Alright, so there was this post about an ad that made fun of a well-known fake tits model who had done porn before. But the post was saying that she was a rape victim. So I googled and found this: In January 2016, Lohfink was ordered to pay a €24,000 fine, after the Amtsgericht Tiergarten court in Berlin had ruled that she falsely accused two men of raping her, after a video of a sexual encounter with them surfaced on the Internet.

I copied this line under the post. WHAT THE FUCK. People were raging and saying that I should be killed for this etc.

That's it, guys. We aren't even allowed to criticize rape accusations anymore without being torn apart by feminists. Give it some more years and people will lose their jobs just because they DOUBTED an accusation. False accusations happen with every crime, just imagine you were not allowed to refuse accusations anymore. We'd have thousands of people being in prison innocently. And it's the same people that cry about murderers being killed although they were probably innocent.

I always wonder,who is the girl in the meme?


any cringeworthy sauce ?


lol wut?
Whats PTSD?
Whats the story behind it?
How this hacker 4chin responsible?
Any kind oldfag green text the story?

She is qt tbh.

>29 years old

holy shit

She looks like the mean teacher you hoped you didn't get in 4th grade.

I think , she keep coming to /b to get triggered.
She looks like she want to stay mad...that smile is their so fake

That's it. No point staying on this planet anymore. Let's all go to Mars.

its not how u wrote it. unfortunately. No the two men filmed fucking the intoxicated lohfink. in the video she was barely awake and mumbled no all the time after that she said she couldtn remember and the two men sold the video to a pornsite. I dont know if its true or just a fukin big and disgracefull kind of commercial for her. But its nott easyas that to say fuk the feminists. I mean look at america fukin brock 6 months. Id say rape that dude and kill his family for saying all that shit. Bc i get mad. Rly murderous mad if this word even exist when i read about rapists and even more. If they get away. So fuk u op learn to read

and yes i hate this crazy ass bitches too and no im not a girl

omg someguys shouldstart a happening around here to FUCK THE FUCK UP brock fukin turner this motherfucker but none of u is of the oldkind. unfortunately

That shithole is too close. Let's just go to Kepler-186f

bleach is a good disinfectant

not even funny that joke is as old as ur jizz covered cramps that u call fingers asshat.
next time just do the classic

kill urself faggit

You should get mad, lik rly srs murderin mad at your English & typing/computer teacher who allowed your retarded ass to graduate.
Fuck you, learn English and how to type, fuckwit.

Watch your language,kid.

>calling me kid
>i go to college

yeah daddy how bout u get me a lollipop so u adult dont have to talk with ur fat nagging wife.


>live in a countryy where it is actually hard to graduate
> had only As and Bs in english
>speak 4 languages at least 3 fluently

i just dont give a damn and im sleepy despite the fact that its only 5o clock. its like rereading ur texts on whatsup... who gives a fuck?? right 17 yo kids who think theyre clever

I see excuses to cover up your lack of education.
You know who brags about grades and languages they speak? Liars.
Go back and take a typing and English class you uneducated fuck.

ahahahahahahaha ok bro or how about no ill just study my real subject. and how about you learn another language than english? Like a REALLY hard oné. and now go on and call me dumbass because im not


before u say anything yes samefag