My gf thinks reddit goes harder than Sup Forums....prove her wrong

My gf thinks reddit goes harder than Sup Forums....prove her wrong.

tits or gtfo

we're not your save white man

Tits or gtfo

Tits or gtfo

I'm not a chick so go fuck yourself.


Tits or get out u fag

Fucking little cry baby bitch go fuck yourself op u look like a fag


Post her tits before ever asking a favor again you pleb

timestamp, tits or gtfo
otherwise go to a rekt thread pussy

Tits or gtfo op

7/10 would kill and rape.


Glad you found someone who is clearly just as big of a spaz as you

I'm not a female you newfag fuck. I do not have to post tits or timestamp.

OP here! look what i can fit up my arse!


you can be one in this day and age.
tits or gtfo

ur gf's tits or gtfo

Your trap gf of course. Give it up op

Op here. That's more like it....

tits... or gtfo

Have a matrix Peepee :-D

boobs or out

I can't go hard anymore.

Lost. Wheres the nipples OP?


do not trust the kike you must meet him with gas

You can tell she's not happy with you. She probably wishes you would post her tits and live a little instead of giving her that shrimp dick every other night you get drunk and build up the courage to make a move, hoping you'll last longer than 10 minutes for once before you awkwardly bust inside your shitty oversized durex super slims

lol typical. Niggers can only think about chicken.


no u

>Sup Forums

post your gf's tits or gtfo faggot


NYPA, tits or gtfo.

False. No one on Sup Forums has significant others.


I don't really feel like it fam


So many summerfags. Where has my Sup Forums gone. Promise no one in this thread can even triforce.

Sup Forums, where people have just given up.

Milk delivery system, maybe you'll consider leaving this homely place?


>imblying anyone gives the slightest aerial fuck about about anything your udderborn cock socket has to say about anything at all, ever.

post her tits or fuck off.


Wow this pic is patently photoshopped and racist. Please remove it. A nigger could never afford this much fried chicken.

Holy fuck

Your failure to grasp the English language is offensive. Go lick your cum sock.

gonna need sauce user.


Damn you've done well for yourself despite looking like an inbred Appalachian

is that Jack jickolson before his cosmetic surgery?





Hi OP's girlfriend.








Can we see her tits?


Op is a faggot
