right, then obviously they're idiots

Britfags Googling Emigration to Australia went up by 200% in the last 24 hours

Your country lasted 300 years before it killed itself kek

90% of the time we got our way.....
>logic and mathematics
Oh you really need to know what the fuck you're talking about if you're going to take the 'I'm the intellectual here' argument

>The majority of businesses in the UK - of which there are many - are here because this gives them access to the EU

Lol, what? How old are you 12?

>scotland in favor of remain
>shown as proof for how different scotland is
>turns out dumb millenials were allowed to vote in scotland but nowhere else
kek what a coincidence

You've been asleep for two days? And you can't even properly spell your own location? Fuck off

people who meme should lose the right to vote tbh

>after my contract expires I will likely be moving elsewhere as a skilled migrant


fuck off then, see if you can get higher pay than in the UK

They're a bunch of socialist pricks, that's why they have the money.

this pretty much my reason too

the sun reader detected

Conservatism is a movement of the heart, not the head. That's why rhetoric is so effective, and Johnson's lies were so well received.

That was all united with a fear of brown people and a migration crisis in the UK that simply doesn't exist.

Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage offered those lower classes one thing they want, they promised to hate the same people that the lower classes hate. That was enough to do the trick.

The UK has been Trumped and will now be England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

I'm gonna laugh when all the stupid inbred northern fucks like you realise they can't go on holiday in spain anymore without a visa and have to go on the Bradford paki safari instead

You must be actually stupid. EU trade deals specify relaxation of borders. US trade deals ARE WHOLLY DIFFERENT FROM EU TRADE DEALS.

It won't require them to open their borders at all, all it will require are new trade deals. Trade and immigration are two different issues, you absolute retard.

Science projects are already funded by the largest nations in the EU and if you haven't noticed the entire EU has been sinking for the past 5 years. Since 2012 the Euro has lost half it's value against the US dollar. Why do you keep pretending that the EU is the answer when it's literally a sinking ship? If the businesses were better run from Poland why weren't they run from Poland before?

You keep saying that the UK is going to lose everything when in reality new trade deals can be drawn up. It's not an impossible task.

To my understanding, yes. Please do show me the statistics to the contrary - no Daily Mail articles allowed.