My little brothers 18 year old girlfriend has never seen Sup Forums before.. do your worst

my little brothers 18 year old girlfriend has never seen Sup Forums before.. do your worst


tit's or gtfo

Pic related?



No idea what the big deal is. We're just some normal people enjoying some Timmy's

Georgia O'Keefe pls go

Do you fuck her or something?

I recognize that Timmy's, that looks like the board walk

that's right
no idea who that guy is, tho
no idea why I even have that pic

good enough?

Top of the mornin' to ya, newfriend.

You never stated if they're here now, you know.

webm of you two fucking pls

Spit roast her with lil bro


Hey buddies check out this funny skeleton!

Nice try, fag. But if there's s femanon present we demand tits

Post her tits or GTFO

No mentioned this was a fap thread

A..a girl? Post her bewbs

OP is a fag


Welcome to Sup Forums. This is a community largely dedicated to anime and other hobbies. It has a nasty reputation due to some actions taken by some users back 10 years ago, but those days of hacktivism are over. Sup Forums is largely porn these days, but I would encourage you to look into the various other hobby boards we have.

Making sure he's good n dead

>Sup Forums is largely trap cuck fucktards these days

Like I said, porn.

Tits n' timestamp
Then, give us her FB and we will show our worst.

Actually not really porn all the time, usually just gore, feels, and other shit. There's porn, yeah, but there's always shit that pops up that's different. Just gotta dig in the catalog


Post more tits OP!

Da Faq kinda weak ass representation or Sup Forums is this bulllllllllllllshit, there summer kids?????

Fucking newfags

>DOMS Help me out on dis one
>Im smashed
>Desu you there?

Fucking kiddies XD

>You want Sup Forums huh?

Let me clue you in...OP posted a thinly veiled Personal Army Request. Fuck that guy. It's why the rest of us have mostly ignored his request.


>I fucking love Sup Forums

Dude im throwing all kindsa shit.....there is now army here.

>Im an army of "1" but just having fun......showing the good and bad
>DAMN IT DOM!!!! Can't you just play?

You must be the boring "1"

>Learn to smile


Oh you're so edgy and cool.
Wow, I'm so impressed, you must surely be an adult.


is her name brena ?

And the carried the reminder of every glove that laid him down or cut him till he cried out, in his anger and his shame " i am leaving, i am leaving." But the fighter still remains

whhy did john wayne have to die



is he ok



literally KEK'ed














sup faggot


did he survive?





These worms are pretty good fried.

i guess i'll stop. original poster is probably trying to bone his bros gf like he was saying by now

shit im eating dinner so ill start off easy plus if real >girl post her tits




