Make polls on here

>make polls on here
>sometimes don't even get 1 vote and have to tryhard to get over 100 votes

>attempt to see a generic stupid "gayemr" camwhore to see what this shit is about
>they easily have over 1000 votes with no effort and for existing


...maybe i should leave and become a camwhore cancer...

Other urls found in this thread:

What are you talking about my friend

Please do and send link plz

>Please do and send link plz


>What are you talking about my friend

i mean like i'll make a thread or a poll or or a thing something and get little to not response... yet they get a huge response with no effort and existing...

>make polls on here

>Please do and send link plz

>>make polls on here

thank you

famous hack

>based retard
sorry, it posted before I typed it all

>>based retard
>sorry, it posted before I typed it all

y-you too...

>famous hack

y-you too...

I understand what you mean but because they have people who watch their cam shows so their polls will get advertised in a way because of that

>I understand what you mean but because they have people who watch their cam shows so their polls will get advertised in a way because of that

but there we had people who watched our threads so our polls got "advertised" or seen in a way because of that as well... it seems like it's a lot less now or like no 1 is here and everyone is there now or something, i guess...

in addition to that camwhores are worshiped and advertised on here for free so they make even more money for being cancer... meanwhile actual chemo here is actually fought against and everyone is self-destructive and attacks eachother... they attack eachtoher and everything they try to do for the lol's... but they advertise and worship and basically give money to cancer for free... that's sad...

I agree friend camwhores seen to be worshipped as gods on the Internet when all they do is strip and beg for money. Although I guess they may be nice people and in the end they are just trying to make a living

>I agree friend camwhores seen to be worshipped as gods on the Internet when all they do is strip and beg for money. Although I guess they may be nice people and in the end they are just trying to make a living

being a female has nothing to do with camwhoring... being a camwhore was synonymous with being an attentionwhore with a webcam but nobody remembers it... i'm the last survivor...also putting in no effort and existing is not making a living... that's why i'm very disappointed in everyone and the internet for failing to call it out and fight against it... since everyone supports it and i'm the only 1 fighting against it... i'm the last survivor... why bother... i should become cancer...

lol kill yourself niggot

lol kill yourself niggot

Friend I can't understand why you hate camwhores so much. Is it because they just get paid to masterbate and are held on a pedestal for no reason.

What are you? Gay?

>What are you? Gay?

y-you too...

>Friend I can't understand why you hate camwhores so much. Is it because they just get paid to masterbate and are held on a pedestal for no reason.

doing lewd things like has nothing to do with camwhoring... again being a camwhore just means being an attentionwhore with a webcam... in addition the implication that camwhores are paid is wrong... they were not paid... they were only ostracized and made fun of... cancer was ostracized and made fun of... much like chemo is now... that's sad...

i suppose in addition to that it's sad that everyone who types here praises camwhores while fighting against themselves and the things they make themselves. instead of at least attacking and destroying actual cancer instead of the chemo within eachother. only because they're easier targets and they get banned by camwhores so they worship and advertise them for free so camwhores can amke even more money for no effort and existing. while attacking their own users because they're not banned for it. like predictable prodded sheep. cowards. sheep. cattle. animals. they act like animals. so they are treated like animal.. that's why everything is shi.. you made it sh... enjoy your cancer. enjoy your aids.

fuck it. i'll become cancer now. owned .xDDDDDDd.

>lol kill yourself niggot

y-you too...

well let me tell you something, making videos is not something easy, it takes time, even if all you do is stupid shit, sometimes that stupid shit takes 20 or 30 takes, not only that but you need at least a little bit of talent and lots of carisma to do that shit.

if your polls are not that popular try doing something else, a blog or something it will take time and effort but if you want anything some good attention you need to put effort into it, dont just cry to yourself and surrender without even trying

also if you are a girl post tits with timestamp and we will tell you if being a camwhore will actually work for you
if you are a guy...well good luck thinking.

well let me tell you something, making videos is too something easy, it takes no time, even if all you do is stupid shit, that is still stupid shit even if it is stupid shit 20 or 30 times which it's not, not only that but you need absolutely no talent and no carisma to do that shit.

nothing's popular here that actually has relatively "talent" and "carisma" - as opposed to cancer, they should do a blog or something instead of camwhoring but if they want anything some good attention you need to put effort into it instead of camwhoring, dont just cry to yourself and surrender without even trying

also if you are cancer go back to aol chat faggot and i will tell you if being an user will actually work for you
if you are a cancer...well good luck existing.