Hey Sup Forums what are some good games to get during the steam sale? Looking to spend $50 or less

Hey Sup Forums what are some good games to get during the steam sale? Looking to spend $50 or less

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>any Dark Souls

rocket league

Hyper Light Drifter is great, on sale for 16 bucks

dark souls 1, dont fuck with 2, then possibly 3

Any bioshock if you haven't already. Outlast. Darksouls.

Not on sale but VA-11 HALL-A.
Waifu bartending, cyborg cat girls, and mixing drinks.

Looked at my library. You can also sink many ours in
>Fallout New Vegas
>Shadow of Mordor
>Binding of Isaac
>Left 4 Dead 2
>Garry's mod

Already have Bioshock 1, 2 and infinite, should I get Dark Souls 3? Been looking into that a little

Yea, I've played it for a 55hours. I only completed the game on ONE character. There's a lot of ways to play it. I've only played as Pyro/knight. You can easly spend 100+ hours

get dark souls not fucking dark souls 3

Yup get it.


Female Protagonist 2.0 Bar 2.0 Bisexual Protagonist 2.0 Cyberpunk 2.0
looks ok. Cheaper on gog.

People following the DS2 Shitstorm...
Even if it was the "worst" Darksouls game, it was still one fucking awesome game, especially since the DLC was well made

i just picked up CS:GO for only $4 lol.

Clannad is at 50%. The tears are worth every penny.

Get Witcher 2 and 3. Both fucking amazing. During sales Witcher 2 is at about 2€

Already got Witcher 2, how much better is 3?

Yeah, the protagonist was kinda eh for me, I would've preferred a more cool (male) bartender. But hey, yuri and waifus go together like hotdog and bun.
And by how much?

>And by how much?
1€ here, +0.70€ of credit (because of regional pricing).

Witcher 3 got better Sidequests, better mainstory, better world design but the fighting is simplified, animations in fight don't look nearly as juicy. But hell, I sunk 200+ hours into it without problems, and the 2nd dlc is great

I bet you won't buy me a witcher 3?
I'm from Poland so I'm obligated to play it.

torrent it

sorry but this isn't a beg thread m8

Ok fair enough

I am like bottom-tier of what you can expect people to be here moneywise. Torrent it - guy has the right idea

I will buy it instead I'm not a poorfag just want to see if beging on Sup Forums work.

there will probably be a beg thread up sometime, try your luck there if you don't wanna buy

How very polish of you

>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.

Yep We all are curious

>Hey Sup Forums what are some good games to get during the steam sale? Looking to spend $50 or less
Buy the Valve Complete Pack, it has all valve games for like $30.

Other than that the sales are mostly complete shit this year.

well shit call the cyber police

Did they add CS:GO to the pack yet?


Here's the store page, $31.73 to be exact.

>Did they add CS:GO to the pack yet?

Just look for bundles


That's $4.37 for 21 games.

Not sure if anything but Half Life Titles, CS:GO and L4D Titles are worth playing anyway though
Like Day of Defeat and that crap

>That's $4.37 for 21 games.
I'm not looking for cheap, I looking for not shit.

I'd say Witcher 3 and Valve Complete and yer happy for the rest of the year. But only if you don't own Valve games, they don't give you copies of what you already own if I remember right

If you like Civilization's than go for it

Well, cs, portal, l4d and hl make up most of the titles in the pack. The others are at least worth experiencing.

There's most likely one in there that you will like...

Dark souls 3 is the shit mang

What I got
>Payday 2 (with DLCs)
>American Truck Simulator

>Collection of dead meme games

>>Payday 2 (with DLCs)
Good choices.

>>American Truck Simulator
Not so much, but that's just my opinion...

Also, take a look at borderlands, there's a relatively cheap bundle store.steampowered.com/bundle/257/
It sadly contains pre-sequel but no bl2 DLCs.
There are some good packs on here store.steampowered.com/app/49520/

You're stupid, shit tons of people still play rust and pd2 gets content updates all the fucking time


Just get yourself a fucking job instead of spamming this shit you faggot.

Insulting anons with no ID works great eh

>You're stupid, shit tons of people still play rust and pd2 gets content updates all the fucking time
just ignore him lol

What are you trying to say?

Indeed, we touched an open nerve, let us get back on track

Borderlands 2 is a safe bet. 3 out of 4 DLC's are neat, The hunting one is not worth it though.
And abstain from BL1, it's more like a tech demo. Was awesome to show what they could do befor BL2, but as soon as that one came out BL1 became kind of Obsolete

steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198149439832/wishlist Please

Attila Total War (it's like 12.50 CDN) or Rome 2 total war (it's 17 CDN) both games have thousands of hours of game play not to mention hundreds or thousands of mods that greatly increase the game.

no piss off

If anybody gifts me mount and blade warband or ccities skylines ill drop some good steam keys (or give them to you)

Fallout NV, Fallout 3, or Fallout 4

leave. this isn't a begging thread.

I heard Fallout 4 wasn't good, how much better/worse than NV is it?