What does /b do for a living?

What does /b do for a living?

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Teaching middleschool in biology and geohraphy

I sell solar powerplants

Lay in bed and wait to die

flight instructor

your mum

Researcher in Neuroscience.

town rapist

Currently a grad student with a stipend, plus I do some teaching/tutoring on the side.

Welfare and protest.

>shit job
>no prospects
>no concentration to learn anything
>shit job until death



Sounds like shit.

I go to public toilets on a lunch time & get fucked or give bj's I'm a male a straight male by the way.Honestly 95% of the men that fuck me or want me are married men plus the vast majority are either policemen,magistrates,solicitors
Councillors & other men dealing in law & laws.Also most driving instructors who are married like a good bumming as well.I live in Newcastle upon Tyne my gf & my mates no nothing about what I do for a living but the minimum I earn a week is £1,500 I drive a very good car & live in an affluent part of town.I have lots of spare time to keep in shape.I prefer getting fucked to giving bj's as I must admit I'm starting to like it.

I work in graphics/print center.
We mostly print books and power points for students from usb sticks.
I work there for almost a year for 3.66$/hour.
My boss thinks he saved my life... Will quit my job in September, I guess I will go to college. Im 23 btw.

Did you leave a 1 out, or are you just in some shit country?

Truck driver

Actually when I converted Croatian kunas to dolars i just realised i earn 2.95$ per hour.


Oh no.jpg

I shift manage a Pizza Hut on a military base for $11 and some change. I do some delivery driving, and earn a little over $10 whether I'm on or off the road. Get about 30-39 hours per week. Going to college to hopefully get a career that makes me some real money to support my family with.

i work in a shitty sweaty warehouse stacking aluminum with mexican felons

i've been off work for 2 weeks, have another week off and i've done nothing and know i'll do nothing about bettering my situation

poor memory and bad health have basically decided my life for me

I'm a delicatessen and yes it's as gay as it sounds.

Receiving clerk here
I've met your kind

Why is it that everytime one of these threads pop up you Croats always come up in here posting about how you are all working as slave labour for some god damn printing shop or fucking border outpost. Man, fuck Croatia. Come to the U.S. and bring your hot sisters and a case of Slivovitz.

Stop complaining. There are plenty of people in objectively worse situations than you who make something of themselves.

>$17 / hour
>old boss moved to corporate, tells me there's a job for 70k/year
>out in Texas
>seriously considering it

What college / major?

Why not? Texas is shit, but at least most places have a really low cost of living. 70k would go a long way.

Texas = temp agencies. But yeah if you can find something beyond that it's great

Registered Nurse. Marine Corps veteran.

that tickled me

Don't want to leave the family yet, mom's in not great shape. Drinks are super cheap apparently and working in the offices is much easier. I can then go into making 100k+ in the next 5-10 years and move back to the local corporate offices when they merge.

Just have to decide about family.

I worked at petco for about 3 weeks. I really dug it and they wanted to promote me due to past experience but i decided not to stay since im going to be having a kid and want my pto to hang with my kid before leaving my current job and looking for a career

Computer science. Haven't decided on what I want to do with it yet. Network administration, cyber security, etc. I used to learn and mess around with coding in my free time when I was in high school.

I'm a student, second year of a three years formation in finance stuff.

Ahh, boring.

We'll good luck.

Shitty IT support job till I start compsci degree in september

Sports Department at Wally World. Only place in the store I'll work in.


Financial Manager for a too big bank

>sucks dick and has butt sex
>likes it
>thinks he's straight


You work in a prison? Better get that shiv out of that cell m8.

I do nothing, I am on ssi and try to make money on the side when I can.
Now every self righteous person here is going to chew into me.
>inb4 boot straps

Assistant Manager at Wally World.

we all do that

Plot twist: They are actually a woman who thinks there a man, and therefore, actually straight.

IT Administrator

Militaryfag reporting in

Fucks your mother.

Why don't you do anything?

Do you like doing nothing? What's next?

Shit user I'm 22 and work at Wal-Mart. I exercise and hang out with friends. Can't even manage my money well enough to save up for a vehicle. We all have problems

Corrections Officer reporting in

Haha I'd never make the jump to manager at my Wal-mart. Hell I wouldn't even go DM. Not worth the extra responsibility for the little pay bump



Wedding photographer. I quite enjoy it.

