Hey Sup Forums, how do you guys hide the smell of weed?

Hey Sup Forums, how do you guys hide the smell of weed?
>In b4, "I don't"

i dont

I dont

Carbon filter if your growing, smoking it and your fucked
If I get dubs you eat your stash faggot


I dont


I dont

Light an incense stick and febreeze, its what i do in my apartment.

Juniper bushes.

I don't

1. dryer sheet/cardboard roll (paper towel/toilet paper roll) filter

2. don't be a worthless pothead manchild and get your own house.

Trips and you throw it all away

if its in ur room open the window turn the fan on and use febreeze. if it is just lying around use a ziplock. if on clothes use cologne.

why the fuck would you want to do that?

I use industrial strength air fresheners (like the kind they use in hotels and shit) and burn high grade incense from Dubai, not that cheap-ass stick incense.

I love smoking weed but it's becoming more obvious everyday that it is hindering me from becoming the best individual that I can be

it's difficult to grow as a person or put my mind to work when I'm in a constant haze

Can confirm the towel roll stuffed with dryer sheets as an exhale filter.

Keep a dead skunk in a sack nearby.

I came to this realization too. Now I feel guilty when I smoke if it's not me getting smoked up at a friend's place. Even having here is a crutch. I don't know what happened, I used to be able to get my work done and then enjoy it afterwards. Now if I have it I'll use it as an excuse to ignore my work.

Could always buy an Aoyue 486. Might work, never tried blowing smoke into mine, but it works quite well for flux vapors.

no smell vaporizer. I store all of my non grinded up stuff in a mason jar


Just don't do drugs you fucktards. Have fun being 25 and suffering from psychosis.


wut, i couldnt here u over all this psychocis

put it in socks for storage

Organic bio-filters.

litearlly for a small closest sized system, say 2x4x8 space. it would cost you like 5,000 dollars in HVAC and filters n' shit.

With 40ks of space around me

Alternately, I used to stuff a cardboard tube from a paper towel roll with dryer sheets, and crinkle the end that the smoke comes from. Then I'd exhale through that.

Smoking weed is stupid just live your life sober and stop pretending to be 12

i dont have to. however, i smoke an extract that doesnt really smell like weed but it has the terpenes and such that make all the difference

No joints/spliffs allowed due to lingering wasted smoke , pull bongs and clear them properly , blow out the window, job done

the dryer sheet paper towel tube w a one hitter is the weed ninja's greatest weapon

Deoderant bottle. Hides the smell really well.

Fuck off dude, no one thinks you're cool.