Tldr: need advice on how to fuck with someone and ruin her life

tldr: need advice on how to fuck with someone and ruin her life
so the whore my dad is fucking atm is a complete cunt and i want to drain all the happiness from her life

she is 60, has 3 daughters of around 20 and is a christian

Fuck her daughters. That'll teach the bitch.

i am on probation, so for practical advice please keep it sort of legal

Since when is fucking somebody illegal?

or things that can not be traced back to me.
i was thinking of sending fashist propaganda to her with the wrong adres so it ends up in the mailbox of the neighbors, or with darknet drugs

You already got your ideas. Why bother us? And I'm pretty sure ordering stuff in other peoples name is illegal. So your ideas suck.

Fuck her daughters

i am just going to print out some stuf, i am not going to pay some nazi dipshit for things i can find online for free, and printing and sending shit in not illegal

Why do you want to fuck with her? Give actual reasons

Whatcha do?

1: she is fucking my dad (he is stil together with my mom)
2: she is a cunt
3: why not?
4: christians, fuck christians
5: she is a cunt

fucking with

So it sounds like your just jealous that she's getting your dad's cock instead of you

on probation for kicking a cop, but my next courtcase that is comming up is squating, so unles i ge aquitted on a technicality or some shit i am fucked annyway

Step 1) learn to spell
Step 2) get your life together you degenerate ex-con lowlife
Step 3) grow up and handle your troubles like an adult
Step 4) an hero

Go put a mattress in her pool. It gets so heavy, it'll take a crane to get it out.

maybe the reason she's a complete cunt to you is because you're a scumbag

or maybe you're both trash. Either way, fuck off and stop being a douchebag.

Why do that when you can put TWO mattresses in her pool?!!!!


Lmfao op is trash but this is not a personal army request you summerfag

what makes u think i know annyone with the monny to have a pool

Fucking her daughters

Ok, fine. No pool.
Get 3 pigs, paint the numbers 1, 3, and 4 on them. Then release them into her house. She'll go crazy because it takes a crane to get them out.

You write like you're gross

old, think of some new shit

You sound like an edgy spoiled little bitch. The world doesn't revolve around you.

Put superglue on her toilet seat. Usually takes a crane to get her off.

tell the cops that your dad molested (probly tru) then he goes to jail and you never have to see this lady again

All of the fags telling this neet, disgusting human being that he should fuck the lady's daughter are delusional. I bet a girl wouldn't even approach op

Everything but the first one is just you being a whiney megacuck, as for the first one your dad is the one responsible for cheating on your mom so fuck with him not the bitch he is fucking.

try harder

Get some friends (yeah, I know /b, just go with it), everyone shit in a bag. Set it on fire on her porch. Usually takes a crane to put it out.

i did not know there were peaple with common sence and ethics on Sup Forums, fuck off please

Stay up all night folding 1000 origami cranes. Unload all of them in her bathtub. Piss all over them. Usually takes a crane to clean it out.

sit your dad down. tell him to sack up and get with someone better. if he hears you, awesome. if he doesn't and wants to make a big fight about it, leave.

its his motherfucking life. even if he decided to be with the worst bitch ever, that's his call. if you really want to be a real man stop trying to manipulate people and situations. leave and find a better one for yourself.

>1: she is fucking my dad (he is stil together with my mom)
Who gives a shit? How about you mind your own god damn business and let the adults figure it out?

>2: she is a cunt
But why? Examples. Give us some green text stories or something. You're here for OUR entertainment, not the other way around.

>3: why not?
Mostly because you're not providing all the info we need to properly brainstorm. Also you sound like a twat. A little bit.

>4: christians, fuck christians
Indeed. But also it's not like she's forcing you to go to church. Or is she? Fuck if we know because you're not telling us anything.

>5: she is a cunt
I'm starting to believe you're the cunt in this situation.

Help us help you, you cunt-twat.

Then drown her in it.

sure is underage B& in here

1: also my life
2: the cunt is trying to play me and my dad out against eatchother, she told me and it is working
3: fun
4:preachy as fuck, of te if u dont repent u go to hell kind
5: i am a cunt as well, fight fire with fire

tryed that, did not do annything
also my life, and manipulating is what i do and what i am good at

getting better, keep trying

>Since when is fucking somebody illegal?
When you're 32 and she's 9 but consenting.

Shitty answers. Maybe you'll have a better perspective on things after you graduate 7th grade next year.

Park three crane lifts in her yard labeled 1, 3, and 4. She'll go crazy because it'll take a crane to remove them.

Shut thefuck up befor i come for you nex!

You should crash your car into her house to show her you mean business.

What makes you think i hav a car

i dont have a car, but good plan

What makes you think yo have a car?

How bout installing the hidden cam, record them bangin' then blackmail dad to end it and blackmail her to bang you. Which you also record


>so the whore my dad is fucking atm

Move out of your dads basement and get your shit together.

op here, i have good skills when it comes to locks and survailence equipment, i am pretty shure i can get into her house without leaving traces

Hiw about approaching her in the public and say what you have in front of witnesses. No threats and stuff. Just solve it mano a womano.

nice, now this is stuf i can work with

did that a long time ago, that is also why i have to go to court

if breaking in then send an email to the white house from her comp saying: You dead nigger! Long live the KKK!

>blackmail dad to end it and blackmail her to bang you.

>They go to the police and tell them you filmed them having sex without them knowing.
>Your soon to be step-mom won, you're now in jail.

Teah and you have your dad in checkmate, video and all, and you bang his whore for sport. WHILE WORKING TOWARDS HER DAUGHTER!

good plan, althow in my country everyone is pissed at isis, they dont give a fuck about the clan

Cool beans but they gotta prove it. And recording stored in a disposable cell while original is on a stick in a safe location does the trick. Cell you grind after it served its purpose. They can visit the Pope, not only cops

filming is not illegal in the netherlands, blackmail is, but u can work around that

>filming is not illegal in the netherlands
Are you sure about that?
Secretly filming other people while they are having sex.
Sounds like a common sense thing to have illegal.

Your dad is not getting what he is paying for. Typical cuntgina defending useless slag.

nope, the government is working on the revnge porn bill, but it will not be up for a vot for nother year or so, it is the same law as securrity camera's, its stil legal

>revnge porn bill

It would not be revenge porn, the video would be filmed without the knowledge of the people that are being filmed.

Fuck atheism

Also, sage

Put a crane in her pool, it'll attract more cranes and she'll never get them out.

makes no legal diference

filming and posting without consent or them knowing is legal, your recording divice, your video

installing the divice and blackmail are illegal

btw, installing the divice is legal if invited in, (when not breaking house peace) and i dont think the cunt wil let me in to her house

>Learn to spell