Aircraft mechanic in the Luftwaffe

Unix admin. My job will be nonexistent soonish.

Municpal Code Enforcement Officer. Kinda like a cop but I tell people to mow their lawns and get rid of the shitty junker cars all over their property instead of actually protecting people or arresting criminals.

Why don't you reply on your whatsapp

Its honestly based on your market. My original store was shit. When I was a CSS I felt like quitting every day with the nignogs wanting to scam us. Now shit is easy as fuck.

Uh-60 crew chief
Lots of aviation people on this thread

Well, the problem started when I was 18 (over a decade ago), and if I got a paycheck I would have to pay for meds which were nearly 1,000 bucks a month. Now that generic brands exist it is down to about 250 a month, which is still a lot. I've settled into being broke, I actually live well, monthly costs of living are down to about 300 a month before gas and food.

I would laugh in your fucking face and just pay the fine or whatever it is. Would be worth it.

It's sad that this is actually a thing. Not a knock on you, rather the scum you have to deal with. I bet you have a few crazy stories, eh?

Most IT jobs are going dead, I feel what it is like to turn into a TV repairman.

Work in a PCB factory in the lamination department.
We make PCBs for the military mostly. Missiles, aircraft, R&D tech type stuff.
Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, BAE, etc.
You'd be surprised how much uncle Sam will pay for a circuit board.

Because fuck u thats why!

Your mother

technical consultant

Cause aviation is fucking awesome

I can't imagine living on 300 a month.

Don't you aspire to anything more than that?

Good luck. I dated a girl who's family wouldn't comply (tall grass/busted cars in the yard), and they couldn't get home owners insurance which led to them defauling. But something tells me you don't have that much to lose.


Professional nignog.


50% of the time I go to the service desk for my returns there is some irate customer blabbing about the most bullshit story you could think of. (yes they are black 90% of the time).

Our stores AP guy is the champ. He degrades these people for stealing it's something you got to see

I'm not saying I'd never do it, of course I'm going to eventually comply, I'm not fucking with the city.

I'm just saying if you walked up to me and tried to enforce something, I'd laugh in your face because you have no power. Go ahead and write me a citation or whatever.

Assistant Crack Whore

professional nipple-twister

Customer service clerk here
I've met your kind

Work for small tech company. Official title is software analyst. End up doing mostly sys admin stuff since we only have one and he get busy. Also do some web design shit cause our one dev is leaving and he doesn't feel like doing anything. Only make 37k a year. My area is super underpaid already but I also have no degree in tech and no certs. Probably quitting in spring. Need to start buying up rental properties and stop sitting in a desk all day. Probably going to start a business too since you can do literally anything and make 37k.

I have a couple websites that make me money so I can work from home. Not a bad gig but it does take a lot of time.

Shopper here
I've met your kind.

i sit at home crying into my pillow while thinking about the one perfect girl who got away, i make $0 an hour

Elementary school custodian. I cum in the teacher's desk and dont give a shit.

Dude that is shit pay, hell I make about 55k and I bet I do less work than you do.. Poor bastard.

Are you 15?

More stories

Is the milk getting double bagged, sir?

I teach philosophy

Yea the pay is shit. Might move to different city since same job pay at least 45-50 in any other place. I should also get some basic certs if I want to stay in IT field since I have none and a poly sci degree. To be fair I don't do much actual work all day though.

Maintanencefag at a hospital

Show pics and time stamp or it doesn't happen.

I do too as a grad student. Where do you teach?

I've been in the IT field for 15 years certs don't mean shit, nor do degrees as long as you know what the fuck you are doing you will always find a job if you impress at the interview.

Well yeah, it's not like I can arrest you for not complying, but people who are polite to me get a lot more leeway before I start issuing fines. If someone's a dick, I give them the bare minimum time required to fix the problem, then I cite and let the court judge handle it from there. In my town the city can fix the problem at your expense if you don't take care of it and put a lien on your property to pay for it if you refuse to.

high school in France. grading essays for the final exam right now, deadline is tomorrow, shouldn't be on Sup Forums