Greentext ylyl thread

>greentext ylyl thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Ayy lmao tard one here








anybody here?


I work at Subway atm. That's fucking golden. I was cringing as soon as I read it was on honey oat.











Every time this one gets me at least a little past my suicidal tendencies






Not quite greentext but hilarious anyway






am I the only motherfucker keeping this thread alive

confuckingtribute faggots






Lost at the fuckinf picture



fuck off with your tard stories. fucking boring and lame

then you post something, you whiner










when you win a ylyl


Nah, i'm fine with just whining

Gets me all the time. also, checked

No greentext but I just wana post this cause fuck you

Hey fuck you too nigger

>taking not receiving
fucking nigger



bumping so someone else will dump more


>playing Cities Skylines
>build a city to learn how to play
>city becomes fucked 4 hours down the road because of traffic congestion
>Emergency vehicles can't get anywhere so buildings burn down
>crime rate goes up
>dead people everywhere
>build a dam to purposely flood the town for shits and giggles
>start going around the city looking at all the residences complaining about everything in the town
>this one fucking residence
>pic related

I kek'd

Very recent one from Sup Forums.

disjointed conversation on /tg/

piss off faggot, tard stories are the best












Infinite Kekfare


better format


Straight spawn killing right there.



you've seriously never heard the term tard guards before?

fucking christ how new are you

I just want to point out that that thread lasted over an hour after he said his dad would be home soon and he ostensibly took pictures of his display but couldn't take a picture of the welding magnet his dad ostensibly had. I think it was a troll.



>using ostensibly twice

stop trying to sound smart faggot





Good God almighty.


