Thoughts on my sister?

Thoughts on my sister?


would destroy with penis

post nudes

would cum on her teeth


Don't have them, nor do I know if she even has them


10/10 would cum on

Adorable, love the freckles


I would fuck that sissy spaysick looking bitch so hard the slaps of my fat guts on her tiny ass would break windows for fifty miles

I would love to be your future brother in law. What kind of panties does she usually wear? Does she stain them pretty bad?

Are you Chris Chann, because holy fuck she looks like Chris Chann.


11/10 Ultimate cutie

Just a question: Is her surname Biro?


Want to know what her undies and bras are like next. Do you have access to them? Ty


take some

I guarantee she's taken a load to the tits while wearing this


post nudes

MOAR with partial boobage!

Rape her, cut head off, fuck neck hole. Repeat on "sibling".

Tits of gtfo.


Is she older or younger than you?

thanks! she's hot. what's the most revealing pic you have of her?

2 years younger, shes 18

I've already posted it unfortunately

What's her personality like? Is she smart?

very smart, very shy

damn. Go take some more lol

Are you from a well off family? Does she ever want for money or things?

I'll find some more bruh

I'd say I'm fortunate why?

Want those top teeth lightly scraping the top of my cock.

I am, how the hell did you...

What do you think of my sister?

Hrm, nevermind then. She won't be easy enough to lure for me to bother.

She looks very sweet. She's gonna make your future bro in law very happy. And she'll probably pump kids out before you.

It's hard to tell bro. Any nudes?


Tits or gtfo


What brand of panties does she usually wear? Please respond.

pink, now quit it

>posting online in a complete sexual fantasy thead
>the height of your ambition is still to be a creeper who can't get laid

In all seriousness, work on your self esteem.

I just want to see her feet, man

OP here, this^^^

Does she like My Little Pony and if she does, who is her favourite pony? (Mine is Scootaloo btw)

She likes Applejack

Personally I like Vinyl Scratch

Man I wish I had some but here's a better look at her cleavage. I really want to see her get fucked to the point where if you live near me I would try to arrange something like letting the door open at night

I'd land a plane on those massive teeth

Are you still answering questions about your sister? Please

She's gonna get blacked in college.

please tell me we can see those tits

OP, does your sister have a kik? What is it?

OP here, thats not me

Stop with the creepy questions

Please respond or I will hack you, what does her hair smell like?

Where does she live?

I'll look

Do you have any pictures of her feet?

Houston, TX

i don't smell her hair man

Creampie pics?

Sorry. Okay a non-creepy question? Hmm... what school does she go to? (Don't have to say which one, just the zip code)


Damn, I would destroy that

>this projection

Are you dumb?

Sorry I wasn't clear, that was an offer to make some

>dem horse teeth

Why not? It seems like a playful thing brother and sister might do during a playfight.


This is pretty tame for a Sup Forums thread

Thank you. What time does she normally leave school and does she walk or get collected by car/bus?

stop with the newfagging




OP, I need to know what her hair smells like so I can accurately simulate what it's like to hold her in my arms using my pillow.

Haha you got dubs but seriously though, answer the question.

All I know is she uses peach scented shampoo

Dunno if that's you OP, but to add to the creepinesss of this thread, I work at Beverly/San Vicente.

she goes at 7

Please OP, you have to answer the questions of people in this thread.

>calls user creepy
>posting pics of his own little sister on an anonymous image board


I would love to see that lol I kinda had it figured out too

She showers a lot? Does she get really sweaty sometimes or just sweats a normal amount?

Dumb to fill that pussy with my cum

she showers in the morning like everyone else

Do you have any pictures of when she was younger? Not in a sexual way, just for fun. lol

All these fucking weird ass questions. The hell does it take to get you weirdos off


Oh so maybe after school if she had gym class she'd come home really sweaty and give you a hug?


No luck with the feet?

Hey OP, I'm new to this thread and wanted to know how soft your sisters skin is?