I told the story of how I date raped a girl 4 years ago in college...

I told the story of how I date raped a girl 4 years ago in college. It turns out I very much enjoyed telling the story for the first time and hearing the reactions and I'd like to share it again if anyone is interested.

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lets hear it

It's only been 4 months Brock get your shit straight

I'm in

Who the fuck is Brock?


spill the beans boy

What the fuck is that?



dis gon b gud

This green text better be

OP is an foogêrar confirmed

meh, not really

i bet your breath smells like cum


what the fuck is a sonic

Let's hear it!

Dislike this video and talk about how great Hitler was.


Ok here ya go.
I met this girl while hanging out with some mutual friends at a Buffalo Wild Wings. She was cute... short and thin white girl with small tits but not a supermodel or anything. Freshman so about 18 or 19. We didn't even really talk much that night but I added her on Facebook later and said hi so we started talking a bit. It turns out she was really cool and we had a lot in common. We talked and flirted and eventually she started meeting me for lunch a few days a week at a little food place by my dorm. I really liked her but of course being a 20 year old male I really wanted to fuck her but I was taking it slow a bit. So one day I invited her to lunch and then a movie in my dorm after. I had made up my mind that we were gonna fuck so I made it really cold in there all day so when we finally sat on the sofa to watch I got us a blanket and we kind of cuddled under it together. I tried to be as smooth as I could, holding her hand, working my arm around her, etc. Toward the end of the movie I kissed her cheek and told her I was glad she came over and stuff. We started kissing for real and it was nice so naturally I started running my hand up her side and started going up under her bra. That's when she stopped kissing me and was like hey I'm sorry I like you but I just think it's too soon for that I really don't want to right now I'm sorry yada yada. So I stopped for a second but my dick was already throbbing and I just decided I didn't want to stop. I knew it wasn't the right thing to do but I figured if I just kept pushing it a bit she would go along with it. So I pushed my weight on her until she was laying down and started rubbing my hand on her back stomach and up under her bra again. She started squirming hard and using her hands to try to push mine out but I just held her pinned there and kept on. She said stuff like no, stop a few times but was mostly quiet after that and was just fighting against me as best she could. Cont??

You're a faggot.


Fuck greentext what's wrong with a normal fucking story?

greentext is for faggots

>hard to read
>boring af

This isn't literotica new friend

cont faggot

You're having a fucking laugh right?

Yes,continue :')


This cunt

Um greentext you dickhead?
>I'm not reading that



You should lurk more before you post bud

What you faggots dropped out of 2nd grade? You don't know how to read unless the lines are separated and the color is bright? Do you need pop up pictures too? Goddamn our education system is a fucking failure.

Checkd and leave faggot

Continue, asshole! Don't keep me waiting

that's the custom here

this whole thread was shit from start to finish

Is this your first day?

So at that point I awkwardly pull down my jeans and her yoga pants and panties until her hairy pussy is showing. I remember the feeling of my hard dick pushing against her warm hairy pussy and I started kind of grinding on top of it. I pushed her shirt and bra up until one of her tits was out and like licked and sucked it for a second but it was all really hard to coordinate with her moving and squirming plus I was just thinking I need to get this done before she decides to scream a loud woman scream or something. So I put some spit on my dick and pushed it into her pussy real slow. That's when she started crying and saying no again which got my adrenaline pumping and I almost just blew the load right there. It was weird though because I felt bad too... I mean we had been friends for a while and I did really like her. But I wasn't stopping now without cumming so I pushed maybe 6 or 7 times in and out real good while she cried uncontrollably. I remember I had my right hand on her waste holding it down and my left arm across her chest holding that part down. My face was pressed against her face and I could feel the wetness if her tears as they came down and head her struggling to get air. It was really surreal. So after pushing a few times I pulled out and let myself go on her stomach. I laid there for quite a while and said "sorry" then got up and went to the bathroom. I cleaned my dick and brought some toilet paper and wiped my cum off her stomach for her. She was still crying but got dressed. I just kind of looked at her not knowing how to feel and said "I'm sorry please don't tell anybody". She just said "whatever can I just go now" as if I was gonna attack her again or something. I let her go of course and we never talked to each other again. I waited for months to be arrested any day but it never happened. I've tried to keep up with her and I often wonder how it affected her but I really don't know.

I love watching newfags get raped on Sup Forums for their first time

>start over
>or fuck off

>be me
>hate OP and wishing he will die.

You're a fucking faggot. You literally told this story 2 hours ago.


what college OP? or state even? sounds crazy familiar to someone i know

and you've been thinking about contacting her but don't wanna look like a stalker, blah, blah.

Rape is ok, stalking is not, makes sense. Kys


Louisiana is the state. Not LSU.

So no one wanted to hear your lame rape story the first time.

Still waiting on that texto verdo you pussyhole

tulane/loyola yeah?

Nope neither.


i honestly believe i know her and you too lol.

Cough up the green text you punk ass trick

This will come full circle you filthy nigger.

Get it over with and kys now.

Guess my name and I'll tell you if you're right. I have a relatively unique name so if you don't know me you won't be able to guess it.

doxx his ass

Dick Faggotson?

Nigger Lover

Maybe it will I don't know. I do feel bad about it from time to time.


Look here you swine cunt, start over and greentext or get the fuk out k

your story is kinda cute until the part where you rape her
if you had just waited a few weeks you probably could of fucked her more than once

well before i make my guess was it definitely 4 years ago? i wanna say this was 2013. what state was the girl from?

Kys, the end.

>freshman in college
>4 years ago

Statue of limitations. Watch yourself faggot.

>You don't know how to read unless the lines are separated
you can't into paragraphs, so one line per sentence is the next best thing.

sage because op is a shit

Yea I have thought about that for years. If I had stopped myself in that moment we likely would have kept seeing each other and I could've had consentual sex with her all I wanted. I regretted it not only for what I did but for the relationship I ruined. I'll never know how it would have went now so oh well.

I seriously hope you die. You're a nigger, aren't you?


nigger detected

sage goes in all fields.

Don't forget the freedoom.

From now on I'm exclusively writing without greentext because it's apparently a good way to separate the grown ups from the illiterate whiney faggots who are too retarded to read.

Nigger don't ignore me, greentext or suicide; pick

He doesn't even know who Brock is

You won't live to see 30.

It was 2012 fall semester late in the year. She's from Louisiana as well.


lrn2CRLF newfag

>is just sad he can't do it

No I'm white.

>exclusively writing

WOW. You are the biggest faggot.



Why yes, I do carry it in a wheelbarrow


Whatever, you're a filthy nigger to all of us now

Don't really care.

Omg that's a classic rape story. Millions of sluts have been fucked exactly like that. You don't fucking know him or the girl faggot.

He probably doesn't but I'm willing to him guess. Maybe he knows her and she's told people. Makes me wonder.


It would appear as though he thinks your name is Sage, is that correct?

Is ur name moot?? xDDD lmao

Yea I guess so I hadn't seen that. It's not sage.

... God Damn newfag.

Follow instructions for free sexual offfender register card.


You know I really miss Heaven. That dude kept this place clean and the newfags in their place. Fuck Moot for killing him.